Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
The way Kevin talks is as if cancer left him thinking that life is short. He probably does not give af about backlash but due to admitting to trying to hustle, I can see him commercializing for big bucks and then saying “ I was in it for the money in the first place I’m a capitalist :yeshrug:“ dude is 50 and had cancer, ain’t no one to impress or win approval from


Aug 7, 2019
The way Kevin talks is as if cancer left him thinking that life is short. He probably does not give af about backlash but due to admitting to trying to hustle, I can see him commercializing for big bucks and then saying “ I was in it for the money in the first place I’m a capitalist :yeshrug:“ dude is 50 and had cancer, ain’t no one to impress or win approval from

Yeah I think he mentioned chemo or going through some sort of treatment in one episode with a caller. Not completely sure.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Yeah I think he mentioned chemo or going through some sort of treatment in one episode with a caller. Not completely sure.
He would tell the callers who are scared of basically living their lives to stop being fearful and bring up his cancer as a way of saying life is short. He would also say he enjoys women for being women and doesn’t expect them to be a certain way. Very stoic and pragmatic at points


Apr 30, 2012
The thing about his latest viral video, the chick wasn't even all that bad. I feel bad that she was the one that gunned up and clapped quick she seemed like an honestly good hearted girl.

You feel bad because he was very harsh with her and by the end was cussing at her. Which i feel he needs to curtail a bit

BUT that doesn't mean she wasn't delusional and by saying she needs a man who makes over six figs.

If she's a "good hearted" woman, there's plenty of great men out here who have no kids, a job, and want a good woman. But that type of man is not what she wants.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
The last few pages have been a good discussion but I can't help but feel like the opinions on male/female relationships are a bit old fashioned.

The men provide and women raise the children model is not even practical for the society we live in. The majority of people in the USA are living at the top of their income and are therefore a pay check away from being broke or already broke.

When are we gonna stop looking back to yesterday year and look at what is currently happening in the society. I swear BP are always in a constant state of reacting to what is happening to them. Are we ever gonna be proactive? Are we ever just gonna say "This is where we are now and this is what we need to move forward."

This male/female blame game is fukking tired and unproductive.

1. Women ran towards feminism because we don't want to be owned. All women run towards feminism to some degree. There aren't too many women on planet Earth who think the only money a woman should have is the money her husband hands her. Traditional gender roles = staying with a man regardless of how he treats you because you can't afford to leave. There is no going back to that.

2. Women are riding the limbo wave that currently exists in our society. I am guilty of this because it's advantageous. You can literally play both sides of the fence; be feminine and "let the man feel like a man" all while having your owe money that you can keep to yourself. But most women don't have the skill or the drive to successfully execute this and usually end up looking like sexy bums with their hands out who provide nothing. To that point...

3. There are a lot of do nothing people in our community. A LOT! The women are riding the fence trying to rest on gender rolls while not fulfilling their end of the bargain while men are resting on gender rolls as a means to run through women.

4. Again, it's a transition but we are in a 2 income society. Relationships won't stop because at this point people need 2 incomes more than ever. In fact, marriage is gonna be on rise given the state of the economy. But people are gonna have to pick a side and eventually it's gonna shift into a place where people's individual strengths/skills will be valued over their "gender based skills."

5. Speaking more to the thread's subject matter, lot of HV BM & BW date out or "leave the community" because our community is fukked up. Our values are upside down.

6. @HarlemHottie brought up a really good point about non black women being about to bring certain connections to the table because of the lifestyle their fathers built. Great point! We as a community do not have the same infrastructures. I think these dynamics lead to interracial dating in many cases of "HV" men. If I'm a millionaire am I gonna pick someone who has money and connections to help my money grow or am I gonna pick someone who can take all the money I have because they bring nothing? Easy choice

We need to recognize this and start building with like minded people. Again, it won't be everyone, most BP are too far gone to save. But if building the BC is important to you as an individual then you have to be mindful of the disadvantages of our community but not rest on them or use them as an excuse.
1. Feminism is good. Extremism is bad. I used to post on LSA and I was a part of women's groups. We need more independence from women in general for ANY functional society. The issue is, extreme independence for a man or woman is BAD. Nothing is good when done without consideration of reasoning.

2. It can always bite you in the ass and when it does, that bytch doesn't let go and everyone sees that bytch as well and many think you deserve it regardless of what their words say. You gotta be wise.

3. Black America or Black life in general worldwide is facing this issue due to systematic white supremacy and its impact on all aspects of life including dating/sex. This is an issue that's always present and always deep.

4. That's not how marriage works and never will. People will just figure out other means. Roommates. Crippling cost-cutting measures and if they are gender-dependent, co-habitation but marriage is serious business. There is an art to it.

5.This has been one of my biggest talking points. I've been saying for many years, dating outside of your race aka exclusively white is easier and better. Now, it comes with its laundry list of issues which can seem like a game stopper for some but not to all. I get why they do it. Wouldn't be me tho but I don't like cacs with a passion and truly hate WW on average, not all of course. The Black community in every community is fukked up to a degree because of the situation we have been put in by white supremacy. That said, you can make your personal situation a lot easier but you will never be able to remove the elephant from the room with you two alone. Dating non-Black that's not white is harder on average than dating Black but it depends on the situation.

6. Dating isn't for Black folks but beyond that, relationship building for men and women is based on what your parents have done. Nothing more, nothing less. It's that simple. Very rarely do you see something like John McCain and that's a white cindercac story. For the most part, you are equally yoked and when you aren't, it can be difficult. Very difficult.

Ultimately, that's what relationships are, especially direct relationships. It's a partnership between like-minded people. Saving BP is always 2nd to saving yourself and getting your shyt together. A lot of people who like to say they want to save BP haven't saved themselves yet. It's a masking technique for their personal failures and decisions and you can't run from your obvious Blackness so here we are. Sis, this shyt is deep. KS is good, he has entertainment value and he's not trying to tell nikkas what they want to hear or sistas but ultimately. Your decisions lead you to where you are today and your future decisions will lead you to where you are tomorrow.

If you want to know how to move as a BM or BW and be successful. There is no book as everyone is different but what I can say is, you need to know yourself, your history, your true history, not nothing from someone that sounds good but when you talk to someone who knows what they are talking about, you realize that other nikka is just hating, and most importantly, you gotta the times you are in.

I always say books are your best friend.
Try to read stuff but Dr. Frances CW, Neely Fuller, etc.
Try to read as much Black history things as possible.
Learn about your African history and talk to people. You would be shocked by what you would learn. I've been in the game for over 12 years and I learn new stuff every day. I just learned, the British were completely over the modern area known today as Nigeria even in the 1800s and would arrest people if they didn't pay taxes to the British and the Brits will arrest you. These are things that do not get mentioned. I always wondered how one of my cousins who married into the family had a Scottish great granddad and last name and had his picture on the wall and I was like, Euros were in Nigeria in the 1800s? They were and dominant too. Makes sense of things that didn't make too much sense to me before but you learn new shyt when people open up about past transgressions.

We all make mistakes. Some of us got wayward. Some of us do it by the book and still fail. Some don't do shyt at all and win! Life is like that. For Black life, we have more go to jail spots and less get out of jail free cards in this current life.