Kevin Samuels Is Literally the Number One Topic Now


Feb 12, 2015
@Booksnrain isnt dumb. She’s just acting like a woman. The worst thing you can do to a women’s ego is be honest with her.

Women don’t even realize they are con artist to other women. As long as black men are here to take the blame they are ok with uplifting their fellow sister with delusional standards lol.

If women were made to be accountable. More of them would be calling eachother insane for their standards.
Everything you’ve said can and should be said about men as well. The fact that you and others become incensed when I do so only proves my point.


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
He’s not just a black woman hater. He wants to be a black woman. As for women taking criticism I find rich irony in that coming from a man. Male ego is NOTORIOUSLY fragile. Men have literally told women they responsible for the original sin. Constantly throw all types of double standards out there and be in emotional shambles as soon as somebody mentions the slightest shyt somebody with a dikk does wrong.
Dudes have killed chicks for telling them about themselves and play slip in slide with accountability like water on a duck’s back.
Boy stop.:laff:

Sorry men do not have platforms to shyt on women. Meanwhile women have platforms to shyt on men, have daily group sessions to shyt on men and their own websites (theroot, madamenoir etc)

Let’s see black men do all of that and the outrage from women that follows.


Next let’s talk about feminism the ideology that women want equal rights but have the nerve to bytch about equal responsibility.

Is there a male a movement as such?


Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
Black women are given hell for their preferences too. Always have been. Hell WOMEN period are given hell for their preferences. Whatever we want is a problem. Date a broke guy and if he fukks over you, people tell u to choose better. Date a rich guy and if he fukks over you, people tell you that you should have known better. Focus on personality over looks and when you can’t even get wet, it’s an issue. Focus on looks over personality and get dikked down without a reliable mate.

There were dudes getting mad at chicks for liking dad bods. But if they like dudes with muscles, they got a problem with that too.

Socially men have been trying to push chicks onto men they didn’t like for centuries while feeling entitled to women they are solely attracted to based on looks. In some men’s minds, It’s a man’s world so they feel like women should be happy to get anything. Degrees don’t matter. What you want don’t matter. Only how you look.

But that’s not sustainable anymore because now that women are making their own money, and the sense of urgency to get a man has somewhat been lifted. So many aren’t just looking for a provider anymore. They want sexual satisfaction and to be attracted to their partners as well. For better or for worse.

So instead of gravitating to feel good rhetoric, people should be seeking balanced perspectives...ESPECIALLY in relationships.
Sure some women might need to realistic but hell some men do too. And you can convey that without focusing on a man’s dikk size or the way a woman looks.

That dude toxic as hell and I don’t even know how people don’t get it. But I’m not a follower. I don’t give a fukk who needs an internet daddy. I know bullshyt when I see it and I’ll call it like it see it.:yeshrug:

Nah, we can even look at the numbers.

There are countless movies, shows, and books that literally encourage women to have high standards and support their preferences. Show me the ones for men.

We can look at the number of articles right now.

Every single day we're seeing tweets where a black woman says they want a white man and it gets tens of thousands of likes. Every single day a black man is getting cancelled for stating a preference. Hell, men can't even say they don't want to date transgenders now.

Some men have unrealistic standards too and guess what? They get backlash for it.

$500 bet. Go on twitter as a male and say "I don't date fat women."

Then go on as a female and say "I don't date fat men."

If the male gets less negative backlash than the woman, I'll send $500.

Personally, I think Kevin Samuels is a fraud and don't really give a shyt about anything he says. I just find the a$$hole entertaining. In fact, my FAVORITE moment is when he destroyed a male caller. Yes, men are delusional, too.


Feb 12, 2015
And I’m not sure what @Booksnrain laughing at. Let’s see what her reaction would be if a 5ft 9 overweight dude with no money tried to sleep with her. The first thing she’d be asking is how big that nikka dikk is.

