"Kevin Spacey made a sexual advance at me when I was 14" - Anthony Rapp

Uchiha God

Jan 11, 2013
wtf so in hollywood it was know this dude was a pedophile and they just let him roam free? :mindblown::damn:

i mean, besides the family guy joke, there's this cac show that supposedly made it a recurrent theme:

All the Times Difficult People Has “Joked” About Kevin Spacey

its like 5 or 6 jokes about this shyt, so it must have been known right?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

He was a 14 year old kid at the time.

Comapred to a 20 something actor/actress called for a private meeting in a hotel room.

So you're saying you'd be cool with Spacey doing all the shyt he was doing if the victims were 20yo women? :scust:

curious what Cosby conspiracy theorists have to say about all this

i thought only Cosby was subjected to such abuse :jbhmm:

i thought a powerful white man would never be taken down by accusations :jbhmm:

Turns out nearly everything said about Cosby mirrors the behavior of all these powerful dudes involved in Hollywood: invite women over to discuss "work/career" and then either rape/assault/drug/etc them or offer a job for sex

And all the excuses they gave for why Cosby "couldn't" be guiltly.

"Oh, come on, no one has ever assaulted that many women." (Now Harvey Weinstein's list is even longer.)

"Oh, come on, if it were true they would have said so at the time." (Now all these Spacey victims coming out who had been quiet as hell.)

"Oh, come on, why didn't they press charges?" (They DID press charges on Cosby, twice, and a lot of victims never pressed charges on Weinstein or Spacey.)

"Oh, come on, they were grown women, they weren't powerless like that." (Now even grown men admitted they felt powerless when subjected to sexual harassment by a power player.)

When you get as powerful as someone like Cosby or MJ or R. Kelly, it ain't a cut-and-dried race thing anymore, because power plays into it so much. When you're making stacks like that and making stacks for a lot of other people like that, intimidating people and making/breaking careers and being able to pay high-priced lawyers, get settlements, buy witnesses....you can get away with a LOT.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
As we wait to see the full extent of the fallout from the current tidal wave of charges, though, have a look below at a comprehensive list of powerful men accused of sexual harassment (and worse) in the wake of Harvey Weinstein.

  • Roy Price, the head of Amazon Studios, has been accused of sexual harassment by producer Isa dikk Hackett. He has since resigned.

  • Andy Signore, creator of Screen Junkies and the popular “Honest Trailers” series, has been accused of sexual harassment by at least five women. He has since been fired by Defy Media.

  • Ben Affleck, has been accused of groping actress Hilary Burton on the set of MTV’s TRL in the early-2000’s. Affleck has since apologized.

  • Bob Weinstein, super producer and brother of Harvey, has been accused of sexual harassment by Amanda Segel, an executive producer of the Weinstein Co.-produced TV series The Mist. A Weinstein representative has since denied the charge.

  • Matt Mondanile, the former guitarist for the band Real Estate, has been accused by several women of sexual misconduct. Mondanile has since denied any wrongdoing.

  • Oliver Stone, has been accused by actress Carrie Stevens of groping her at a party once. She tweeted this allegation in response to Stone tepidly defending Weinstein in the early aftermath of the charges against him.

  • James Toback, director of films such as Black and White, has been accused by literally hundreds of women of a range of sexual harassments. He has since vehemently denied the charges, while Beverly Hills police have launched an investigation whose scope includes both Toback and Harvey Weinstein.

  • Lockhart Steele, the creator of popular websites such as Curbed and Racked, has been accused of sexual harassment by former Vox employee Eden Rohatensky. Vox has since fired Steele.

  • Mark Halperin, the reporter, author, and media personality, has been accused of sexual harassment by several women going back many years. He has admitted to some misconduct, although his account is in dispute, and he has since been dropped by several of his employers, including NBC News, MSNBC, and HBO.

  • Andrew Kramer, the Lionsgate executive, has been accused of sexual harassment by a former assistant. He has since been dropped.

  • Eli Wiesel, the Nobel Prize-winning author and human-rights advocate has been accused of groping a 19-year-old in 1989. Wiesel passed away in 2016 and is thus unable to confirm or deny the account.

  • Leon Wieseltier, formerly an editor at The New Republic, has been accused by several female colleagues of sexual harassment. Wiseltier has admitted to some “offenses” and funding has since been pulled from the new magazine he had planned to launch.

