Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit... not a damn thing!
We get to bleed for seven days... suffer from the emotional, painful, and uncomfortable symptoms of pms.
And the pain of childbirth.
According to men we have to do the following to be worthy of anything:
Wax, tweeze, shave, and thread the hair off of most of our body.
Dye, cut, style and pay a ton of money to maintain our lovely hairstyles.
Manicure and paint our nails. Feet and hands.
Find the fine line between wearing sexy clothes that don't make you look like a slut. Also, must accessorize and have a nice 'shoe game'.
Be great in bed, but not a hoe.... But to be good at anything you need experience, soooo...???
Have to have a big ass and thighs, nice boobs, skinny every place else.
We can't be too young or we are jail bait, but can't be over 30 or we're too old.
Must be educated.
Have a great career.
Be good mothers and never have any stretch marks!
Not go out too often.
Limit our friends to the female gender only.
Cook well. Almost daily.
Clean well. Daily.
Smell good at all times.
Be interesting.
Have hobbies.
Stay in the gym.
And never have an attitude.
But y'all wanna throw shots about us being entitled to free shyt?!! GTFOH!