You don’t know me at all. But I’m glad you broached this subject because you about to prove exactly how toxic this Kevin nikka is. Ive written several long ass posts about blk men, dikk sizes and size queen phenomenon in our community. The gist of it is that there is FAR too much emphasis on dikk size from women to cultivate insecurities in men because some women resent it being socially acceptable for men to be “visual”. So they try and play up dikk size as a tool of humiliation to men, when in actuality, dikk size is only one variable for pleasure and many know that but still use it as a weapon.
IVE said this many times on this site.

So if we recognize this phenomenon, why da fukk is a BLACK MAN promoting this type of dumb shyt to other BLACK MEN? If that ain’t bomb ass potato salad auntie energy, I dunno what is. And it’s hilarious.

As for me personally, I advise people based on compatibility instead of just visuals because the shallow shyt he emphasizing for sistagirl snaps and OOPs, and bro daps and salutes won’t help people in our community have healthy relationships.


If it’s on social media and there’s any way they gettin paid for it, now a days it’s a hustle. This nikka is a zesty hustler playing both sides all pun intended. Looks like the gay choir director that used to curse us out in church if the altos didn’t sing the right note. And him being gay isn’t a problem but the gay community has its own issues to iron out before they can play Iyanla Fix My Life reindeer games with us.:yeshrug:


Nov 5, 2015
I’m not hating. Never was. It just seems like that because when people say shyt you wanna hear, many turn them into a messiah.

The “why are you here” response is a cop out and a useless one. I’m wherever I want to be. That’s irrelevant. Also I’ve been doing nothing but laughing the entire time anD MULTIPLES have come at me in their emotions over an internet stranger.:russ:

So let’s dead the wrong rhetoric that I’m the hateful one.
Many of you don’t wanna hear the honest truth. He’s hustling you.:yeshrug:Plain and simple.
Gender pandering is the easiest thing in the world to do. It’s a feel good show.
The reason he resonates is ironically because his feminine auntie energy lures blank women in with his sistagirl mannerisms so they think he cares about them from a place of the feminine, and he resonates with men because degrading women and encouraging them to lower their standards is what many lonely dudes are hoping will happen so they’ll overlook the zest as long as he says what they wanna hear.

You want me to pretend like this ain’t the case but I won’t because his dumb shyt isn’t really helping anyone, nor is his advice coming from a healthy place. The issues plaguing black relationships aren’t because black single moms want Tupac’s in business suits.
And the answers won’t come from Tropical Fruit Punch nikkas pursing their lips and reading low self-esteem black people for internet clout. And getting mad at me for being real won’t solve it either.:yeshrug:

Fam let me break it down for you...his structure.
He is not gender pandering although he is man identified from a man prospective.

He does not encourage women to lower their standards....he believes women SHOULD want thing, and be taken care of..he doesnt shame women for wanting finer things or to not want to work.....however..

It is based on a scale..much like my mom would say " you cant have champagne taste with beer money".

Alot of these women have champagne taste with beer money.

What men value vs. What women value are usually, vastly different with moderate common ground.

Women believe men should value in a women= accomplishments: degrees, jobs, money and personality then looks.

Versus what men actually value: a well kept, beautified women who is cooperative, cultured and feminine with homely qualities.

Men dont care about your job title, degrees or how much you make....

This is where most of the fiction takes place.

We are in the feminist, strong black women I dont need a man era....which is anti of what most men believe in.

Now this where it gets tricky...almost 100% of the women that call in are after the 10% of men that make north of 100k..

Those high value men=100k an up, with resources. Want a specific kind of women.

They don't want those women to have kids.
They want those women to be fit
They want those women to be feminine
They want those women to be beautiful
They want those women who can cook and clean.
They want women who are educated an cultured.

Those men dont care about a women who makes alot of money or values her jobs because those men dont want their women to work.

Those men want those women to be stay at home mom's and run the household.

Now, me personally, I make alot, my wife makes alot, however I'm not a high value man, and if it was up to my wife, she would would rather be a stay at home mom and if possible would gladly throw away her job that pays her north of 70k.