  • Twiggy Ramirez a/k/a Jeordie White, the bassist from Marilyn Manson has been accused of rape. He has since been fired from the band.

  • Tyler Grasham, the Hollywood agent, has been accused of sexual assault and sodomy by actor Tyler Cornell, who has also filed a police report. Grasham has since been fired by his agency, ACA.

  • Ethan Kath, the producer/performer behind Crystal Castles has been accused by former bandmate Alice Glass of sexual assault. Kath denies the allegations.

  • Chris Savino, the creator of Nickelodeon’s The Loud House, has been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment. He has since been fired from the show.

  • Knight Landesman, the Artforum publisher and a power broker in the art world, has been accused of sexual harassment by at least nine women, who have filed a joint lawsuit. Landesman has since resigned from Artforum.

  • Robert Scoble, the veteran tech blogger, has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women. He has since resigned from the “mixed reality” consulting firm he co-founded earlier in 2017.

  • George H.W. Bush, the former president, has been accused by several women of groping them while making a bad joke (punchline: “David Cop-a-Feel.”) Rather than denying the charges, Bush has issued a statement through his spokesperson, introducing the world to the concept of a “good-natured” groping.

  • Kevin Spacey, the star of Netflix’s House of Cards, has been accused by actor Anthony Rapp of making unwanted sexual advances when Rapp was 14 years old. Spacey released a statement claiming he was drunk and did not remember the encounter, and Netflix has since suspended production on the sixth season of House of Cards.

  • Jeremy Piven, the actor most famous for his role on HBO’s Entourage, has been accused by actress Ariane Bellamar of groping her on multiple accusations during the filming of that show. Piven has denied the allegations.

  • Hamilton Fish V, the publisher of The New Republic, has been accused by multiple female employees of sexual harassment. He has since taken a leave of absence.

  • Andy dikk, the famously assault-prone comedic performer, has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple people on the set of the indie film, Raising Buchanan. He has since been fired from the film.

  • Brett Ratner, the director behind hits such as Rush Hour, has been accused by six women of a number of sexual offenses. Ratner’s lawyer has disputed these accounts.

  • Dustin Hoffman, the veteran actor from films like The Graduate and Tootsie, has been accused of sexually harassing Anna Graham when she was a 17-year-old production assistant in 1985.

  • Michael Oreskes, a top editor at NPR, has been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment. He has since resigned.

Here’s The Ever-Growing List Of Men Accused of Sexual Harassment Since Harvey Weinstein

That list itself probably ain't even close to complete, right on the links below that story was another one with a guy who isn't mentioned in the list:


Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
So you're saying you'd be cool with Spacey doing all the shyt he was doing if the victims were 20yo women? :scust:

Duh! I wouldn't be cool with it. But my response would be different.

There is a marked social and LEGAL difference between a 14 and a 20 year old. I would hope a 20 something year old, male or female, would have enough sense not to go to his bedroom/hotel room or whatever, I'm sure there are people who actually have genuine meetings in hotel rooms and then keep it moving. Kate Beckinsale said Weinstein tried that shyt on her and she told him, NO! So I can understand a naive kid but an adult, one interested in the notorious entertainment industry no less?

In an ideal world there would be no predators. I as a woman could go out and not worry about being roofied or getting drunk and having some piece of shyt take advantage of me, I can go to some man's hotel room or bed room and be assured that nothing I don't want to happen will happen....

The 20 something year olds I meant are the ones:

1. Who were willing to lay down on the casting couch and get what ever advantages they would get, or

2. The ones not willing but did not resist because they did not want to risk their careers, or

3. The ones who were raped and after wards decided to try to look past it for the sake of their career.

You cant tell me you think its the same as someone trying something sexual with a CHILD.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Duh! I wouldn't be cool with it. But my response would be different.

There is a marked social and LEGAL difference between a 14 and a 20 year old. I would hope a 20 something year old, male or female, would have enough sense not to go to his bedroom/hotel room or whatever, I'm sure there are people who actually have genuine meetings in hotel rooms and then keep it moving. Kate Beckinsale said Weinstein tried that shyt on her and she told him, NO! So I can understand a naive kid but an adult, one interested in the notorious entertainment industry no less?

You cant tell me you think its the same as someone trying something sexual with a CHILD.

I at no point said anything remotely like "its the same."

