William Bassington
that boy
You're comparing kobes individual stats to Mikes while jordan was putting up those same numbers,while his team was top 2 in the league,winning mvp's and championships all things kobe wont do
Mike did this with pippen missing half the season and a 38 year old dennis rodman while kobe has nash,pau and the best big man in the nba and can't even get 3 games over .500.Another reason why kobe should never,ever be compared to da Goat
so let me get this straight...
you recognize the fact that Kobe is performing better than Jordan in every statistical category and is more efficient...yet you STILL sitting here trying to tell me Kobe's stats are hindering his team's success while Jordan's were the key factor for his team's success
Anybody with logic, would think hmm maybe its not Kobe's fault...but you still going at it like a dumbass