90% of women dont qualify to be the wife of a hvm, because alot of women dont Meet those standards...and because those 90% of women are chasing those 10% of men, their missing out on high earners 70-90k guys that would fit them better.

If a women cant get a guy who is 100k earner but gets the qualities she wants in a 80k earner where she can continue to work, and combine incomes and live a very above average that settling?....this is what he is trying to getalot of these women to realise.

Just cause you cant get a hvm doesnt mean the man you get is no value. Especially for a women who wants to continue to work and build generational wealth for the kids and hvm isnt always the right or best option but it's the option that most women believe they want..........they just dont want it the way hvm want because of what they would have to give up to be with them

He also holds the men accountable too.
Because in order for women to be submissive and rest in their femininity the man has to get out there in grind and work at least 60hrs a week to provide a environment for the women to be how he wants.

Hope this helps
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2015
Nah, we can even look at the numbers.

There are countless movies, shows, and books that literally encourage women to have high standards and support their preferences. Show me the ones for men.

We can look at the number of articles right now.

Every single day we're seeing tweets where a black woman says they want a white man and it gets tens of thousands of likes. Every single day a black man is getting cancelled for stating a preference. Hell, men can't even say they don't want to date transgenders now.

Some men have unrealistic standards too and guess what? They get backlash for it.

$500 bet. Go on twitter as a male and say "I don't date fat women."

Then go on as a female and say "I don't date fat men."

If the male gets less negative backlash than the woman, I'll send $500.

Personally, I think Kevin Samuels is a fraud and don't really give a shyt about anything he says. I just find the a$$hole entertaining. In fact, my FAVORITE moment is when he destroyed a male caller. Yes, men are delusional, too.
I think you are conflating recent social media trends in women pushing for the right to be shallow like men with the entirety of human history—which has never played out that way.

The ugly rich man/pretty chick combo is damn near axiomatic in our society and around the world. Ugly rich woman/fine man...not so much.

It’s the PRIMARY reason men say shyt like “dem degrees dont mean nothing”. It’s also the reason why wealth in a woman isn’t considered an attractor for men. This shyt is literally documented. Men will tell you themselves that they are primarily visual creatures. It’s where “trophy wives” and “sit still look pretty” comes from. Only very recently have women started breaking the social pattern and daring to demand physical attractiveness in males with the same audacity that men traditionally have been allowed to do. And only one factor has driven that. Not female delusion. Not “going against nature”.

It’s female economic access. In fact, that’s what most of these gender issues are about. In the old days women didn’t have as many opportunities to be shallow even though I personally feel they can be just as shallow as men are (and even more so in some cases). So they basically had to get dudes they may not have been attracted to and society shamed and beat them into dealing with it.

But now, economic access means they don’t have to accept any dikk to survive and can leverage economic access against finding somebody they actually desire. But this is still merely a response to the deeply entrenched social norm of the classic average dude with the hot chick norm. Only very recently have we had the ugly Weinstein looking dude expecting pretty women to fukk because he got power, being matched by Rebel Wilson expecting a fine dude to look past her weight as well.
Twitter and social media isn’t reality.

So we’ll call chicks who do this delusional and tell them to relax their standards and be realistic even though they just got their feet wet in the kiddie pool. But we’ll tell the Hugh Hefners:ooh::ohlawd::myman:like we been doing since the beginning of time.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
I think you are conflating recent social media trends in women pushing for the right to be shallow like men with the entirety of human history—which has never played out that way.

The ugly rich man/pretty chick combo is damn near axiomatic in our society and around the world. Ugly rich woman/fine man...not so much.

It’s the PRIMARY reason men say shyt like “dem degrees dont mean nothing”. It’s also the reason why wealth in a woman isn’t considered an attractor for men. This shyt is literally documented. Men will tell you themselves that they are primarily visual creatures. It’s where “trophy wives” and “sit still look pretty” comes from. Only very recently have women started breaking the social pattern and daring to demand physical attractiveness in males with the same audacity that men traditionally have been allowed to do. And only one factor has driven that. Not female delusion. Not “going against nature”.

