If Kobe is smart he will take around 15 shots a game and score efficiently. He can split ball handling duties with Nash and rely on Bynum and Gasol more during the reg. season. He can use the additional energy he'll have, due to taking less shots, to play more consistent defense and rebound more.
Down the stretch of the season and into the playoffs he could ramp up his shot attempts to maybe 20ish per game or so at most. However, these should all be good shots rather than shooting fades over three defenders.
Kobe's usage should drop dramatically this year as well. He should move without the ball and look to run for easier baskets which is what they do in Mia.
Playing like this Kobe should average in the range of 22 ppg on like 50% fg% with increased rebounds and assists and steals.
However, we all know only 22ppg is unacceptable in Kobe's mind. I am expecting a lot of drama in LA.
At what point of his career made you think Bean could shot 50%...if Bean took 15 shots a game he'd avg about 10 points a game....