Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Your broad loves me.....
May 19, 2012
Harlem, NYC
Breh, you opened up the manhood Bible to the right section this morning!

If a woman wants to be part of your program, she endeavors to make you happy. And, in turn, you will see the value she is bringing to your life and do things to make her happy.

Most men mess up by trying to force a woman into our programs. And we spend so much time trying to make them happy. We end up losing focus. And it almost always ends badly.
Yup, did with my Ex. I tried fixing and she kept breaking the shyt. I would try fix something else and do the heel toe on it:russ:. She was jamaican...
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Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
How do you know? Sounds like insecurity talking. This happens every now and then with women where the women makes more than her dude. It’s not just IR couples where this happens.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I was talking more about the attractiveness difference. A black man would have to be more attractive than her to get away with not making more money. I have seen this sort of thing many times. I have seen black men do the same also, so it has nothing to do with insecurity.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
I mentioned that i used to post on a bw board (not lsa). Christelyn joined. :skip: We (i and a bunch of bw married to bm who had black sons) ran her ass off.

Yet, a scant few years later, those same women were agreeing with her, DESPITE their black husbands and sons. I asked how that could be. They told me that their husbands and sons were one in a million, but them nikkas over there be.... :comeon:

What i realized was, the bw talking this shyt on line could very well have amazing bm in their lives, and still talk this shyt. But this is how propaganda works. How else could a wp 'hate ******s' but marry one? Same shyt.

For the singles, it's simpler. Bm are not very good at pr and/ or y'all have strong forces arrayed against you. Either way, you don't defend yourselves. Instead of, ":rudy: Hell no, we not out here chasing and embarrassing ourselves over cave bytches," it's "Yes we do, and we like them better. :umad:"

I personally believe that bm are not using the media properly. You're letting the examples of those who married out linger instead of subsuming them within a wider sea of 'who bm marry' which, according to the stats, is bw. By doing so, you're giving the divesters ammo.

Women, at base, want to be loved and desired. According to the media, bm don't love and desire bw. A woman scorned tends to act out. This isn't complicated. I'm only different bc ive had great experiences with bm. If I'd had shytty experiences, I'd probably be married to a rich wm. Which would be a waste. :francis:

Yo this is 100% facts. I've talked about this constantly on here. Everyone is playing chess except for us.

We suck at diplomacy and underhanded tactics. I think the reason is because it's a sort of feminine trait.

But it's a feminine trait we absolutely need right now.

Also most of us just straight up don't have the time or are even aware that this is an issue. We overestimate how many black people are actually involved in this media war. Most don't care unfortunately. Black men probably have the least people fighting for us specifically.


Nov 17, 2017
The BC has big up'ed pimp culture for years. Even the language that some BM use toward BW is derogatory. BM are the only men on the planet who collectively call their women bytches.

When I see these discussions about how BW are so terrible I never really see a discussion about how the psychological effect of literally being told you ain’t shyt but a hoe and a trick just for simply existing as a woman would collectively affect BW.

A lot of educated BW, even though it's not really discussed, are so die hard passionate about education because they are attempting to push back on stereotypes. Also the "boss bytch" movement is also a result of pushing back. But obviously it's misguided but that's another discussion.

To your point, I think the "leave the community" club comes from people who want to remove themselves from the toxic culture that exists in the community. I mean it really is that simple. There is nothing hard to understand about why BP want to leave the community...for the most part it's toxic, has no real goals and has no real moral code. Mix in a little trauma and deployable communication skills and you have angry women who love and hate the community. Love because of tribalism and hate because of the fukked state of the community.

Not saying it's right but people process information differently. It's the same reason many BM seem to never date interracially without shytting on BW in the process.

We're a traumatized community as a whole and divesting is how some people deal with trauma.
I’m not really talking about dating out, but more so, going into black men spaces and talking to black men in real life stating they love non black men and black men ain’t shyt.

If you don’t like black men fine, get your ass outta here, but these chicks are like pests to me.

It’s like they have to let me know they don’t like black men, when I haven’t even asked them anything dating wise or even tried talking to them, they just say it and it’s awkward as fukk.

I grew up around nothing but black people with some spanish. We dated black, we wasn’t biggin up latinas or anything.

So I didn’t hear about this dating out, black men ain’t shyt bullshyt until I graduated, and black women were and still are the only people to this day I heard in person say this.

I met one dude that said he preferred non black women, but he never stated anything negative about black women, plus he’s african if that matters.

Guess who was talking shyt about black women being undesirable and said bad things about them?

The same non black men they chase. Which I find hilarious.