It’s female economic access. In fact, that’s what most of these gender issues are about. In the old days women didn’t have as many opportunities to be shallow even though I personally feel they can be just as shallow as men are (and even more so in some cases). So they basically had to get dudes they may not have been attracted to and society shamed and beat them into dealing with it.

But now, economic access means they don’t have to accept any dikk to survive and can leverage economic access against finding somebody they actually desire. But this is still merely a response to the deeply entrenched social norm of the classic average dude with the hot chick norm. Only very recently have we had the ugly Weinstein looking dude expecting pretty women to fukk because he got power, being matched by Rebel Wilson expecting a fine dude to look past her weight as well.
Twitter and social media isn’t reality.

So we’ll call chicks who do this delusional and tell them to relax their standards and be realistic even though they just got their feet wet in the kiddie pool. But we’ll tell the Hugh Hefners:ooh::ohlawd::myman:like we been doing since the beginning of time.

Actually I don't think a woman wanting a man who's attractive is delusional at all.

The women calling into Kevin's show aren't looking for that though.

They specifically want a man who makes a certain amount of money. I don't think I've heard any of them ever complain about not finding attractive men.

Any woman can get a physically attractive man with ease.

See, I believe that women are the choosers at the end of the day. That also means they have to be held accountable for their dating life or lack thereof.

It's not delusional to want the man of your dreams.

It is, however, delusional to expect the man of your dreams to not want the woman of his dreams.

But Kevin Samuels has, at least, told women to never date a man they're not attracted to.


Feb 12, 2015
Fam let me break it down for you...his structure.
He is not gender pandering although he is man identified from a man prospective.

He does not encourage women to lower their standards....he believes women SHOULD want thing, and be taken care of..he doesnt shame women for wanting finer things or to not want to work.....however..

It is based on a scale..much like my mom would say " you cant have champagne taste with beer money".

Alot of these women have champagne taste with beer money.

What men value vs. What women value are usually, vastly different with moderate common ground.

Women believe men should value in a women= accomplishments: degrees, jobs, money and personality then looks.

Versus what men actually value: a well kept, beautified women who is cooperative, cultured and feminine with homely qualities.

Men dont care about your job title, degrees or how much you make....

This is where most of the fiction takes place.

We are in the feminist, strong black women I dont need a man era....which is anti of what most men believe in.

Now this where it gets tricky...almost 100% of the women that call in are after the 10% of men that make north of 100k..

Those high value men=100k an up, with resources. Want a specific kind of women.

They don't want those women to have kids.
They want those women to be fit
They want those women to be feminine
They want those women to be beautiful
They want those women who can cook and clean.
They want women who are educated an cultured.

Those men dont care about a women who makes alot of money or values her jobs because those men dont want their women to work.

Those men want those women to be stay at home mom's and run the household.

Now, me personally, I make alot, my wife makes alot, however I'm not a high value man, and if it was up to my wife, she would would rather be a stay at home mom and if possible would gladly throw away her job that pays her north of 70k.

90% of women dont qualify to be the wife of a hvm, because alot of women dont Meet those standards...and because those 90% of women are chasing those 10% of men, their missing out on high earners 70-90k guys that would fit them better.

If a women cant get a guy who is 100k earner but gets the qualities she wants in a 80k earner where she can continue to work, and combine incomes and live a very above average that settling?....this is what he is trying to getalot of these women to realise.

Just cause you cant get a hvm doesnt mean the man you get is no value. Especially for a women who wants to continue to work and build generational wealth for the kids and hvm isnt always the right or best option but it's the option that most women believe they want..........they just dont want it the way hvm want because of what they would have to give up to be with them

He also holds the men accountable too.
Because in order for women to be submissive and rest in their femininity the man has to get out there in grind and work at least 60hrs a week to provide a environment for the women to be how he wants.

