Ladies I need advice. updated with text messages


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Angels, I think I fell in love at 11:46pm with a girl I hardly know. I've actually felt absolutely nothing for women for almost a solid year. I haven't felt my heart beat once since February of last year. I'm not kidding.

This girl annoyed me the first time I met her. I thought she was ugly too. And her voice made me want to drown myself in hot grease or put my face in an oven. She interrupted my train of thought to ask me a question that at the time I thought was stupid. Lol so naturally I thought she was stupid. I know, I'm an a$$hole.

Anyway, we now work together. I was very rude to her her first day. I ignored her existence and gave her non answers for her questions. Yesterday was our third day working together. Watching her cook got me like:banderas:. She's so delicate with greens and spaces her ingredients in a way that makes the meal look delectable. She looks so sexy when she cooks too. I got tired of her standing over my shoulder when I was cooking so I finally was like: :ufdup:, yes,:ufdup:, do you need something from this space?:camby:

:lupe:I'm just watching you work. Your food looks so good all the time. I'll go away if I'm bothering you.

:leostare:: deep breath, sigh, :youngsabo: I'm really bad, everyone is better than me, for real.

She said:heh: you're so funny. Me::smugdraper: sigh. :rudy::duck::camby:
She just wouldn't leave so I got hella mad and decided to teach her how to do what I was doing. She learned so quickly and while under pressure. I finally really looked at her. And her eyes sparkle. Her smile is bright. She glows. I love her big red braids.

Fast forward to 11:30. We finished cleaning the kitchen. All the girls usually roll together because it's safer. She looks at me with her big beautiful sparkling eyes and asks for a ride to the train so she could catch it home. The other girls gave her the :usure: look because she already had a ride lined up with one of them.

Me::whoa: you know you'd be in a car with me for at least ten minutes, right, and you're okay with that?:childplease: she was like

:russ: you're so funny.

Me::yeshrug: it's late, the last train you've already missed. Im not going to allow you to walk through that neighborhood at this hour by yourself. I'm taking you home coworker. My leather is so soft and I give coworker 2 a ride home and we hate each other. So why not you too?

We're walking to my car and she goes:jawalrus: can I ask you something?
Me::dame::comeon: I knew this bytch was up to something. I might kick her out of my car while it's moving for having me teach her skills it took me years to learn.

She starts talking about her BF. She thinks they broke up that night. I told her she's forgiving him too often. She's focused on him when she should focus on her own growth. I then changed the subject to work. We arrive at my car and I resist the urge to open the door for her. We're driving and I'm listening to her talk about what being black means to her. I slowed down so I could listen to her talk for longer. But I'm :dame: and playing it cool. She's in the Benz. My leather soft. I got wood everywhere. I just gotta let the car do the work. We're driving around the lake which is beautiful at night because there's lights around it. :jawalrus: I planned that.

I accidently touched her hand when I shifting. I let it linger on her hand. She didn't pull her hand away. I put that hand in the radio dial and looked her like:takedat: then turned back around.

We arrive at her house. I pull up in front and unlock the car doors. I resisted the urge to open her door for her. She tells me to shut the engine off so we can talk. She's already told me she lives alone. Has no kids. And broke up with her man. Anyway, im hanging on every word she says and I'm falling in love with her. Her conviction, drive, and intelligent support of her positions were so sexy. Now I'm checking her out. She's bigger than what I'd usually go for, but my downstairs neighbor approved. He was knocking on my door, if you catch my drift. I got very close to her lips with mine and she didn't flinch. I didn't even know I did it, when I realized what I was doing I opened my car door and went to the trunk to gather myself.

I had to make a move. I figured even if I lost my job asking for her number at least I didn't let a good thing go without going for it. I give her my pen and note pad and asked her for her number like this.

:merchant: since I moved to the O I've been looking to connect with like minded people. I know I'm being forward and you have a BF, but I'd like your number so we can chat more. :merchant: and she was like:pachaha: and wrote down her numbers.:russ:and her email, facebook, and youtube account. I only asked for her number. She didn't get out of my car until I told her I had to go. She turned her whole body towards me while she was in the passenger seat. I drive an European sports car. My cabin is small. So there was maybe a foot and half between us.

