Ladies, How Would You React If You Found Out


Dec 22, 2015
I can't even hate, I used to do the same thing. I used to go on dates cuz I had dinner budgets I needed to use while I was working for a consulting firm. Had no real interest in dating them but I liked having them around...sometimes.


But I was told by my now wife that I was leading these women on.

[I'm typing this with a smile on my pretty face - :smile:]

1 -Did I mention dinner? Although it is my choice to accept an invite to a dinner date with a man whose company I enjoy. It's a man pleasure. :yes:
2 -Did I mention entertaining men I don't care for and/or have no interest in? No dinner date or amount of loneliness/boredom is worth my sanity. You did yourself and the ladies you entertained a disservice. :(
3 -The Mrs. knows you best - What you did and what I am doing isn't the same thing. :smh:


Dec 22, 2015
Never that, babe :steviej:

I'm all for peaceful discussion and f#ckery :smugbiden:

I just want the esteemed fellas to see inside the mind of single woman in the 2016 dating game. Because some of them seem to be under illusions of sort.


Riiiiiiiiiight, Babe. Sure :smugfavre:


Dec 22, 2015
I feel you, but most men aren't doing that. Most dudes are using their own money for dates, and they're not giving out charity.

But some chicks will go out with dudes for entertainment or actual entertainment. Knowing damn well they're not feeling dude. And they don't lose any money from such endeavors.


*Looks at your avi* Babe, :francis: Remember that you are 'Reppin' Sound Reasoning. This is what I referring to upthread - black & gray thinking, no variables. Consider this:

Some women actually do incur expenses while dating. Depending on the individual woman she may:

-Drive to meet her date for safety concerns, etc.- Fuel, tolls, valet/parking
-Decide to go dutch or pay for both meals until she is comfortable with the dating prospect (Although a lot men would never allow a woman to pay on his dime...NOT HER FAULT!)
-Decide to cover the tip
-Purchase a new dress and go to the spa in preparation for her date
-If the date is going well past the initial activity, she may decide to pay for subsequent activities
-Perhaps after the 3rd date she may treat him...and do so alternately going forward

Those are just a few examples. Again, it depends on the individual woman, values, goals, beliefs, etc.

You see how I did that? #I'mClever #mcdivit85TaughtMe:wow:

Even if I never did any of those things or some of those things, I can use 'sound reasoning' without talking to those women who do to know that they exist. Know what I mean?
Heck, there are some women who ask/take men on dates, cook full course meals for men, etc. #ThatNewManLife :russ:
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FKA LilNukka
Apr 30, 2012
New Haven
[I'm typing this with a smile on my pretty face - :smile:]

1 -Did I mention dinner? Although it is my choice to accept an invite to a dinner date with a man whose company I enjoy. It's a man pleasure. :yes:
2 -Did I mention entertaining men I don't care for and/or have no interest in? No dinner date or amount of loneliness/boredom is worth my sanity. You did yourself and the ladies you entertained a disservice. :(
3 -The Mrs. knows you best - What you did and what I am doing isn't the same thing. :smh:
I was responding to the bolded. I use to have dinners w female friends/associates and then peace out on them. I like female company and have maintained plenty of platonic friendships, but I was likely creating confusion at the time.

To me it was nothing more than leaving work after a 12 hour day and hitting up random chicks to see who I could catch a meal with. It was on my clients dime, I was entitled to $100 for dinner sometimes.

Wasn't a disservice to me or them. They were in the friend zone and got good dinner and convo out of it. I stayed sane after a stressful day working in corporate America.

My wife made that comment cuz she suspects some of these women were interested in me. That's not my fault or my concern, they should've spoken up about it and maybe we could've explored dating. :smugdraper:


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
*Looks at your avi* Babe, :francis: Remember that you are 'Reppin' Sound Reasoning. This is what I referring to upthread - black & gray thinking, no variables. Consider this:

Some women actually do incur expenses while dating. Depending on the individual woman she may:

-Drive to meet her date for safety concerns, etc.- Fuel, tolls, valet/parking
-Decide to go dutch or pay for both meals until she is comfortable with the dating prospect (Although a lot men would never allow a woman to pay on his dime...NOT HER FAULT!)
-Decide to cover the tip
-Purchase a new dress and go to the spa in preparation for her date
-If the date is going well past the initial activity, she may decide to pay for subsequent activities
-Perhaps after the 3rd date she may treat him...and do so alternately going forward

Those are just a few examples. Again, it depends on the individual woman, values, goals, beliefs, etc.

