Exactly what goes into being a dishwasher that has so many nikkas here hot? I went into the kitchen of an event spot and they were just back there rinsing off dishes and putting them in an industrial dishwasher.
It really depends on the location. Obviously some are better than others. Worst dishwashing job I ever had was at a buffet. The dishwasher was so big it took two people to operate. One person fed the dishes and another person caught them like a conveyor belt
Sometimes the person feeding the dishes would pack so many in at once that the person on the other end couldn’t get them all in time and some would break
But like I said earlier a lot of spots have you cleaning bathrooms and taking out the trash too
Cleaning the bathrooms at a buffet is easily woat. Many nites I was literally cleaning up shyt and period blood. That job only lasted 4 months
Taking out trash wasn’t too bad unless it was raining. But still rolling wheel barrels full of heavy ass trash bags sucked. Especially if a bag broke
Then you had to clean it up
I got so many cuts on my arms and hands from broken glass over the years. I still have some of the scars from 20 years ago. Always leaving out the spot wet from spraying down big ass industrial pans. Managers coming back screaming becuz they running out of silverware in the front. Yet at the same time you gotta mop up the back real quick becuz the grease trap was clogged and smelled like shyt. I can go on and on