But trying some "it only counts as assault/harassment if they were under that magic line" is bullshyt. The behavior that Kevin Spacey is accused of was wrong every time he did it, and most of those who have come forward are adults.

There's a difference between a 14yo (one Spacey victim, several R. Kelly victims), a 17yo (most R. Kelly victims, some Cosby victims) and a 20+yo (most Spacey and Cosby victims). But when it is a powerful person committing sexual harassment and sexual assault against a much younger, much less powerful person, the difference is only a matter of degree. The same dynamics are in play, and harassment is still harassment, assault is still assault, whether they are over 18 or not.

If this was a friendly, consensual relationship between equals, it would be a different story. But we're not talking friendly, consensual relationships. We're talking people who used their power to abuse far less powerful people who were not interested.

The 20 something year olds I meant are the ones:

1. Who were willing to lay down on the casting couch and get what ever advantages they would get, or

2. The ones not willing but did not resist because they did not want to risk their careers, or

3. The ones who were raped and after wards decided to try to look past it for the sake of their career.

Of course, you completely leave out:

4. The ones who were not willing but didn't think anyone would believe them

5. The ones who were not willing but who thought that speaking out would only lead to public shame and cause their own name to be destroyed

6. The ones who were not willing but who thought the powerful man's reputation and lawyers would lead him to beat any case they tried against him

7. The ones who were not willing but were told by others that what happened was "the norm" or "expected" and there was nothing to do

8. The ones who were not willing but didn't even know what had happened was illegal, because it was so normalized by society for so long

9. The ones who were not willing but were just too ashamed, or too scared, to do anything

There's a reason that virtually NONE of these accusations were coming out in the 1970s and 1980s, and few in the 1990s. Until the 1980s the term "date rape" wasn't even a thing. Women were told that if he didn't hold a gun to your head or beat your head in, then it wasn't rape, even if you said no and never wanted to do it but were too frightened or too drugged to fully resist physically. You can hardly find ANYONE managing to get a powerful man for date rape in the 1980s, hardly even in the 1990s.

Same with sexual harassment - until recently most women had nothing to even report, because such stuff was completely tolerated in the office environment.

And look at the ones who tried. One of Cosby's accusers went to the cops in 2002, the D.A. wouldn't press charges. Another went to the cops in 2005, again the D.A. wouldn't press charges. Kobe's accuser went to the cops, and had her entire life publicly destroyed because she was sexually active with multiple partners, despite having physical evidence of the sex and not otherwise having any of her accusations proven wrong. R. Kelly had a fukking VIDEO of his abuse, went to court and had 12 people identify the 14-year-old in the video, and somehow got the jury to get him off anyway.

Not to mention that we're hearing now that many of the Cosby, Weinstein, Spacey, etc. victims have told all SORTS of people, that all SORTS of people knew about it, and yet nothing changed. If you were a young 20yo girl new to Hollywood, and someone did something like that to you, and you told people you trusted and they did nothing...would you have the guts to go against what everyone else you knew was doing, go above all their heads, and take it to the cops? Perhaps you would, but a hell of a lot of others wouldn't. That doesn't make them any less of victims.
Nov 18, 2016
Im quite surprised jack Nicholson isn't accused yet? Not denying his credit to the silver screen but he does come off quite crasy dude, well back in the day.
His buddy Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year girl in Nicholson's Jacuzzi. He wasn't there apparently. But I wouldn't be surprised if he is exposed next after he defended Polanski so much.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
Im quite surprised jack Nicholson isn't accused yet? Not denying his credit to the silver screen but he does come off quite crasy dude, well back in the day.

Don't need to grab tities when women throw themselves all over you. Have you seen him on his Yacht with nothing but foreign babes? Yeah him and Leo won't be on any list thats for sure.
Oct 26, 2014
wtf so in hollywood it was know this dude was a pedophile and they just let him roam free? :mindblown::damn:

i mean, besides the family guy joke, there's this cac show that supposedly made it a recurrent theme:

All the Times Difficult People Has “Joked” About Kevin Spacey

its like 5 or 6 jokes about this shyt, so it must have been known right?
Breh it may have been know, one of those things that everyone knows but nobody has receipts for it. The reason this shyt is blowing up is because the victims are speaking out


May 2, 2012
And meanwhile Trump is sitting in the oval office with a smile on his face after openly admitting to assaulting women.
I guess it's better to admit it and keep it pushing instead of begging for forgiveness:manny: