Ladies I need advice. updated with text messages


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
We went on date today by accident. Her friend flaked on her. I was skating to where I parked my car last night and bumped into her. We hung out all afternoon. We shopped, walked, and talked. It was hella cool. She seems to have a good relationship with her mom.

She has a degree she doesn't use and I don't think she understands everything I say. She changed her major a lot. She doesn't seem to know what she wants in life. That bothers me. She's a fire sign, so now I know she's not as calm as she appears. She doesn't seem confident in herself.

She wouldn't let me carry her groceries. I respect that. She's a strong black woman. But I still carried her groceries up hill to my car because I'm a strong black man, lol. I dunno why girls always gotta fight me on letting me be the man. I'm driving. I paying. And that's it. I opened her car door for her. She refused to wait for me to do it again after I did it once, but I locked her out and opened her door from the inside after I got in on the driver's side.

I ran into one of my former clients while I was with her. People often think I'm putting too much on my work, but I'm not modest about working my ass off. Anyway, this client praised me for ten minutes and offered me a job. My date acted like she wasn't impressed. I ran into a few former clients on our date.

Nothing impresses this girl. It's hilarious. There's no way I could have arranged those meetings to happen. I'm starting to think she's a little crazy. She actively avoids talking about her BF which I brought up occasionally to let her know I know she's got a man and I cannot go any further until she doesn't. She's not fine enough for me to do all that when I have options.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
She's been talking about our date everyday, lol I think she enjoyed it. She told me today she broke up with her man. I told her he'll try to get her back, which he will, I'm really letting him sink his own ship. I'm not going to hate on him. The Asian girl is much less work.

Man, I feel like she's changing me. She sends me bible verses to read and she's been helping me stop being so ratchet.