You see how I did that? #I'mClever #mcdivit85TaughtMe:wow:

Even if I never did any of those things or some of those things, I can use 'sound reasoning' without talking to those women who do to know that they exist. Know what I mean?
Heck, there are some women who ask/take men on dates, cook full course meals for men, etc. #ThatNewManLife :russ:

That's a nice story. And some of those components may be true. But I'm talking about the most likely of circumstances in response to the example that he gave. The example being him taking women out on dates for the sake of it just because he needed to spend money on his expense account from work. Basically, sponsoring dates for the sake of sponsoring dates.

Now yes, women may spend money on the early stages. I'm grateful for all the generous women I've dated in my life. But for the majority of the "getting to know" stage, most men are footing the bill...or at least the lion share of the bill. So, let's digress from the anecdotal "expenses" women take on by showing up for a date. Many of which they'd incur anyway i.e. getting nails done, shopping, etc.

But thanks for admitting that I taught you something :myman:


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
At some point you had your soul snatched up out you. :francis:

That's a really selfish way to look at things, I dont look to date other people for my enjoyment and to see if things work out. If I want to enjoy some time with someone they are a friend. We aren't dating, and if we get close at some point then we can date.

But dating a bunch of random women/men just to experience different type of people seems wild. I dont really need to experience a bunch of different type of women, I already keep a tight circle of friends I dont enjoy people lying to me and I dont enjoy BS.

Getting to know and network with people is fun, but the actual dating part should be reserved for those that you see potential romantic interest in.... That's just how I see it:yeshrug:

Nah you just sound mad sheltered and that's you. How is it selfish when I am just as likely to like them and they not feel the same? I could date one dude at a time and the same thing could happen. What's the difference?

You just sound like you want something your not entitled too. Again I don't take commitment lightly and I don't do sudo-commitments because we go to dinner. You don't like it? Oh well. You sound controling but do you. I don't seek to own people or their attention. Relationships should be organic and not forced.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Nah you just sound mad sheltered and that's you. How is it selfish when I am just as likely to like them and they not feel the same? I could date one dude at a time and the same thing could happen. What's the difference?

You just sound like you want something your not entitled too. Again I don't take commitment lightly and I don't do sudo-commitments because we go to dinner. You don't like it? Oh well. You sound controling but do you. I don't seek to own people or their attention. Relationships should be organic and not forced.
I sound sheltered because the idea of dating multiple people at once because its fun or enjoyable comes across selfish? I guess so, Usually when you dont take other people feelings in regard for your of self benefit its consider a selfish act but ok.

Sure you could date one dude and it could happen to one dude or you could date 6 and they all could catch feels while you try to figure out which 3 of the 6 you kinda like and which 1 of the 3 you really like. Or it could just happen to one and you could not waste the other 5 peoples time and energy.

Maybe your right, I do want something I'm not entitled to and that's not to be someones entertainment while they pic and choose who they feeling through out the weeks or months. If we are friends that doesn't matter because we both are using each other for that same thing, but if I'm trying to date you then yeah no... I'd prefer not to be another option on your menu. Dont know why that's such a bad thing.... your free to do as you please obviously, I just think its a selfish act.

I'm the farthest thing from controlling lol, I'm all about letting a person do them. Maybe we have different opinions on dating, to me you shouldn't even be dating someone until you've made the choice that you actually enjoy what they offer enough to be exclusive, to you it seems like dating is what you do to find out who you want to be exclusive with then you start dating more seriously I guess.... I dunno.

You can like and have a bunch of friends but they should know that they are friends, and that your not ready to date or not interested in dating them if it even comes to that.

