San Andreas is the GOAT but if we comparing it to whats been accused of being racist here the game is the most racist of all time, you'll struggle to find a video game that doesn't enforce as many racial stereotypes as GTA SA
i can agree with that
San Andreas is the GOAT but if we comparing it to whats been accused of being racist here the game is the most racist of all time, you'll struggle to find a video game that doesn't enforce as many racial stereotypes as GTA SA
Don't get me started on Walking Dead show breh...I agree wit everything you said. Soon as I heard AMC got the series I justI was hoping HBO would get it cuz I knew AMC would butcher the comic. They didn't want a black alpha male character like Tyrese to take attention off Rick. But they can drag Shane's character out for two seasons
Tyrese and Rick was basically 1/1A not to mention the white girl that was in love with Tyrese. No way they gonna be doing that on TV. Michonne was easily the most popular character in the comics then they turn her into a mute on the show. It's all kinds of bullshyt.
Bruh, that picture sums up your whole shyt. His sprite was darker you say?Reddas and Kiros were both non-stereotypical black guys tho neither were really main playable characters. The only example of a black dude who didn't follow a preset stereotype in an rpg I can think of is Harid from Romancing Saga 3.
His in-game sprite was noticeably very black.
Not only was he a warrior prince, he was the games arguable best swordsman and a natural leader. Tho they did fukkked him up in the remake when they made him white.![]()
. The only non-stereotypical noble black in a jrpg and they whitewashed him :snoo p:
To think that there hasn't been a black character on his par since the 32 bit era is depressing :sn oop:
This is one of the saddest post I have ever read on here
Explaining who he was and what he did is essential to moving the plot forward. Lee wouldn't be Lee if we knew didn't know these things.
Of course he would have to explain himself.
Others weren't criminals but they were cannibals, rapists, murderers etc.
And I never said he wasn't a stereotype, I'm saying it isn't nearly
as bad as you're making it out to be.
Hope was the archetype emotional wimp.
He spends his entire time in the game being baby sat.
From Lightning to Snow.
Vanille ? Aloof, often plays stupid, if she were blond she'd be a walking
Lightning ? Again another moody, emotional stereotype.
And they have specific things they do during combat and cut scenes that are extensions of their character. It's apart of fleshing characters out.
Vanille is a perfect example of this, she's basically a girly girl with super powers.
You're reaching with the chocobo/chicken thing.
Carry guns ? So what now black characters can't have
guns otherwise it's a stereotype ? :childpl ease:
Maybe you don't personally don't like Sazh but he's the furthest thing from offensive.
Bruh, that picture sums up your whole shyt. His sprite was darker you say?
Well why they turn him Indian in your pic?
I guess he was Jesus and they was like "why should the color matter"
This is one of the saddest post I have ever read on here
So because there was a rapist in the game that negates the black stereotype
Because one character is a wimp, that's the same thing as a black stereotype???
I wanna punch you in da face!!!
What needs to be done to alleviate this issue is for more black folks to create games independent of some large white owned corporation. More black indie devs basically.
This is why I enjoyed sleeping dogs so much even though sandbox type games aren't my just felt good playing as a non-white main character in a game/world with little to no white white people at all
even though I'm an uncharted fanboy I have to admit that it felt weird in the 1st and 3rd games playing as some clean-cut white guy killing hundreds of brown-skinned people over and over.
Only a person with something to hide would say "And don't reply :sadbron" but your not a mod. So you can't silence a response because your afraid of the answers. The thing about the LEE character is you point to all these other things about him TO SAY "See, the criminal angle just disappers"
There wasn't shyt stereotypical about Lee's character.
He was married, he came from a two parent home, his family owned
a business.
He's not a thug.
Drug dealer.
Highschool drop out
or anything of that sort
but you idiots saw cop car and thought "OH MY ! STEREOTYPE RACE CARD ALERT!"
As for Final Fantasy, they play up parts of the characters personalities
Everyone gets that treatment.
And don't bother replying cause I already said I'm done with the sh1t.
Cacs gonna cac. These fakkits just don't want us to have anything.
we talking about nikka who's fighting stance was the two step/harlem shake?
There wasn't shyt stereotypical about Lee's character.
He was married, he came from a two parent home, his family owned
a business.
He's not a thug.
Drug dealer.
Highschool drop out
or anything of that sort
but you idiots saw cop car and thought "OH MY ! STEREOTYPE RACE CARD ALERT!"
As for Final Fantasy, they play up parts of the characters personalities
Everyone gets that treatment.
And don't bother replying cause I already said I'm done with the sh1t.