"Kevin Spacey made a sexual advance at me when I was 14" - Anthony Rapp

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014

we are never going to see kevin spacey again man...wow :ohhh:

they may fukk around and pull all of his movies and series' from netflix/hulu

And meanwhile Trump is sitting in the oval office with a smile on his face after openly admitting to assaulting women.
I guess it's better to admit it and keep it pushing instead of begging for forgiveness:manny:

there's nothing trump can do if a bunch of women come forward with receipts. nothing.

and you best believe some extremely powerful people are waiting for this to happen

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
there is a difference between an adult putting themselves in a compromising situation for fame and a child being taken advantage of.

Thats why we distinguish between minors and majors.

Do people in power abuse their power and take advantage of those below them? 24/7-365. But who would continue to act in the movies of someone who raped you?/The money and fame were too good to walk away from that you couldn't go to the police and say I was raped/assaulted then let the chips fall where they may?

Dont be complicit, speak out and save others from the same fate.

I'm just saying those who were adults and let were willing to give it up for a role and then keep quiet.... You benefited then years later now decide it was assault?

Corey spoke his truth and not one of these victims said a word. Ras B spoke.out and he became joke and no one stepped up to.say yeah this shyt happens.

But now that Harvey has been exposed.and is possibly not in a position to affect their carrers people want to speak out.

Though I'm glad this has given many who were genuinely afraid the courage to finally speak out. But I'll still side eye some of these victims.

We can't use "don't victim shame" as an excuse.not to ask pertinent questions or point out the obvious. Even in the court of law these queations would be asked.

I at no point said anything remotely like "its the same."

But trying some "it only counts as assault/harassment if they were under that magic line" is bullshyt. The behavior that Kevin Spacey is accused of was wrong every time he did it, and most of those who have come forward are adults.

There's a difference between a 14yo (one Spacey victim, several R. Kelly victims), a 17yo (most R. Kelly victims, some Cosby victims) and a 20+yo (most Spacey and Cosby victims). But when it is a powerful person committing sexual harassment and sexual assault against a much younger, much less powerful person, the difference is only a matter of degree. The same dynamics are in play, and harassment is still harassment, assault is still assault, whether they are over 18 or not.

If this was a friendly, consensual relationship between equals, it would be a different story. But we're not talking friendly, consensual relationships. We're talking people who used their power to abuse far less powerful people who were not interested.

Of course, you completely leave out:

4. The ones who were not willing but didn't think anyone would believe them

5. The ones who were not willing but who thought that speaking out would only lead to public shame and cause their own name to be destroyed

6. The ones who were not willing but who thought the powerful man's reputation and lawyers would lead him to beat any case they tried against him

7. The ones who were not willing but were told by others that what happened was "the norm" or "expected" and there was nothing to do

8. The ones who were not willing but didn't even know what had happened was illegal, because it was so normalized by society for so long

9. The ones who were not willing but were just too ashamed, or too scared, to do anything

There's a reason that virtually NONE of these accusations were coming out in the 1970s and 1980s, and few in the 1990s. Until the 1980s the term "date rape" wasn't even a thing. Women were told that if he didn't hold a gun to your head or beat your head in, then it wasn't rape, even if you said no and never wanted to do it but were too frightened or too drugged to fully resist physically. You can hardly find ANYONE managing to get a powerful man for date rape in the 1980s, hardly even in the 1990s.

Same with sexual harassment - until recently most women had nothing to even report, because such stuff was completely tolerated in the office environment.

And look at the ones who tried. One of Cosby's accusers went to the cops in 2002, the D.A. wouldn't press charges. Another went to the cops in 2005, again the D.A. wouldn't press charges. Kobe's accuser went to the cops, and had her entire life publicly destroyed because she was sexually active with multiple partners, despite having physical evidence of the sex and not otherwise having any of her accusations proven wrong. R. Kelly had a fukking VIDEO of his abuse, went to court and had 12 people identify the 14-year-old in the video, and somehow got the jury to get him off anyway.

Not to mention that we're hearing now that many of the Cosby, Weinstein, Spacey, etc. victims have told all SORTS of people, that all SORTS of people knew about it, and yet nothing changed. If you were a young 20yo girl new to Hollywood, and someone did something like that to you, and you told people you trusted and they did nothing...would you have the guts to go against what everyone else you knew was doing, go above all their heads, and take it to the cops? Perhaps you would, but a hell of a lot of others wouldn't. That doesn't make them any less of victims.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Do people in power abuse their power and take advantage of those below them? 24/7-365. But who would continue to act in the movies of someone who raped you?/The money and fame were too good to walk away from that you couldn't go to the police and say I was raped/assaulted then let the chips fall where they may?

Why would you purposely make your own life worse if you believed it wouldn't protect anyone else or change anything?

It's really hard to come forward when people are telling you that what happened to you was normal, expected, when it's happened to other people and nothing has been done, when plenty of guys are doing it and none of them are getting in trouble, when they are far more powerful than you, and when you know that coming forward will destroy your life and reputation.

You can demand that they bite the bullet for the good of others. And that's what I wish would have happened. But I'm not going to start shytting on them for making that choice when I couldn't begin to understand the sacrifices such a choice would mean.

I know rape victims, personally. I know victims who have seen their case drag out for years without any resolution, because the rapist's lawyers knew how to delay that shyt. I know victims who never went to the police because they knew they couldn't prove it, and thus they would only destroy their own reputation and waste time and money without ever getting any justice. I know one victim (consensual but underage) who couldn't come forward until the guy was in jail for another offense, because it was only when he was out of her life and didn't have that psychological control over her anymore that she finally realized how sick it all was.

I want every victim to come forward. And there are certain excuses that I won't accept, like, "I didn't want to see him get hurt" or "I didn't want to shame my family." But when I've seen so many rape victims get re-victimized during the trials, crumble under lawyers who know how to make damaged people fall apart in a stressful situation, see their own unstable lives be far more vulnerable than their well-heeled abuser...I ain't going to start casting stones.

The whole "Me too" movement appears to be taking off now though, and we ARE getting justice for in a lot of cases now where people are finally willing to speak up because they have a groundswell of support behind them. Now we're seeing people who are finally feeling safe to come our because they have the numbers behind them and know the public will meet their story with sympathy.

And that's really the issue, isn't it? Why wasn't this groundswell of support for victims in the 1960s, or the 1970s, or the 1980s, or even the 1990s? It's bullshyt to blame the victims when it is really the PUBLIC that was on about that bullshyt the whole time.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Seems lots of white males in Hollywood are getting the Bill Cosby treatment :mjgrin:

What's good for the goose is good for the gander :yeshrug:

It's unfortunate that House of Cards will be affected though :francis:

That's my favorite show :ld:

Oct 22, 2017
And meanwhile Trump is sitting in the oval office with a smile on his face after openly admitting to assaulting women.
I guess it's better to admit it and keep it pushing instead of begging for forgiveness:manny:

Trump is an open white supremacist who bragged about sexually assaulting white women. Staying on code, they don't care.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Victim withdraws CIVIL lawsuit, and may not cooperate with prosectors during criminal trial
