There are at least 4,000 Different Religions on the planet CURRENTLY (with different "God" concepts).
Who knows how many MORE thousands that existed on this planet, before our current era.
For Christianity there are 45,000 DIFFERENT denominations/versions, CURRENTLY.
- Everyone of them thinks their "denomination" is the "Right One"
There are people on this planet that have NEVER heard of the Bible or Jesus/Yeshua etc...
And there are BILLIONS of people who died BEFORE the birth of Jesus/Yeshua.
Every last one of them thought that their "Version" of Religion was the "Correct" one.
This is where the "Confusion" comes from!
Out of 4,000+ different religions, 45,000 Plus Christian Denominations....
Somebody is bound to be "Wrong".
How does anyone determine, which path is "Correct"?
When everyone ALREADY thinks that their version is "Correct".
All of them praying to different "Gods", all seeming getting their prayers answered (or Not).
How does anyone honestly sort through the chaos?
The reality is that where a person is BORN(society, religions introduced), will be the primary dictator of what "Faith" they chose.