Hope this helps
Great. I see the male perspective. It’s not that I don’t get this. Its just that dudes lash out at me when I share the equally important female perspective. But first, as for Kevin. Nothing you say will make me doubt that he isn’t absolutely a hustler.
He’s b*stardized personality tropes from the most trusted sources of the black community and wrapped them up in a caricature. These include sistagirl auntie energy, gay appropriated black female “gurrrrl lemme tell you something” energy, and Christian church woman “youse got yo submit to dat man” energy. So what you get is an auntie, church woman pickme cosplaying as a black man.:wow:
Many black women eat this shyt up because the church auntie pick me “you gotta iron his shirts everyday JESUS” shyt is comfort food for black women instead of them facing the meanness of this world. Meanwhile black men eat this shyt up because he telling the women what they think black women need to hear and they will overlook the zest and even the dumb shyt he says to black men, as long as the message gets to black women that their successes ain’t shyt to protect their own egos.
Moreover, him dragging a couple of people while they are down isn’t going to fix black relationships. And the entire high value/low value dichotomy is nonsense. You cannot quantify something as complex as a human being. But he oversimplifies people and gives insulting sensationalized gender pandering in the form of “advice” and because there is a leadership vacuum in our community, people eat this shyt up. I know a hustle when I see it. It’s not just the messenger that’s the message. His message is wack too because it’s not healing any of the deep seated issues black men and black women have that is at the root of our romantic failures like white supremacy and low self-esteem. These chicks will go from having crazy delusional standards and being alone, to dating complete bums and settling on anybody and making babies that get abandoned because they so easily led that a nikka in a Fanny pack can tell them who to date. He knows the types callin into that show and he taking advantage.:yeshrug:

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
All a nikka gotta do is shyt on black women
and you incel nikkas hand him a crown.
same shyt happened with that closet fakkit tommy.
some cheek peeler with a knot tied in the
front of his shirt,a gucci skirt with matching
slippers is gonna have you nikkas sitting down to piss one day.

new faq guru: these black bytches aint shyt chiiiiiia:usure:
you: facts!!:ooh:
new faq guru: black men need black men.:usure:
you: brehs for life!!!:ohlawd:
new faq guru: sitting down to piss aint theirs!!!:usure:
you: i'm gonna start sitting down to piss....fukk these hoes!:stopitslime:

yo mama raised a incel fakkit.
yo mama aint shyt!!!!
she aint shyt!!!!


All of these dudes are copying from the Sergeant Willie Pete playbook on the early YouTube days. :heh:

Tommy and this dude are Sergeant Willie Pete clones. :heh:


Feb 12, 2015
Actually I don't think a woman wanting a man who's attractive is delusional at all.

The women calling into Kevin's show aren't looking for that though.

They specifically want a man who makes a certain amount of money. I don't think I've heard any of them ever complain about not finding attractive men.

Any woman can get a physically attractive man with ease.

See, I believe that women are the choosers at the end of the day. That also means they have to be held accountable for their dating life or lack thereof.

It's not delusional to want the man of your dreams.

It is, however, delusional to expect the man of your dreams to not want the woman of his dreams.

But Kevin Samuels has, at least, told women to never date a man they're not attracted to.
I’ve only heard snippets of what he told women because I was so turned off by the shyt he told the men that I didn’t want to give him anymore views.:scust:
As for looks, trust me...they are. It’s actually quite easy to find a rich man. If you are willing to gargle some wrinkly balls or pretend to moan while Christopher Walken nuts in you or date a hobbit, there’s no shortage of well off dudes willing to simp for these chicks.
But that’s not solely what they want. They want Idris Elba...with a 12 inch serve them.:usure:
Or at least they think that’s what they want. Because they’ll get that and be unhappy too. Because honestly, if they on the phone with Hidden Valley zesty ranch nikka looking for guidance, they don’t know WHAT they want.

But this Kevin cat knows that. He ain’t trying to help. He kicking em while they are down for likes and views while perpetuating harmful stereotypes about our community.


