Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Team has "plenty of ideas brewing" for online component.
image: http://gematsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/KH3-More-Open-Almost-Seamless.jpg

Kingdom Hearts III will have bigger, almost seamless worlds with a “huge decrease” in load times, according to director Tetsuya Nomura.
“While the world may not be comparable to massively open-world titles, it’s far bigger than previous Kingdom Hearts titles,” Nomura told Engadget at E3. “There’s a huge decrease in load times, too.
“In previous games, you’d run to the end of an area and it would go dark before transitioning to the next stage — now it’s become seamless, as you can see in the trailer when Sora jumps off the mountain you’ve just battled up.
“The environments themselves, in Kingdom Hearts III, things will be affected by real-time actions, a tornado spell will swirl the blades of grass surrounding it.”
And right now, there are more worlds in planning than in Kingdom Hearts II. Though whether or not that means the final game will have more worlds than its predecessor remains ambiguous.
“With every Kingdom Hearts title, we plan to deliver more worlds than actually appear in game — so we have something in our pockets to work with,” Nomura said. “Then as we begin to hone these worlds and stages, and some do get cut. [At this point], we have prepared more worlds, in that respect, than Kingdom Hearts II.”
Nomura adds that, compared to when we last saw it in December 2013, the visuals have changed a lot.
“Compared to the initial first look at the game, in the trailer we’re showing now, the visual aspects have evolved a lot,” Nomura said. “Not only the particle effects within the battles, but also the sheer scale of it.”
Touching on the controls, Nomura said that there shouldn’t be a huge difference in battle controls, though they might consider utilizing PlayStation 4’s touchpanel.
“Coming from Kingdom Hearts II, there won’t be a huge difference in battle controls — we’re not going to change how you jump or anything — it’ll be more of an evolution. Depending on how we utilize the touchpanel, we may not need other forms of control [for certain actions].”
Nomura also briefly addressed online, saying that the team “wants gamers to play for a while and an online component helps this,” and that while they’re currently focusing on the main campaign, they have “plenty of ideas brewing” regarding an online component.

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2015/06/kingdom-hearts-iii-bigger-almost-seamless-worlds#mRVSc7gYygYpIELJ.99


Anbu Black Ops
Jun 11, 2015
Why are the graphics so bad?? Hopefully they were just shhowibg the Xbox version?? Of the android mobile version??


All Star
Jun 19, 2014


All Star
Jun 19, 2014
There is also a chance the game comes out Winter 2016.

I doubt these are a coincidence.




My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
I dont understand how anyone can say the graphics look bad. The graphics look fukking amazing. The fukk do yall expect it to look like? Call of duty?

Maybe yall are judging it from the initial reveal and low res images. Have some 1080p in your life!!

Also im not sure if any of yall are really up on the Kingdom Hearts lore. Or if yall just fukking with this because yall like KH2. But there were TONS of reveals that happened in this trailer with the chess game going on. Here is the post from the kingdom hearts board that basically explains everything Square Enix just revealed to us.

Ok new revelations everyone!!!!. 1080p trailer for better quality!!!!


Ok. So at 0:22 we get the clearest shot of Eraqus side of the board.


He has 8 pieces on the field not counting the one Xehanort took seconds before and the one thats currently in his hand(We'll get back to those)

Pieces we can easily identify

Riku=Empty Heartless Symbol
Mickey=Mickey ears
Terra=End Of Earth(the one to the right of the crown)
Kairi=Star(It's Namine's good luck charm but if this is representing anyone it's Kairi)
Aqua-Stormfall(To the right of the Star)
Ven-Wayward Wind-(Right of Stormfall)

These are most likely our 7 lights(As much as i hate to admit Kairi being one)

Now for the last one. The one to the left of Mickey. I can't 100% pinpoint to anything in the series. But the closest symbol i could find was Eraqus keychain.

Look at that symbol. Flip it around now look at the piece to the left of Mickey. It "kinda" looks like it right??

Couple this with the fact that Sora picked up "Master Keeper" in the E3 2013 video. And in this video Eraqus himself is literally using Sora to battle Xehanort..... It makes sense..... "Kinda" Lol



Someone also pointed out that this could be the "Twilight Town Bell" And if thats the case then this is either representing Roxas/Xion. I honestly think this being the Twlight Town bell is a little farfetch'd But hey anything is possible since i can't 100% call it either


Now the big question is. HOW THE HELL IS TERRA BACK?

End of BBS secret video we see Terra and Xehanort having a discussion in their new "Terranort" fused body. Terra says Eraqus heart is still lingering within him. That plot point was never brought back up. Maybe this is what they were talking about??


When Xemnas and Ansem were defeated all the "rules" dictate that "Terranort" should of been the one that was brought back. But Master Xehanort himself was brought back and Terra is no where to be found. Obviously Eraqus has something to do with that.

But then again the conversation between Mickey/Riku/And Master Xehanort at the end of DDD Master Xehanort seems to hint he knows where Terra is and Terra is on their side.


But looking at the chess pieces on Xehanort side."2:21" is where we get the clearest shot of Xehanort side.


None of the pieces on Xehanort's side hints at Terra.

