Everybody on here has a little time to kill here and there but seems like you waste at least 18 hours a day typing and researching shyt to respond on the random internet daily, scale back breh
You can believe that, y'all must type slow.
I notice that some people enjoy talking about other posters more than talking about basketball. I'll never understand that. But feel free to keep doing it if it brings joy to your life somehow.
Or maybe they just know basketball and arent stat geek dikkriders like you
How the fukk did we get from Shaq making clutch shots to a quote about Kobe's playmaking? That's the fourth or fifth time recently that you quoted me completely out of context and tried to change the topic. You can't follow a conversation for shyt.
Not to mention that's classic psychoanalytic Phil trying to gas Kobe into becoming a playmaker instead of shooting 30 times a game like MJ.
If you want a more relevant Phil Jackson quote, I can quote him at least 2-3 times in 2002 saying that Kobe was shooting the team out of games in the clutch.

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