I’m not hating. Never was. It just seems like that because when people say shyt you wanna hear, many turn them into a messiah.
The “why are you here” response is a cop out and a useless one. I’m wherever I want to be. That’s irrelevant. Also I’ve been doing nothing but laughing the entire time anD MULTIPLES have come at me in their emotions over an internet stranger.
So let’s dead the wrong rhetoric that I’m the hateful one.
Many of you don’t wanna hear the honest truth. He’s hustling you.

Plain and simple.
Gender pandering is the easiest thing in the world to do. It’s a feel good show.
The reason he resonates is ironically because his feminine auntie energy lures blank women in with his sistagirl mannerisms so they think he cares about them from a place of the feminine, and he resonates with men because degrading women and encouraging them to lower their standards is what many lonely dudes are hoping will happen so they’ll overlook the zest as long as he says what they wanna hear.
You want me to pretend like this ain’t the case but I won’t because his dumb shyt isn’t really helping anyone, nor is his advice coming from a healthy place. The issues plaguing black relationships aren’t because black single moms want Tupac’s in business suits.
And the answers won’t come from Tropical Fruit Punch nikkas pursing their lips and reading low self-esteem black people for internet clout. And getting mad at me for being real won’t solve it either.
Fam let me break it down for you...his structure.
He is not gender pandering although he is man identified from a man prospective.
He does not encourage women to lower their standards....he believes women SHOULD want thing, and be taken care of..he doesnt shame women for wanting finer things or to not want to work.....however..
It is based on a scale..much like my mom would say " you cant have champagne taste with beer money".
Alot of these women have champagne taste with beer money.
What men value vs. What women value are usually, vastly different with moderate common ground.
Women believe men should value in a women= accomplishments: degrees, jobs, money and personality then looks.
Versus what men actually value: a well kept, beautified women who is cooperative, cultured and feminine with homely qualities.
Men dont care about your job title, degrees or how much you make....
This is where most of the fiction takes place.
We are in the feminist, strong black women I dont need a man era....which is anti of what most men believe in.
Now this where it gets tricky...almost 100% of the women that call in are after the 10% of men that make north of 100k..
Those high value men=100k an up, with resources. Want a specific kind of women.
They don't want those women to have kids.
They want those women to be fit
They want those women to be feminine
They want those women to be beautiful
They want those women who can cook and clean.
They want women who are educated an cultured.
Those men dont care about a women who makes alot of money or values her jobs because those men dont want their women to work.
Those men want those women to be stay at home mom's and run the household.
Now, me personally, I make alot, my wife makes alot, however I'm not a high value man, and if it was up to my wife, she would would rather be a stay at home mom and if possible would gladly throw away her job that pays her north of 70k.
90% of women dont qualify to be the wife of a hvm, because alot of women dont Meet those standards...and because those 90% of women are chasing those 10% of men, their missing out on high earners 70-90k guys that would fit them better.
If a women cant get a guy who is 100k earner but gets the qualities she wants in a 80k earner where she can continue to work, and combine incomes and live a very above average life....is that settling?....this is what he is trying to getalot of these women to realise.
Just cause you cant get a hvm doesnt mean the man you get is no value. Especially for a women who wants to continue to work and build generational wealth for the kids and hvm isnt always the right or best option but it's the option that most women believe they want..........they just dont want it the way hvm want because of what they would have to give up to be with them
He also holds the men accountable too.
Because in order for women to be submissive and rest in their femininity the man has to get out there in grind and work at least 60hrs a week to provide a environment for the women to be how he wants.
Hope this helps