Lanisha Cole:""More of our men/artists in the industry should be uplifting us WOC"


Dec 27, 2017
I said this in another thread but here's my problem with this sentiment. Black boys/men are told that we need to uplift black women, but black girls/women are being told to find love no matter the race or gender. So basically the fate of the black community is put in the hands of straight black men, while at the same time were being told that we're toxic and and should be cancelled.

Yes BW be on that wave now why should be BW be only about BM and black men claim their dikk don’t see color and they have no obligation to be with BW. But I don’t see you mention that you only talk about half the story.


Dec 27, 2017
Rappers and athletes do not represent most black men.

That's like saying Nikki Minaj represents black women.

Y'all want guys like Chris B but they don't want y'all.

So instead of attacking for only him for the statement, it's gotta be ALL black men now? including white collar and blue collar well to do men busy building legacy despite the odds. Sigh
This is not only in entertainment I see this in day to day life. I see it on this site, and none of you guys are entertainers.


Dec 27, 2017
I’m not giving a museum tour

Just go state the obvious on reddit or *****, since black women date interracialy so quietly.

Baffles me why y’all date non black men but be up under black male spaces and tryin to tell us what to do.
It baffles me how you guys can see a bunch of men with non black chicks and zero on 1 black girl who is with brad instead of Tyrone and use it as justification for your points. As if you needed that to do what y’all wanted to do anyway


Dec 27, 2017
This is a bold faced lie:martin:

Theres an entire movement hell bent on bringing more black women over to the dark side,predicated on the idea that "all the good black men are dead or in prison,or gay:usure:". Really? All the good black men are in jail and gay? I have yet to see a movement as offensive that shyts on black women in the proccess of nikkas choosing to be bedbucks. Even the so called "pawging" shyt you see on here,doesn't seem to make statements like that to shyt on black women at large. Mind you the "swirler" movement is accepted and you are a racist if you speak against it. No such accepted movement exist among black men.
That has been recently because of BLack women vocally push more black Women to open their dating options and stop complaining about Bm dating out while only exclusively dating them. Before I didn’t know a bunch of these black Women entertainers had white husbands. But black male entertainer you always knew cause they stayed flaunting it.


Dec 27, 2017
The reality ya'll date cacs because of your disdain for black men. Whenever you see a WM/BW pairing you can damn sure bet that it was born out of self hatred. Ya'll ignore all the black men who have never said anything negative about BW, and just zero in on the dumbass celebrities and dusty ass nikkas opinions. I'm willing to bet that the reason why no cac ever offended you, is because like most swirlers you were on your best behavior.

Do bm date non black Women because of their disdain of BW?? What happen to you date who gives you play? Or who you are around, who is actually high quality?

You guys want BW who are in places where BM dont check for them to go for low hanging fruits because they are black, but I don’t see you preach that to your brethren.


Dec 27, 2017
I don't think it's that..but that a black man with status and money is sought after by most races of women
(Haters and c00ns will say otherwise but yes a well off black man is very much desired).

Also I think most black men just find all types of women attractive.

We could talk about most black men being raised in single mother households and maybe that could turn them off from wanting marriage.
Well off man is desired. Doesn’t matter if he is black white or anything.

The difference I find is black men ish on BW for wanting well to do men especially bm but say nothing of non black Women who make their business to get hitched with wealthy men.

I still remember the BW are gold digger movement many BM were on to try to shame BW who don’t want low ambition BM to date but have nothing to say to these non black Women only date wealthy bm.

It’s clear that many bm see BW as low status and low hanging fruit and a lot of these conversations is just social manipulation and social engineering.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
:mjlol: Her and her ex- husband.

Black men need to_______:mjlol:


Tall & Handsome in ATL
Nov 25, 2013
Please tell me someone called her out on her bullshyt.

"Black men need to..." when your ass was getting smutted by pink pig peen. :scust:

Talkin all that shyt while deep down you KNOW she has colorism issues.

fukk outta here wench :camby: The NERVE of these "women" SMH


Mar 11, 2015
That has been recently because of BLack women vocally push more black Women to open their dating options and stop complaining about Bm dating out while only exclusively dating them. Before I didn’t know a bunch of these black Women entertainers had white husbands. But black male entertainer you always knew cause they stayed flaunting it.

Thats because those men were sponsors,consolation prizes who the women settled for. Thats why you never knew black women had "husbands". Women ain't "flaunting" the man they settled for no matter the color. Also I don't know if you can accuse black entertainers for flaunting anything as much as they were just famous and living there lives with white women. Yet and still there was no agenda or vocal push where they told black men to do anything,or encouraged black men to date out,or even expressed what they loved about white women. These god damn swirlers do all of the above to spite the black man. Your only argument is that the movement just started recently as a response to black women being fed up and hurt. You do realize that is actually worst right? Creating a movement to tear black men down and uplift white men out of anger? I'm first to say black men have been degrading the image of the black woman for decades now,but at least that was done in ignorance. You are admitting black women know exactly what they are doing and why,dissapointing:respect:


Mar 11, 2015
Please tell me someone called her out on her bullshyt.

