
Dec 24, 2016
I just beat the crab hunt and I could finally save.

Is it worth leveling up my ship or should I just go explore Islands first?

I kind of just want to beat this world. How much longer do I have though?
if you explore the islands and get all the treasure theres a good chance youll max level your ship. lots of crabs in barrels on certain islands.

also dont miss the piece of orichalcum+, its in a chest on one of the islands. need 7 pieces to craft Ultima Weapon, and theres only 7 in the game


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Im not touching this again till they add critical mode :yeshrug: i usually cop the ultima weapon err KH but its pointless atm in this one.

Sad Bunny

May 2, 2012
I just beat Pirates of the Caribbean.

I'm assuming I have like 5 to 8 hours left :to:

Loving this game brehs:noah:
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Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Did you beat all the battlegates?

A couple. I'm sorry going through hordes of heartless isn't really interesting to me. I'll probs do the super boss at some point. This game as it is isn't very difficult though breh, I imagine a level one proud run is the only thing where you would have to really think about what youre doing consistently.


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
A couple. I'm sorry going through hordes of heartless isn't really interesting to me. I'll probs do the super boss at some point. This game as it is isn't very difficult though breh, I imagine a level one proud run is the only thing where you would have to really think about what youre doing consistently.



Dec 24, 2016
I just be Pirates of the Caribbean.

I'm assuming I have like 5 to 8 hours left :to:

Loving this game brehs:noah:
the finale several hours, cmon you know how kingdom hearts be. pump fakes left n right. final fight, no that wasnt the final fight heres the real one, okay our bad this the real actual factual final part okay one more fight we promise!

okay our bad, this the end:hubie:

then theres the ending, the ending after the ending, the ending after that, the secret ending, and the super secret ending:troll:


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
Just beat the game. Heavy spoilers.

Took alot longer then i wanted but due to work and being sick the past couple days i finally got around to beating the game.

Ehhh... Yea like i don't even know where to start lol.

The entire game just felt pointless up until u beat the disney worlds. Which is weird because disney worlds are supposed to be what carries this series with the original plot coming second. But it just felt like S/D/G was just wasting time in every disney world. Especially Monsters inc. Like that was such a filler world.

However the past 5 hours were probably the best time i ever had with a video game even if 90% of it made no sense(i'll make another topic on all the asspulls that happened)

And it wasn't just the story that picked up at the end. It was literally the enjoyment of the game. I don't know if osaka just doesn't know how to make non humanoid bosses but i swear up until davey jones and anti aqua every boss felt like a chore. Like seriously what the f*** was that flying heartless in pirates??

But once we got to the org bosses the game just felt extremely fun. We need a boss replay mode now since the org bosses and anti aqua are literally the only ones worth replaying.

I REALLY wish we could of played as Roxas during the moment he came back. Hell i would of took that over playing as Aqua vs Vantias. I know it was alot easier to use Aqua since they already have her 0.2 models but that just seemed like such a wasted opportunity especially coming off of playing as Aqua during her moment to shine.

I will say as much fan service as the end game provided(That yensid scene was AMAZING!!) it just felt extremely rushed. Like seriously we didn't get a scene with Ven/Roxas talking to each other?? Just a look?

Sora's "breakdown" also felt rushed. Looking back at the trailers you would think they would slowly be attacking sora's mindstate during the course of the game up until the "Scream" but no. It just happened out of no where and didn't feel natural at all.

How the hell did Riku Replica just hop out of Riku? What the hell is happening there??

Were to assume the 3rd heart in Sora's was Xion right? So at the end when Roxas popped out of sora (which makes no sense cause his replica vessel wasn't even there.) Were also to assume Xion's popped out as well? But xion was already fighting Lea way before that happened. So what the hell is going on here?

Why can Roxas still dualwield??

So lets get to the ending i guess. So are we to assume Sora "saved" Kairi and that moment with them on the tree is actually happening(if so then why did sora vanish)?? Or is sora still out there somewhere trying to find Kairi?

All in all im very conflicted with this game. On one hand i think it's extremely average and in no wait warrants the wait time. On the other the last 5 hours is so amazing to a long time fan as my self that it "Almost" makes me forgive the 25 hours before it.

This also feels like a bridge game to whatever is coming next which is crazy cause this was supposed to be the finale to all the bridge games before it.

The gameplay and graphics are great
The disney worlds in terms of relevance are as shallow as ever
In typical kingdom hearts fashion just gives us more questions then answers(Seriously WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHATS IN THE BOX? The new 7 lights was pointless since we don't even know who they are. I won't even begin trying to make sense of 90% of the events that happened in the last 5 hours)

A 8/10 imo. A boss replay mode would bump it up to a 9 though.

KH1/KH3/KH2/DDD/BBS would be my rankings.