Here's a pic of all the pieces

1-Master Xehanort-Goat/Dragon-Master Xehanort Keyblade
3.Maleficent-Maleficent head/ears
5.Ansem/Xemnas????-Xehanort's Guardian (There's 2 identical pieces here which surely means Ansem/Xemnas)
6.Void Gear Keyblade-Vanitas
8.6 pointed star????????
10.2 crossed swords?? The closet thing we could find was the samurai nobody. But that would mean this is representing Roxas. And why the hell would Roxas be one of the darkness? Especially since in DDD Young Xehanort himself said Roxas wasn't fit.


11.Hourglass-Young Xehanort

So all in all if were to believe these chess pieces are representing the 7 lights and 13 darknesses(Which everyone is) Then basically this trailer confirmed


are the additional lights next to Sora Riku and Mickey


Are additional "darknesses" next to Master Xehanort/Young Xehanort/Ansem/Xemnas and Saix with 5 more left to be revealed.

And don't even ask me how the hell Maleficent got into this. If yall can find anything else that number 3 can represent then be my guess to prove me wrong......... But yea..... That's Maleficent all right................ Kinda make sense. The light side has one disney character(Mickey) Why shouldn't the darkness side have their own disney character??(Maleficent)

Now for the final shot.... Excuse me while i fangirl just for a bit.... I mean this shot is literally showcasing the finale of 12 years in the making. But anyway here we go.



Yes we all know this is what everything is leading up to but Square Enix is basically shoving it right down our face right now. However what i want to point out is they are also showing us who is still "Alive" come the finale.

As you can see Riku is right behind Sora(this also calls back to the Dream Drop Distance Intro where they showcase "The Future" after KH2 and we see Sora/Riku fighting Master Xehanort)


Now there is a 3rd "Light" still in this battle come the finale as we can see but they not letting us know who they are. Im betting anything that it's "Kairi" though. Again as much as i hate that Kairi is gonna be participating in the biggest battle of the series after doing NOTHING for 5 games. I can't lie and say that the final battle involving Sora/Riku/Kairi wouldn't bring everything full circle and just have that much more of a impact for the fans.


I see people are asking how the hell Kairi is gonna be strong enough to be in this battle. And instead of yall bashing the "newcomers" for not playing the handhelds why not just answer their questions?? There's gonna be TONS of people coming here who only played KH1 and KH2. No reason to bash them for that.

Anyway the secret ending of Dream Drop Distance we see that Yensid will begin to start training Kairi. During the events of Dream Drop Distance Yensid was already training Lea(Axel). This is basically Kingdom Hearts version of the "Hyperbolic Time Chamber" created by Merlin and the 2 faires. Kairi can take as long as she needs in here and we'll just have to accept it.


Now for Xehanort's side. They are clearly showing us a couple of "Seekers of darkness" that are still very much active come the finale.

Right behind Xehanort we see one of the "Guardians" which is kinda a no brainier. Xemnas/Ansem being in the finale battle just makes sense.

We also see Luxord is here....... Don't think ANYONE saw that coming. But it kinda makes sense. With the whole "Time Travel" mechanic introduced in Dream Drop Distance why not bring back the only other person in the entire series besides "Young Xehanort" that can control time??

And we see Maleficent. WOW!!!!!!!! What the hell is that witch doing here??? We know she has her own motives going into KH3 that will also call back to the events of KH X(chi) (I think the mobile game is actually gonna be alot more important to the overall lore then we expect it to be. While im sure you wont have to play it to understand the general plotline of KH3. If you DO play it you'll understand all the little subtle hints KH3 will have however.

As we saw in the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Maleficent is in search of the "Book Of Prophecies" Which is basically what (Kingdom Hearts X(Chi)) is all about.

So there you have it. Anything else im forgetting i'll edit this post. But yea. Square Enix just gave us a TON of "Story" info here that i don't want people to overlook with all the amazing gameplay footage we just got. I've never been more hyped for this game!!!
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Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Kingdom Hearts III has mostly new worlds, release window internally decided


Famitsu and Dengeki PlayStation have new interviews with Kingdom Hearts III director Tetsuya Nomura this week.
Get the summary below.
  • The battle system doesn’t use deck commands like Birth by Sleep, but rather classic commands like “Attack” and “Magic.”
  • Free run is being implemented this time, so Sora’s mobility is a bit out of the ordinary. Beyond jumping and running, this likely consists of things like wall running and jumping, etc.
  • With the exception of Olympus, most of the worlds in the game are brand new. The Tangled world was revealed at E3.
  • Xehanort’s story will come to an end in Kingdom Hearts III, but the Kingdom Hearts series is not finished. (Rather, Kingdom Hearts III brings to an end the “Dark Seeker” chapter of the series.) A plan has already been decided regarding the whereabouts of some of the characters fans might be concerned about. Nomura says he wouldn’t want to do something so disappointing as just settling things.
  • A landing point for the release window has been decided, but they can’t say anything yet. The latest news is promised for the D23 Expo Japan Kingdom Hearts fan event on November 3.
  • Development is on track. Things like secret movies are also under consideration.

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2015/06/kingdom-...window-internally-decided#ao6zxAuvAdTw8rQI.99

Money Be Green

May 13, 2012
The Pitts
Haven't played Kingdom hearts since I was in the 6th grade. I got stuck at one part and I threw that game in the bushes