This article is bulls***!......Give me a friggin break...Death was NOT the first punk rock band....maybe the only "black one" that is...but not the first. Obviously the writer did little to no research when writing this article.....Ever heard of MC5 or The Stooges ? (1964-1967) or lets go a little further back....The Velvet Underground and The Sonics (1963-1964)....Oh yeah guess what my brothas.....Blondie had the 1st rap song to hit # 1 and technically the first modern rap song before Sugarhill Gang.....but we can go deeper...Google....The first rap song that was ever recorded was 'Kinesiska Muren' with Swedish artist Evert Taube which was recorded in the 1920' go pick up ur welfare check...President Obama has for you with an extra food stamp card and some $7000 dollar 22 inch rims for your $200 dollar car.
I'm serious and you just kinda repeated what I said. Jacob aside, what I said is on point. I said Sazh was a great family man but everything else about him was a stereotype. He had a huge afro with a chicken living in it and he carried guns. If you know anything about FF you'd know that he was just a step up from FF7 Barrett who was basically BBG w/big gun. I mean why can't the black character have a sword for once?
Lee was a great character as I said but out of the entire group the black guy is the only one that is a criminal and has to explain himself so he's not a threat. Cole Train plays into the stereotypical loud-mouthed, flamboyant, black pro athlete. I shouldn't even have to explain this shyt breh.
I'm serious and you just kinda repeated what I said. Jacob aside, what I said is on point. I said Sazh was a great family man but everything else about him was a stereotype. He had a huge afro with a chicken living in it and he carried guns. If you know anything about FF you'd know that he was just a step up from FF7 Barrett who was basically BBG w/big gun. I mean why can't the black character have a sword for once?
Lee was a great character as I said but out of the entire group the black guy is the only one that is a criminal and has to explain himself so he's not a threat. Cole Train plays into the stereotypical loud-mouthed, flamboyant, black pro athlete. I shouldn't even have to explain this shyt breh.
That's your take on Sazh, I don't see how him having an afro or guns can be considered a bad thing. They suit his exaggerated character, no different than the other members of the FFXIII cast.
Starting Lee off as a criminal is what gave him character and as his story is revealed through conversations with the other cast members we begin to understand his motives for the crime he committed.
It wasn't like Lee was some drug dealing thug who had a turn of heart when the zombie apocalypse hit. Again I don't see what's wrong with his back story.
That's because Cole IS/WAS a loud mouthed pro athlete !
He joined up but he wasn't a soldier beforehand.
I don't get it, his "stereotype" isn't exactly the most flattering but it definitely isn't as bad as you're making it out to be.
It don't matter how much you try to explain it, these characters were stereotypes. Cole, the rapping loud-mouth pro athlete. Yea thats not a stereotype at allAs I said wit Lee, they flesh out his character but once again why does the only black dude have to be a criminal? No other character on there is a criminal except Lee. Even though its the end of the world Nobody else has to explain their past except Lee. WTF does it matter? Everybody is dead or dying anyway...not to mention he saved all their lives at some point but still has to prove he's not a threat? GTFOH
And Sazh was the only exaggerated, stereotype character in FFXIII. Even the way he runs is on some Amos and Andy shyt. If you can't see that you're blind. Lightning, regular leader-type chick. Vanille, regular teen girl. Hope, regular teen boy. Snow, protect his girl. Fang, powerful woman.
-Stupid cut afro with a chicken in it
-Dances, carries guns and holds them sideways when he shoots (oh and only black characters in FF carry guns)
-He provides the comic relief (Oh Mercy!! Who's ya daddy)
Yo sum it up...afro, funny, guns, chicken...yea, not a stereotype at all.![]()
It don't matter how much you try to explain it, these characters were stereotypes. Cole, the rapping loud-mouth pro athlete. Yea thats not a stereotype at allAs I said wit Lee, they flesh out his character but once again why does the only black dude have to be a criminal? No other character on there is a criminal except Lee. Even though its the end of the world Nobody else has to explain their past except Lee. WTF does it matter? Everybody is dead or dying anyway...not to mention he saved all their lives at some point but still has to prove he's not a threat? GTFOH
And Sazh was the only exaggerated, stereotype character in FFXIII. Even the way he runs is on some Amos and Andy shyt. If you can't see that you're blind. Lightning, regular leader-type chick. Vanille, regular teen girl. Hope, regular teen boy. Snow, protect his girl. Fang, powerful woman.
-Stupid cut afro with a chicken in it
-Dances, carries guns and holds them sideways when he shoots (oh and only black characters in FF carry guns)
Yo sum it up...afro, funny, guns, chicken...yea, not a stereotype at all.![]()
Explaining who he was and what he did is essential to moving the plot forward. Lee wouldn't be Lee if we knew didn't know these things.
Of course he would have to explain himself.
True...but once again he could have been anything but a criminal.
Others weren't criminals but they were cannibals, rapists, murderers etc.
Who in Lee's group fit this description?
Hope was the archetype emotional wimp.
He spends his entire time in the game being baby sat.
From Lightning to Snow.
Vanille ? Aloof, often plays stupid, if she were blond she'd be a walking
Lightning ? Again another moody, emotional stereotype.
They are archetypes and stereotypical of other FF and JRPG characters. Sazh isn't...he's a stereotype of how others and those Japanese devs see black people. Comic relief, dancing and shyt. Same wit Barrett. Angry black man.
And they have specific things they do during combat and cut scenes that are extensions of their character. It's apart of fleshing characters out.
Vanille is a perfect example of this, she's basically a girly girl with super powers.
Coppin' pleas for shuckin' and jivin' while busting his guns sideways. ok smh
You're reaching with the chocobo/chicken thing.
Carry guns ? So what now black characters can't have
guns otherwise it's a stereotype ?
Yep the two main black characters in FF history (Barrett, Sazh) both carry guns. What is wrong wit having a regular black character with a sword or magic staff? I'll tell you why, cuz it doesn't fit into the stereotype. You the only one blind not to see that.