I agree I think relationship should happen naturally and be organic, hence why starting off dating and then jumping into "seriously" dating seems redundant and selfish to me.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I sound sheltered because the idea of dating multiple people at once because its fun or enjoyable comes across selfish? I guess so, Usually when you dont take other people feelings in regard for your of self benefit its consider a selfish act but ok.

Sure you could date one dude and it could happen to one dude or you could date 6 and they all could catch feels while you try to figure out which 3 of the 6 you kinda like and which 1 of the 3 you really like. Or it could just happen to one and you could not waste the other 5 peoples time and energy.

Maybe your right, I do want something I'm not entitled to and that's not to be someones entertainment while they pic and choose who they feeling through out the weeks or months. If we are friends that doesn't matter because we both are using each other for that same thing, but if I'm trying to date you then yeah no... I'd prefer not to be another option on your menu. Dont know why that's such a bad thing.... your free to do as you please obviously, I just think its a selfish act.

I'm the farthest thing from controlling lol, I'm all about letting a person do them. Maybe we have different opinions on dating, to me you shouldn't even be dating someone until you've made the choice that you actually enjoy what they offer enough to be exclusive, to you it seems like dating is what you do to find out who you want to be exclusive with then you start dating more seriously I guess.... I dunno.

You can like and have a bunch of friends but they should know that they are friends, and that your not ready to date or not interested in dating them if it even comes to that.

I agree I think relationship should happen naturally and be organic, hence why starting off dating and then jumping into "seriously" dating seems redundant and selfish to me.

Long and dramatic.

Dating is getting to know someone nothing more. All that extra is dramatic bullshyt. You sound young, pressed and insecure. It's not that serious.

Life doesn't start or end with you. Commitment comes with vetting and when a relationship is established; not before.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Long and dramatic.

Dating is getting to know someone nothing more. All that extra is dramatic bullshyt. You sound young, pressed and insecure. It's not that serious.

Life doesn't start or end with you. Commitment comes with vetting and when a relationship is established; not before.

How many shots you gonna fire at me :damn: my bad tho let me get back on my grown man, simple cold hearted ish.

I don't know why you keep trying to box me in to some ideal of what you think I should be. Your way off lol...

I'm a dude that thinks dating multiple people at once is a selfish act. Nothing more, never once did I say getting to know multiple people was wrong. Using multiple people for your entertainment i feel is... I ain't knocking you, most women work the same way you do.

But this is why you got nikkas playing that act for months, they thinking just like you.

Just gonna agree to disagree
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Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
nail on the head.

I have stories to break the shyt down but I',m too lazy to even explain. Overall I would advise EVERY man to try and have as many options as he can when it comes to women. Never get complacent.

Women don't need to because regardless...whether or not they TRY to have options they will have options. Men will approach them if they are remotely attractive. Hence, a woman can be in a relationship or broken up and

a) turn on her phone to some nikka like me tryna hit her up and see what shes up to
b) go outside and have a nikka like me tryna bag it and get the number
c) go to a club or party and have dudes buying her drinks and tryna holla
d) log into social media and have nikkas sliding in her DMs (not my style)
e) have her friends hook her up with eligible dudes who are ready and willing to prove themselves.

With a man however? If you relinquish your roster at any time because you feel that your girlfriend is your everything you lose all your leverage. Let's say your girl starts acting funny...flaking...all of a sudden needs space? Try and go back to those girls that you distanced yourself from. Every single one of them jawns will curve you. Essentially you'll have to start all the way from the ground up and get out there bagging girls as you try to get your mojo back. You'll have to build your confidence back up in the face of rejection. Keeping that in mind...when you're girl starts acting dumb you're gonna turn a blind eye because you remember how cold the dating game is and dont wanna be thrown back into the sea.

It's a catch 22. You let these women know you're taken and if you're ever broken up with or become single all of a sudden they're bitter cause you didnt choose them initially and they're probably wondering how you fukked up your other relationship. If you broke up with your girl in their eyes youre probably an a$$hole. If she broke up with you you're damaged goods and there must be something wrong with you. But if you dont let them know you're being a snake. :manny: Better decision is to just keep shyt on the hush. If they ask tell..if they don't then withhold the information.

What wrong with being a a$$hole?