I cannot stop thinking about her. I had to resist the urge to text her when I got home. :pachaha:she's so pretty and insightful.
:myman: I bumped into her booty at work. It was an accident. It's so soft and full. I just want to bite it. Her hands are soft too. Her lips:noah:. She could absolutely get the D. But I'm not trying to be a slut or a home wrecker. And I don't know what she wants. She's hard to read.
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Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
You got wood everywhere? :troll:

Downstairs neighbor? Never heard that before. :teylol:

I'm sorry I just like dikk jokes.

She likes you, you could've kissed her. She knows what she was doing and she probably is home laughing thinking it's cute how flustered you got.

She told you she broke up with her boyfriend. She asked you for a ride because she wanted to go home and spend time with you.

What did she do when you touched the booty? :lupe:


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Update. I'm flirting with her. And everybody knows it. I know she has a man, but man, this girl got me :pachaha:
She teaches me so much. And the ass is fat. I don't think she's feeling me, but I'm going in. I initiated physical contact today. She doesn't mind me touching her and she stopped talking about her man. I accidentally told her I'd love to cook her a meal because I like cooking for people I like. I feel like she looks for me at work.

I caught her staring at me so hard today! Like she was staring hard. I looked at her and she turned away. I wore my tightest soccer jersey to work today because I knew she'd be there. And my tightest black jeans. I wore my natural too. She loved it. I usually cover my hair at work because I cook.

Today she taugh me about Kemet. I wanted to fukk her in the employee lounge in front of everyone. I've never been so attracted to someone. Today she kept telling me im different, I'm naturally funny, and I'm highly skilled.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
You got wood everywhere? :troll:

Downstairs neighbor? Never heard that before. :teylol:

I'm sorry I just like dikk jokes.

She likes you, you could've kissed her. She knows what she was doing and she probably is home laughing thinking it's cute how flustered you got.

She told you she broke up with her boyfriend. She asked you for a ride because she wanted to go home and spend time with you.

What did she do when you touched the booty? :lupe:
Lol, I like dikk jokes too. He knocks on his front door around her all the time now. Is is weird I want to impregnate her? Side note, do girls know when a guy is rock hard? I feel like that energy can't be ignored. It's a raw sexual energy in the air. She didn't move away when I bumped into her booty. I kept tapping her with my hips at work tonight and was all in her personal space. She didn't mind.
You are just horny. Get laid breh
I thought that too initially, but it's what she teaches me that got me interested. She's also a mystery. She talks but not about herself. It's fascinating.
op is a slut and a homewrecker
Typical coli nikka. Smh. Lol, jk. @Juicy I luhhh her dough, that's gotta count for something. Honestly @Juicy most girls look their best when they have a man IMO.


Dec 22, 2015
'Fast coward'
OP, is that a Freudian slip? Typo?

ETA - still reading: I'm in between swooning (I am a sucker for love/love stories/falling in love/love connections) and OP just wants his neighbor to get wet. :wtb:
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Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
'Fast coward'
OP, is that a Freudian slip? Typo?

ETA - still reading: I'm in between swooning (I am a sucker for love/love stories/falling in love/love connections) and OP just wants his neighbor to get wet. :wtb:
I definitely want to hook up with her. But her skills are what sparked my interest in her sexually. Lol I've done too much coke in my life and have had way too much kinky sex to just be interested in sex. I've done everything I want to do.

What I haven't had is a girl I learn from and listen to. When she speaks I listen. She's always teaching me shyt. That's sexy. I can't help if I like her body too.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Lol, I like dikk jokes too. He knocks on his front door around her all the time now. Is is weird I want to impregnate her? Side note, do girls know when a guy is rock hard? I feel like that energy can't be ignored. It's a raw sexual energy in the air. She didn't move away when I bumped into her booty. I kept tapping her with my hips at work tonight and was all in her personal space. She didn't mind.

I thought that too initially, but it's what she teaches me that got me interested. She's also a mystery. She talks but not about herself. It's fascinating.

Typical coli nikka. Smh. Lol, jk. @Juicy I luhhh her dough, that's gotta count for something. Honestly @Juicy most girls look their best when they have a man IMO.

You are horny. You don't even like this person.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Just read all your post OP and you sound mad shallow. Sounds like she has a brain and somehow that fascinates you. Probably b/c you have spent most of your time being a slut. You have no good intentions with that chick other than to fukk up her life. I can't tell you not to do it b/c she obviously wants you too and not getting what you want b/c the outcome will be unfavorable is probably a foreign concept to you.

