Mark Gassed-A-Heaux
That’s why I asked biology brehs a question. Cuz I’m not a scientist. Don’t quote if you’ve got nothing constructive to add.
Get aggy because you don't know a simple fact like birds and mammals came after fish, amphibians, and reptiles breh. Junior high school kids know this.

I'm not a scientist. Neither are those aforementioned junior high kids. And if you want to ask questions, just ask questions, or use the internet to simply find out simple sh!t like the evolutionary process. At least do some minimal research so you can add something relevant to the conversation.
But when you make a statement like "These creatures are the evolutionary leftovers of ancient animals that once existed, imagine what comes after such demonic monstrosities," you just expose the fact that frankly, you're probably an idiot. As if a komodo is gonna one day spontaneously give birth to Godzilla.

Hope that was constructive enough for you.