But why would that cause him to crash? I did read they were falling to the ground at a very fast speed. But if pilot is just trying to maneuver, I dont see why he crashed unless he hit something
That's exactly what happened he hit a mountain
But why would that cause him to crash? I did read they were falling to the ground at a very fast speed. But if pilot is just trying to maneuver, I dont see why he crashed unless he hit something
Kobe's passing really puts life into perspective. I have a twin sister. We've been beefing since my mom passed. Mostly my fault because I can be a real a$$hole at times but I finally reached out to her today. Told her how much I love her and that I wanted to put all the petty drama and bullshyt aside. I have a 3 year old nephew who will be 4 this year. Haven't seen him in a long time now and I wanna be a part of his life. Also sent out messages to people letting them know I love them and what they mean to me.
I'll look into doing a few things. It probably won't look much different than 'Coli Purple', with some gold/yellow mixed in
Been cooking up something. Still working on it. I still don't have access to the server anymore so I can't actually upload the banner you see there yet. It can still go live right now (without it) but I don't wanna go over the owners heads. View attachment 27807
LeBron might have to turn off his comments. People are embarrassing Kobe's legacy with that illuminati stuff
I can see a private funeral too. But the streets where the hearse will pass will be lined with ppl.i think the funeral is going to be very private, keep in mind it wasn’t just Kobe. I don’t think Vanessa wants the attention that comes with such a grand funeral
Been cooking up something. Still working on it. I still don't have access to the server anymore so I can't actually upload the banner you see there yet. It can still go live right now (without it) but I don't wanna go over the owners heads. View attachment 27807