But maybe if you spent more time gaining some depth you wouldn't be so easy fascinated and willing to fukk up her situation and probably fukk up yours.

But your are obviously young (hopefully) and going to do what you wanna do. Enjoy the ride and brace for impact.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Just read all your post OP and you sound mad shallow. Sounds like she has a brain and somehow that fascinates you. Probably b/c you have spent most of your time being a slut. You have no good intentions with that chick other than to fukk up her life. I can't tell you not to do it b/c she obviously wants you too and not getting what you want b/c the outcome will be unfavorable is probably a foreign concept to you.

But maybe if you spent more time gaining some depth you wouldn't be so easy fascinated and willing to fukk up her situation and probably fukk up yours.

But your are obviously young (hopefully) and going to do what you wanna do. Enjoy the ride and brace for impact.
You're good. This is why I don't talk too much IRL. The only thing I want to do is get to know her more and hook up if it's a safe move. She's also my coworker. If I ruin her life she can ruin my career. She wins, lol. I'd rather she ruin my life.

Her brain fascinates me. I was mad slutty and shallow for a long time. I've been working on it. I promise. I was young and slutty, lol, forgive me. I'm 26 now. I want some mental stimulation and sex. I'm arrogant because I work in an industry that's results based. I get results and chefs I admire tell me I got skills. I also used to play sports.

That is a foreign concept to me, lol for real. My brain can't process me not getting what I want. Anything I want is worth any losses I take I think. fukk, I think you're right! It never ends well.

But I don't think my ego is influencing my feelings here. When that happens I usually do want to do some damage. With her, it's different. I think it's because I didn't like her at all when we first met.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You're good. This is why I don't talk too much IRL. The only thing I want to do is get to know her more and hook up if it's a safe move. She's also my coworker. If I ruin her life she can ruin my career. She wins, lol. I'd rather she ruin my life.

Her brain fascinates me. I was mad slutty and shallow for a long time. I've been working on it. I promise. I was young and slutty, lol, forgive me. I'm 26 now. I want some mental stimulation and sex. I'm arrogant because I work in an industry that's results based. I get results and chefs I admire tell me I got skills. I also used to play sports.

That is a foreign concept to me, lol for real. My brain can't process me not getting what I want. Anything I want is worth any losses I take I think. fukk, I think you're right! It never ends well.

But I don't think my ego is influencing my feelings here. When that happens I usually do want to do some damage. With her, it's different. I think it's because I didn't like her at all when we first met.

I think you just see something you want and are going after it. I think messing with her is a very bad idea. I think you know this too.

But if you are going to do it, keep it 1000. When you are ready I would tell her all the things you told us ie she won you over, you appreciate her intelligence, you find her attactive and you want to enjoy some phyical activies and share some thoughts BUT aren't trying to change the flow of her life (I think that is what you want). She'll yes of course. But you need an exit plan.

Chick might fall in love and try to fukk your shyt up. Don't let lust cloud your judgement. Their are many smart beautiful women and NONE are worth messing up your money and situation especially one who is probably going to step out on her man. You know your industry better than I so you can work all that out. Just make sure you look out for #1 and try not to hurt too many people in the process.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
I think you just see something you want and are going after it. I think messing with her is a very bad idea. I think you know this too.

But if you are going to do it, keep it 1000. When you are ready I would tell her all the things you told us ie she won you over, you appreciate her intelligence, you find her attactive and you want to enjoy some phyical activies and share some thoughts BUT aren't trying to change the flow of her life (I think that is what you want). She'll yes of course. But you need an exit plan.

Chick might fall in love and try to fukk your shyt up. Don't let lust cloud your judgement. Their are many smart beautiful women and NONE are worth messing up your money and situation especially one who is probably going to step out on her man. You know your industry better than I so you can work all that out. Just make sure you look out for #1 and try not to hurt too many people in the process.
Good point. Every girl I've taken from her man has proven herself to be untrustworthy and lightweight evil. I go after anything I want. Typically it works out well, except for girls. That always ends terribly. Lol I usually have to move to another city and shyt.

Edit: My exit plan is usually real dirty. People get hurt. Not me though, lol. She's too smart for me to run my usual game on. And I can't read her at all. When she notices me trying to read her body language she smiles and blocks me. She's lying about something already. That's a red flag too.


Dec 22, 2015
Still, she's definitely broken up with the BF, right? If so, how long has it been? If it's less than 6-12 months then you might be a rebound.