The secret ending were to assume Sora and Riku are in "twewy" Shibyua right? I know they want us to think they in "the real shibyua"" but the "104" building is a dead giveaway. "See you in shibyua"!!




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Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
Just beat the game. Heavy spoilers.

Took alot longer then i wanted but due to work and being sick the past couple days i finally got around to beating the game.

Ehhh... Yea like i don't even know where to start lol.

The entire game just felt pointless up until u beat the disney worlds. Which is weird because disney worlds are supposed to be what carries this series with the original plot coming second. But it just felt like S/D/G was just wasting time in every disney world. Especially Monsters inc. Like that was such a filler world.

However the past 5 hours were probably the best time i ever had with a video game even if 90% of it made no sense(i'll make another topic on all the asspulls that happened)

And it wasn't just the story that picked up at the end. It was literally the enjoyment of the game. I don't know if osaka just doesn't know how to make non humanoid bosses but i swear up until davey jones and anti aqua every boss felt like a chore. Like seriously what the f*** was that flying heartless in pirates??

But once we got to the org bosses the game just felt extremely fun. We need a boss replay mode now since the org bosses and anti aqua are literally the only ones worth replaying.

I REALLY wish we could of played as Roxas during the moment he came back. Hell i would of took that over playing as Aqua vs Vantias. I know it was alot easier to use Aqua since they already have her 0.2 models but that just seemed like such a wasted opportunity especially coming off of playing as Aqua during her moment to shine.

I will say as much fan service as the end game provided(That yensid scene was AMAZING!!) it just felt extremely rushed. Like seriously we didn't get a scene with Ven/Roxas talking to each other?? Just a look?

Sora's "breakdown" also felt rushed. Looking back at the trailers you would think they would slowly be attacking sora's mindstate during the course of the game up until the "Scream" but no. It just happened out of no where and didn't feel natural at all.

How the hell did Riku Replica just hop out of Riku? What the hell is happening there??

Were to assume the 3rd heart in Sora's was Xion right? So at the end when Roxas popped out of sora (which makes no sense cause his replica vessel wasn't even there.) Were also to assume Xion's popped out as well? But xion was already fighting Lea way before that happened. So what the hell is going on here?

Why can Roxas still dualwield??

So lets get to the ending i guess. So are we to assume Sora "saved" Kairi and that moment with them on the tree is actually happening(if so then why did sora vanish)?? Or is sora still out there somewhere trying to find Kairi?

All in all im very conflicted with this game. On one hand i think it's extremely average and in no wait warrants the wait time. On the other the last 5 hours is so amazing to a long time fan as my self that it "Almost" makes me forgive the 25 hours before it.

This also feels like a bridge game to whatever is coming next which is crazy cause this was supposed to be the finale to all the bridge games before it.

The gameplay and graphics are great
The disney worlds in terms of relevance are as shallow as ever
In typical kingdom hearts fashion just gives us more questions then answers(Seriously WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHATS IN THE BOX? The new 7 lights was pointless since we don't even know who they are. I won't even begin trying to make sense of 90% of the events that happened in the last 5 hours)

A 8/10 imo. A boss replay mode would bump it up to a 9 though.

KH1/KH3/KH2/DDD/BBS would be my rankings.

The secret ending were to assume Sora and Riku are in "twewy" Shibyua right? I know they want us to think they in "the real shibyua"" but the "104" building is a dead giveaway. "See you in shibyua"!!





They half ass explained that when Riku replica was "defeated" his heart decided to go inside Riku...so basically he pulled a kairi from KH1. And when battling that Rikunort (who's a time traveled Riku from KH1 when he was wielding that dope ass dark keyblade) Repliku decided to hop out the trunk and help finish the fight which was basically just snatching that nikka into oblivion or some shyt like that.

And that was one of my spoiler post from a couple posts back, Roxas has absolutely no business being able to dual wield, hell he shouldn't even be a damn wielder period right now...but they must be going off that "remember the feeling" of using a keyblade shyt.

The general consensus is that Sora has successfully saved Kairi which is why everyone on the beach is looking at her. She probably just showed up at that moment they looked. But in the process Sora has once again power of wake'd himself to the point of near death, just like young xehanort warned him of what would happen if he continued. So now Sora the one who needs saving...which is why I'm guessing Riku is up in Verum Rex. Another popular consensus is that Sora is in Shibuya while Riku is in the bootleg Insomnia from Final Fantasy Versus 13. That generic FF15 music was a dead giveaway when Yozora was looking at Riku.

My favorite holy shyt moment is definitely Braig/Xigbar being Luxu, but it explains so much...he always did seem to know more than everyone else. But Imma need them to explain how his nobody is still carry out the mission, where is his heartless at? Shouldn't Xigbar be trying to become a somebody again?