I knew a non black dude who didn’t find black women attractive at all and talked shyt about them daily, but he found out that they gave it up easier to him outta all the other chicks, now he wants to be down with black people.

Dude ain’t really get no chicks like that, but when he started dating black women, he thought he was a pimp.


I remember this one time I was out at a party and these women kept complimenting me on how I looked. So I was talking to a black chick, then outta nowhere some random black chick came up to me to tell me she doesn’t like black men and left.


No bullshyt, she didn’t say hi, didn’t tell me her name, how fukkin weird is that? Normal people don’t do that.

I also get the bytches, hoes, and pimp culture thing, I do. But you gotta admit some chicks do not want to be respected and want to be put in their place at all times. They don’t like that nice shyt. I won’t speak on that because you know what I mean.

My biggest thing is I and I’m sure most black men really don’t give a fukk who black women date, but to come around us with their self hate and constantly talking bad about us when you claim you don’t want to be apart of the community makes no sense and is annoying.

Especially to black men who actually like black women.

Black men don’t do this.


Nov 17, 2017
I hate to say it but it must be said. I have seen other races navigate this with more grace. White people, Hispanics, Asians. I have seen women making more than their husbands but still were submissive and did not demean their men. On the other hand when I have seen black women making more than their husbands or boyfriends they used it as a bludgeon to continually remind them of the fact. Not all. But enough to catch my attention. Hell my brother does IT. Has a degree and all. His ex wife has two masters. RN. She made 6 figures easily. My brother was hovering around 55-60 grand. She made his life HELL for years. He finally left and is doing amazing. In two years he met a bad Jamaican cutie and they got married. Got a house. His wife is a size 6. His EX is a size. . . well i dont even know. She had weight loss surgery when they were together and somehow ended up even bigger.

She is literally a ho now. She went crazy after my brother got engaged and I think she tried to one up him. In two years she has had 3 engagements.:mjlol: She makes 6 figures but is B R O K E. In crazy debt. Her moms had to finance her a car cause her credit is that fukked up.
Glad your brother got out of that. He was definitely not in an ideal situation.

If a chick makes more money than you, you really gotta command respect. That’s really the only way.

But normally it’s not an ideal situation.

Plus pride has to be involved as well, does a man really want a woman making more than him and be the breadwinner? I hope not.


Nov 17, 2017
Sad to say but it wont. The more black men try they are going to keep moving the goal post.

"Yeah you got a job nikka but are you a Boss?" "Yeah you have a little business but what have you built?" never ending....

Trust me dudes will be found by good women. Good women know solid dudes when they see and meet them. That said its to late. the younger Generation already moving on. I feel really bad for the Gen Z black women who want a black family and is a solid woman(shyt i know a couple).
Lmao that shyt funny


Nov 17, 2017
Also y’all don’t forget on this very site we have seen two clips of black women going against black men:

1. The video where the black man was fighting a lanky asian, and a black woman was the only person telling the staff to “sedate his ass” (black man) as if he’s a fukkin animal.

2. A crazy black woman who ripped up Martin Luther King JR.’s book after she heard he slept with white women.

These are not allies.

I have not seen one black man do this.


Nov 17, 2017
Yo this is 100% facts. I've talked about this constantly on here. Everyone is playing chess except for us.

We suck at diplomacy and underhanded tactics. I think the reason is because it's a sort of feminine trait.

But it's a feminine trait we absolutely need right now.

Also most of us just straight up don't have the time or are even aware that this is an issue. We overestimate how many black people are actually involved in this media war. Most don't care unfortunately. Black men probably have the least people fighting for us specifically.
Literally this KS shyt is the only time black men really speak up.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman

How do we deal with an issue like this?

We have to develop and support early educational programs for Black boys. Dr. T always mentions the high rates of Black boys who are behind in terms of reading levels. This deficit can compound as they advance in school, leading to many just saying "fukk this wack ass school shyt".

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Glad your brother got out of that. He was definitely not in an ideal situation.

If a chick makes more money than you, you really gotta command respect. That’s really the only way.

But normally it’s not an ideal situation.

Plus pride has to be involved as well, does a man really want a woman making more than him and be the breadwinner? I hope not.

thats the thing a woman will make more and not put the money to use, she'll just trick it off :mjlol:


Nov 17, 2017

How do we deal with an issue like this?
We should bounce some ideas around, but idk breh. It’s pretty clear what the agenda is.

You also have to realize that we are going against an entire world that is against us.

No one wants to see black men succeed like some black men do. Not even all black men want black men to succeed.