Ladies I Have A Very Important Dating Question To Ask...


Jun 23, 2012
Your ideas are cool but hardly anyones game for that.
Dates arent wack. You should take me out sometime:mjgrin:
I’m sure you’ve never tried any of my suggestions. Just Applebee’s 2 for $20 and/or a tired ass movie.

I would never spend money (again) on a man that wasn’t family, a friend (and I don’t have male friends)or someone I wasn’t already with...and I’m talking commitment, not just dating. I used to try and be that chick that is willing to go Dutch or pay for both, but never again. Sure fire way to get treated like a sucker. Learned the hard way. Now, if the total is $3.05 and dude only has a $20 and 3 $1’s, he better break the $20 or ask someone else for a nickel :manny:


Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
Date someone else then. $10 for two people is not a lot of money to lose. You lend friends that amount without wanting it back.

Speak for yourself, I don't lend 10 dollars. Most I'll lend out is five and will want my money back :mjlol:That's money I could be using for other things.

well i didn't really assume the baggage part. you stated a few times in the thread that you don't want to be used for a meal without getting anything in return. if this has never happened to you before or if your never heard dudes talking about "simping" so much this thought may never cross your mind... so it comes from somewhere.
Yeah, it comes from using logic and learning from the mistakes of others but its not baggage at all. It comes from common sense but your use of the word baggage implies I have some sort of deep seated personal issues. That's not the case at all, I'm just to smart to fall for the con games and bs of the past generations and the simps of today:mjpls:I'm not a person with baggage but a person who takes notes.
Some people think trust should be earned, others give people the benefit of doubt until proven otherwise....both ways can go wrong. but the main thing is what are you giving up with putting trust in a first date that YOU requested....$20 and an two hours??? it doesn't seem like a big enough deal to have your guards up...unless you dont have a lot of money which goes to my other assumption.

Right an assumption again. you know what they say about people who assume? :francis:

Also only fools give the benefit of the doubt to strangers. This is America, you got to be cautious period. It's not practical to just give the benefit of the doubt to a women whom you don't really know and I would rather be safe then sorry. I feel trust should be earned and it can't go wrong either. How could it go wrong?

Also who said I had my guard up? Another assumption :francis: I'm open which is why I'm going out in the first place. I agree it's not a big deal so why can't the women just pay for her own meal since it's only a few measly dollars lol.
as for my third assumption about being nice.... you talk about not knowing her but also, she doesnt know you. so maybe she needs to trust you as well and it seems like nice people get trusted easier than a$$holes.

That's where talking and conversation goes and how she will get to know me. She does not need to know my money to know that I am a nice person:wtb:I feel a way about what your saying and you must be the types I'm talking about that is out here looking for a sucker to rob or scam.

Plus who said I'm an a$$hole, I'm a complete gentleman and like I said I will pay the tax and tip. I'm not an a$$hole just cause I don't want to pay for a woman I don't know just yet to stuff her face with food. Like I said I want a woman who could put something on the table too so it should be nothing for her to pay for her own food in the beginning.