All in all I'm waiting for a very meaty Final Mix DLC expansion that clears some shyt up.
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Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Just beat the game. Heavy spoilers.

Took alot longer then i wanted but due to work and being sick the past couple days i finally got around to beating the game.

Ehhh... Yea like i don't even know where to start lol.

The entire game just felt pointless up until u beat the disney worlds. Which is weird because disney worlds are supposed to be what carries this series with the original plot coming second. But it just felt like S/D/G was just wasting time in every disney world. Especially Monsters inc. Like that was such a filler world.

However the past 5 hours were probably the best time i ever had with a video game even if 90% of it made no sense(i'll make another topic on all the asspulls that happened)

And it wasn't just the story that picked up at the end. It was literally the enjoyment of the game. I don't know if osaka just doesn't know how to make non humanoid bosses but i swear up until davey jones and anti aqua every boss felt like a chore. Like seriously what the f*** was that flying heartless in pirates??

But once we got to the org bosses the game just felt extremely fun. We need a boss replay mode now since the org bosses and anti aqua are literally the only ones worth replaying.

I REALLY wish we could of played as Roxas during the moment he came back. Hell i would of took that over playing as Aqua vs Vantias. I know it was alot easier to use Aqua since they already have her 0.2 models but that just seemed like such a wasted opportunity especially coming off of playing as Aqua during her moment to shine.

I will say as much fan service as the end game provided(That yensid scene was AMAZING!!) it just felt extremely rushed. Like seriously we didn't get a scene with Ven/Roxas talking to each other?? Just a look?

Sora's "breakdown" also felt rushed. Looking back at the trailers you would think they would slowly be attacking sora's mindstate during the course of the game up until the "Scream" but no. It just happened out of no where and didn't feel natural at all.

How the hell did Riku Replica just hop out of Riku? What the hell is happening there??

Were to assume the 3rd heart in Sora's was Xion right? So at the end when Roxas popped out of sora (which makes no sense cause his replica vessel wasn't even there.) Were also to assume Xion's popped out as well? But xion was already fighting Lea way before that happened. So what the hell is going on here?

Why can Roxas still dualwield??

So lets get to the ending i guess. So are we to assume Sora "saved" Kairi and that moment with them on the tree is actually happening(if so then why did sora vanish)?? Or is sora still out there somewhere trying to find Kairi?

All in all im very conflicted with this game. On one hand i think it's extremely average and in no wait warrants the wait time. On the other the last 5 hours is so amazing to a long time fan as my self that it "Almost" makes me forgive the 25 hours before it.

This also feels like a bridge game to whatever is coming next which is crazy cause this was supposed to be the finale to all the bridge games before it.

The gameplay and graphics are great
The disney worlds in terms of relevance are as shallow as ever
In typical kingdom hearts fashion just gives us more questions then answers(Seriously WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHATS IN THE BOX? The new 7 lights was pointless since we don't even know who they are. I won't even begin trying to make sense of 90% of the events that happened in the last 5 hours)

A 8/10 imo. A boss replay mode would bump it up to a 9 though.

KH1/KH3/KH2/DDD/BBS would be my rankings.

The secret ending were to assume Sora and Riku are in "twewy" Shibyua right? I know they want us to think they in "the real shibyua"" but the "104" building is a dead giveaway. "See you in shibyua"!!





Imma be honest. The more I reflect on the game the worse it gets. Its like a 7 for me now. The fact the game doesnt get above that till the end, and the end inexplicably feeling rushed is a crazy. Its no reason the last fights should have had those tag team shyts, and then cutscenes in the middle, then back to the fight :gucci: so amateur.

The stories was always gonna be rubbish but this one straight insults your intelligence. Plus the disney worlds are mostly useless. They really need a hollow bastion type hub to break up rhe game. Cuz its all disney then a absolute change in tone and its jarring.

If they continue the series they need to just go full cokehead Nomura and ax out the disney shyt. Those worlds have been useless forever. Square has more than enough different IP to draw from themselves and they honestly would be more interesting than any disney movie to play through :ld:


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
They half ass explained that when Riku replica was "defeated" his heart decided to go inside Riku...so basically he pulled a kairi from KH1. And when battling that Rikunort (who's a time traveled Riku from KH1 when he was wielding that dope ass dark keyblade) Repliku decided to hop out the trunk and help finish the fight which was basically just snatching that nikka into oblivion or some shyt like that.

And that was one of my spoiler post from a couple posts back, Roxas has absolutely no business being able to dual wield, hell he shouldn't even be a damn wielder period right now...but they must be going off that "remember the feeling" of using a keyblade shyt.