Feb 12, 2015
Sorry men do not have platforms to shyt on women. Meanwhile women have platforms to shyt on men, have daily group sessions to shyt on men and their own websites (theroot, madamenoir etc)

Let’s see black men do all of that and the outrage from women that follows.


Next let’s talk about feminism the ideology that women want equal rights but have the nerve to bytch about equal responsibility.

Is there a male a movement as such?

:dwillhuh:Your platform is called “every single society and historical text in the world since the beginning of time”:what: Feminism would never have happened in the first place if a few men at the top didn’t convince other men to try and fukk over 1/2 of the world’s population since the Dawn of time. Where you been?

The male movement is called “Life: The Status Quo and how to keep our feet on these bytches necks so we can make money and buy p*ssy to maximize our opportunity to procreate even if that means telling them to do shyt we would never do ourselves like put up with sharing a partner with 8 other partners and other silly shyt like that” :why: That movement been in effect since the advent of agriculture:deadmanny:


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
@Booksnrain :lawd:

It seems like an echo chamber in all his threads. But I don’t see that him telling black women about themselves is going to result in anything beyond entertainment for brehs. Unless action follows, behaviors change and women adjust their standards and do what he advises(hint most will not) nothing monumental will be accomplished. That’s what makes it strange to see brehs, even those that aren’t high value worshipping him just because he’s telling women about themselves.... if all he’s doing is telling women about themselves but those women still don’t move differently and nothing changes then...?

Y’all say he promotes black marriage but I don’t see that those rates will increase either or shift because of him. I mean the women who call in to his show are low self esteem and women with issues—there’s a psychology to those women. They get something out of the way he treats him, because those women already seek a certain type of validation and treatment from men(which is why they continually attract shytty relationships and crazy situations and called him in the first place) The kind of help some of them probably need is counseling. trust and believe that after they talk to Kevin, his harsh message might hit them for a few days but then they jumping right back into the same shyt they were doing before they called in.

The more unfortunate thing about Kevin Samuels “way” though is that we’ve already seen this method before, it was just done differently. srgtpetewillie and tommy and all those others did it, and it went well at first until it didn’t. Lol. And brehs supported those men too at first. But what eventually happened is bw began to respond because those brehs pissed them off. They went after those men to get those channels taken down. They began to push this swirl shyt extra hard and those anti bm messages were amplified and it’s been that way ever since.

So my prediction? No matter how popular Kevin gets, broken and delusional women will still continue to be broken and delusional. Women are not going to adjust or do things differently to get a high value men, women won’t be anymore accountable. And bw are probably going to start clapping back now that his video went viral.


Feb 12, 2015
All a nikka gotta do is shyt on black women
and you incel nikkas hand him a crown.
same shyt happened with that closet fakkit tommy.
some cheek peeler with a knot tied in the
front of his shirt,a gucci skirt with matching
slippers is gonna have you nikkas sitting down to piss one day.

new faq guru: these black bytches aint shyt chiiiiiia:usure:
you: facts!!:ooh:
new faq guru: black men need black men.:usure:
you: brehs for life!!!:ohlawd:
new faq guru: sitting down to piss aint theirs!!!:usure:
you: i'm gonna start sitting down to piss....fukk these hoes!:stopitslime:

yo mama raised a incel fakkit.
yo mama aint shyt!!!!
she aint shyt!!!!

:laff::laff::laff: Back in the day a lot of chicks didn’t believe that dykes had infiltrated 3rd wave feminist bullshyt...until they were munching carpets themselves.
People gotta stop allowing themselves to be swept away by Internet personalities.
How many times you gotta get hustled b4 you :patrice:prior to stanning somebody?

When they Derrick Jaxson was on all them black chicks Facebook pages, initially I thought he was trolling like Typical Simp or something. Then I saw people actually taking dude seriously and I was like:what:
I be legit standing around thinking how da fukk are people falling for this shyt?!

Hell I ain’t gon even hate on him gay pimping. I could do the same thing if I wouldn’t feel like shyt for taking advantage of people.