Lacey Evans puts her kid in Blackface


Apr 30, 2012
Wave game sicker than Norman Osborn :wow:

Coco Brown

All Star
Nov 12, 2017

This is a tough one...

It's a character, it's a werewolf, I get it... so one could say this is a reach. Because honestly, there's a lot more that comes with blackface that might not have been the intent inthis situation. Blackface is associated with mocking black people, if that is not/was not the intention here is questionable. She could have honestly just meant to make her look exactly like the character, no different than if she had a son and painted his face blue to look like Captain Planet or some shyt.


You don't necessarily HAVE to paint your kid's face the color of the character if not necessary. If I wanted to be Superman, I'm pretty sure the rest of the costume would explain who I was, I wouldnt have to paint my face white. Or if someone wanted to be a Black character, they likely wouldn't have to paint themselves black to get the point across. So I'm not sure how much her daughter's face needed to be brown. Even if the intention was not there, it's kind of a bad idea to do it anyway.

So there's two ways to look at this... and usually I'm quick to point out when shyt is racist and unnecessary, but this one here is shaky and at the very least, kinda dumb one way or the other.

I'm sorry but unless you're Megyn Kelly or unless you've been under a rock you know not to do this *and* you know why. And, not trying to go off on you because I realize you're just laying out the argument, but I'm beyond tired of folks trying to say "It was for a costume" as some kind of justification b/c that doesn't hold water and I'm about to show you why: Why is it when Black girls dress up as say, Velma from Scooby Doo for Halloween, we don't paint out face and body white and yet everyone knows who we're supposed to be? Why is it that brothers can dress up as Superman and not feel like they gotta paint their faces and body white so they look like Clark Kent? Real talk: How many Black chicks you see posting their cosplay pictures where they're portraying white comic or movie characters and you know exactly who they are without them pulling a "white chicks" type paint job on themselves? Go further: How often do you see Black people pull a "white chicks" type paint job on themselves to make their costumes look authentic? Case in point: When Xavier dressed up as Jimmy Hart we knew instantly who he was.

Let's tell the truth in here on this day: With few exceptions, it's almost always white and NB-POC outchea in Blackface as if they don't know how offensive and problematic it is. And the thing is, they PERSIST in doing it despite being told by Black people every. damn. time. this ain't the move and being told *why* this ain't the move. So nah, I don't give folks who do this the benefit of the doubt because they know exactly what they're doing and they know why they shouldn't be doing it. They just dgaf. It's indefensible and inexcusable and when folks get caught line stepping like this they deserve the dragging they get. Period.

As far as Lacey, she's a tall, blonde, semi-attractive white woman. The wrestling klandom will defend her to the bitter end and WWE will pretend nothing happened. MAGA Mama will be just fine.

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
Ion consider stuff like that black face. To me, it woulda been black face if the kid started talking like a stereotypical black person, acting as a over the top caricature of what ppl THINK black ppl act like.