The general consensus is that Sora has successfully saved Kairi which is why everyone on the beach is looking at her. She probably just showed up at that moment they looked. But in the process Sora has once again power of wake'd himself to the point of near death, just like young xehanort warned him of what would happen if he continued. So now Sora the one who needs saving...which is why I'm guessing Riku is up in Verum Rex. Another popular consensus is that Sora is in Shibuya while Riku is in the bootleg Insomnia from Final Fantasy Versus 13. That generic FF15 music was a dead giveaway when Yozora was looking at Riku.

My favorite holy shyt moment is definitely Braig/Xigbar being Luxu, but it explains so much...he always did seem to know more than everyone else. But Imma need them to explain how his nobody is still carry out the mission, where is his heartless at? Shouldn't Xigbar be trying to become a somebody again?

All in all I'm waiting for a very meaty Final Mix DLC expansion that clears some shyt up.

I'm not even gonna get started on all the chi stuff. They haven't explained ANYTHING about any of this yet. As of now Ven Marluxia Larxene Demyx Luxord and Braig(Luxu) are all over 1000 years old with no type of explanation on how the hell they are still here. :snoop:

Not to mention Aced said Luxu "summoned" them? So is that present time? Where is Ava?

My head hurts lol.


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
Imma be honest. The more I reflect on the game the worse it gets. Its like a 7 for me now. The fact the game doesnt get above that till the end, and the end inexplicably feeling rushed is a crazy. Its no reason the last fights should have had those tag team shyts, and then cutscenes in the middle, then back to the fight :gucci: so amateur.

The stories was always gonna be rubbish but this one straight insults your intelligence. Plus the disney worlds are mostly useless. They really need a hollow bastion type hub to break up rhe game. Cuz its all disney then a absolute change in tone and its jarring.

If they continue the series they need to just go full cokehead Nomura and ax out the disney shyt. Those worlds have been useless forever. Square has more than enough different IP to draw from themselves and they honestly would be more interesting than any disney movie to play through :ld:

I 100% agree on the Disney stuff. I was reading a interview this morning and it shows just how strict Disney are with their properties. Nomura really can't change any of the narrative in the Disney games. In the beginning of the series this was ok because the overarching story wasn't that deep. But now with how ridiculous the story is shifting from Disney worlds to straight up going to heaven is like "Yo what the fukk is going on"

I will say that is one of the things i did like about the story. Up until now we all thought Death didn't exist in KH. Sure rare instances such as Hades Scar and recently Strieliza(Union cross stuff) popped up. But death was about as pointless in this series as it was in Supernatural.

In this game Nomura just went (o you think people don't die?? ok lol) EVERYONE DIES. I'm like WHAT THE fukk? However we not gonna talk about how a demon tide is what killed everyone yet they all held their own against the org. That's neither here or there lol.

I am interested in a new kingdom hearts arc that is actually thought out before hand which seems to be where this series is going. However we know they can't just take the Disney out of it. Nor would i want them to. Disney is kingdom hearts no matter how crazy the original story gets. The focus on showing just how important Donald and Goofy are to sora was one of the highlights of the game to me. And at the very least we know Malificent and Pete are still around during the whole Braig/Luxu reveal.

Which makes me think. Will sora even have Donald/Goofy in KH4. I mean sora is dead now. Lmfaooo.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
I 100% agree on the Disney stuff. I was reading a interview this morning and it shows just how strict Disney are with their properties. Nomura really can't change any of the narrative in the Disney games. In the beginning of the series this was ok because the overarching story wasn't that deep. But now with how ridiculous the story is shifting from Disney worlds to straight up going to heaven is like "Yo what the fukk is going on"

I will say that is one of the things i did like about the story. Up until now we all thought Death didn't exist in KH. Sure rare instances such as Hades Scar and recently Strieliza(Union cross stuff) popped up. But death was about as pointless in this series as it was in Supernatural.

In this game Nomura just went (o you think people don't die?? ok lol) EVERYONE DIES. I'm like WHAT THE fukk? However we not gonna talk about how a demon tide is what killed everyone yet they all held their own against the org. That's neither here or there lol.

I am interested in a new kingdom hearts arc that is actually thought out before hand which seems to be where this series is going. However we know they can't just take the Disney out of it. Nor would i want them to. Disney is kingdom hearts no matter how crazy the original story gets. The focus on showing just how important Donald and Goofy are to sora was one of the highlights of the game to me. And at the very least we know Malificent and Pete are still around during the whole Braig/Luxu reveal.

Which makes me think. Will sora even have Donald/Goofy in KH4. I mean sora is dead now. Lmfaooo.

Exactly, blow it all up. Sora riku and some other chick can be the new trio if they want. This the same dumb shyt capcom be on. Mvci was trash partly because of the need to have marvel included who pigeonholed who they could include. Imagine a cp vs game with all capcom shyt. Its not like they dont have enough interesting characters. Same shyt with SE. Hell its square ENIX. They have decades of material.