"Black men need to..." when your ass was getting smutted by pink pig peen. :scust:

Talkin all that shyt while deep down you KNOW she has colorism issues.

fukk outta here wench :camby: The NERVE of these "women" SMH

Her white husband is actually a very important part of what she is saying and why she needs to be heard.
Translation is "Black men need to uplift black women so we don't have to sell our soul and fukk these white men as a come up in the industry:mjcry:"
No lies are told there and I agree 100%. Same as straight black men need to uplift other straight black men in the industry so there is no need to cooperate with the gay agenda by playing gay roles,or actually doing gay shyt to get ahead:scust:

Fame is a helluva drug,which is why Hollywood is the play pen for European sexual deviants,as well as black ones who have been turnt out as well.. Its why I said what I said about not wanting black men to bring black women into this industry in its current form. The women will just be treated as brothel workers for the powerful.


Mar 11, 2015
I appreciate the response but none of this deals with my question. You acknowledge that you're not a black feminist who has pledged allegiance to the gay agenda. Neither are the white women who raised the white males who have grown up to be the alt right. Most white women aren't feminists who believe in the gay/tranny agenda. This is why over 50% voted for trump despite trump's "sexism and misogyny", all the media programming, and the fact that a white woman was running against him. White women aren't sabotaging white male masculinity like black women are.

My question is, how do black males being raised by women who believe in the feminist and gay/tranny agendas grow up to be patriarchal leaders who want to provide for and protect black women and children?

Can't really use Trump and Hillary as an example as that could just be proof of many things. One being that white women are still white before they are women/feminist. As well as the other being that Hillary is basically a damn man,and women not liking other women isn't suprising. Plus I'm pretty sure many voted for Trump just so they could continue to play the "victim" "persecution" card is my theory(The Feminist interest is voting Trump).Also white women have already sabatogued white masculinity,and the demasculation of black men is the trickle down that always occurs as we live in a dominant white society. You can't put this on black women at large by my account. Especially when the accusations you are making,are based on the actions of what would be the assimilated/Eurocentric black woman. Black women who are raising effeminate sons I can almost guarantee you are those who are in high income,and well off two parent households,and so called educated. These are people who have adopted the way and ideology of the European. Black women in poverty,black women raised in the hood,single mothers though?as much as these women may support gay men as friends and mascots. They definitely look down on a black man who is gay,and 100% ain't raising they sons to be sissies. Very few black sons will tell you his mother was supportive of the gay shyt outside of somewhere like LA maybe. You think black "christian" women are supporting that at all? Black women are more likely to raise they sons to be masculine like what they desire,often times "thugs" as thats the most popular model of black masculinity many of them have had over the past two decades. Black men already have a strong foundation of being masculine and leaders,the ONLY problem is that nikkas is ignorant and lack knowledge of self. Once black men are properly educated and told they whole perspective is trash and always has been by nikkas like me,it will be an easy fix:respect:. Trust me,the foundation of black masculinity is still in decent shape, and far better than the European on a mental and spiritual level. Hiphop sabatogued black masculinity,not black women,as much as I love and appreciate hiphop. Hiphop kept black masculinity strong and at "toxic" levels because it had to. But there should have long been a transition by now,hiphop should have been thanked for holding it down while we regrouped,and then progression should have occured.
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Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.

When you search love black women in TLR, this is the first thing up there. Created by actual posters

When you search love black men well at least one sista does.


Online you find more black men complimenting and proclaiming their love for black women than vice versa. And these men clearly exist in real life. The opposite not to a great degree. Or you'll get a we love you "but" .


Dec 27, 2017

When you search love black women in TLR, this is the first thing up there. Created by actual posters

When you search love black men well at least one sista does.


Online you find more black men complimenting and proclaiming their love for black women than vice versa. And these men clearly exist in real life. The opposite not to a great degree. Or you'll get a we love you "but" .

I would not based on titles to suggest that black men proclaim their love more.


May 1, 2012
Can't really use Trump and Hillary as an example as that could just be proof of many things. One being that white women are still white before they are women/feminist. As well as the other being that Hillary is basically a damn man,and women not liking other women isn't suprising. Plus I'm pretty sure many voted for Trump just so they could continue to play the "victim" "persecution" card is my theory(The Feminist interest is voting Trump).Also white women have already sabatogued white masculinity,and the demasculation of black men is the trickle down that always occurs as we live in a dominant white society. You can't put this on black women at large by my account. Especially when the accusations you are making,are based on the actions of what would be the assimilated/Eurocentric black woman. Black women who are raising effeminate sons I can almost guarantee you are those who are in high income,and well off two parent households,and so called educated. These are people who have adopted the way and ideology of the European. Black women in poverty,black women raised in the hood,single mothers though?as much as these women may support gay men as friends and mascots. They definitely look down on a black man who is gay,and 100% ain't raising they sons to be sissies. Very few black sons will tell you his mother was supportive of the gay shyt outside of somewhere like LA maybe. You think black "christian" women are supporting that at all? Black women are more likely to raise they sons to be masculine like what they desire,often times "thugs" as thats the most popular model of black masculinity many of them have had over the past two decades. Black men already have a strong foundation of being masculine and leaders,the ONLY problem is that nikkas is ignorant and lack knowledge of self. Once black men are properly educated and told they whole perspective is trash and always has been by nikkas like me,it will be an easy fix:respect:. Trust me,the foundation of black masculinity is still in decent shape, and far better than the European on a mental and spiritual level. Hiphop sabatogued black masculinity,not black women,as much as I love and appreciate hiphop. Hiphop kept black masculinity strong and at "toxic" levels because it had to. But there should have long been a transition by now,hiphop should have been thanked for holding it down while we regrouped,and then progression should have occured.
I don't respect your point no view on anything. There's no need for you to ever quote me.