Why do you feel the need to

Kobe so consistently?
why do you feel the need to co-sign bullshyt?
nikkas have zero ability to discern facts and numbers these days, and no one seem to be able to judge Kobe from an objective standpoint
like for example...Jordan stans call Kobe a self team detriment chucker, I point out Jordan took more shots..."but but Jordan won"..
they point out that there are older teams in the NBA...such as the Knicks and Heat, as if they dont have the brain capacity to realize the difference between the age factor with the Lakers and that of those other teams. Its sad that I have to spell it out, but the Lakers core Steve (38), Kobe (34), Pau (32) and Dwight (37). Now look at the core players for the Knicks and Heat, Wade is the oldest at 30.
These are points Kobe detractors make, that are easily disprovable...yet im tryna