Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Feb 16, 2017
Nah, you know what. Just let me see what people really think.

20% the fathers of 80% of all children...:ohhh: This has to be one of the most shocking discoveries I’ve ever learned on this forum.:what::pachaha:
It’s crazy because I JUST saw an something from the Censu-

NOPE...nvrmind. I just wanna hear the whole story first.

I'm about to go Nutso in this thread, all I ask is that you keep it real in your responses. You don't have to agree but I do want you to tell women's true feelings.

Mac Brown

Jun 5, 2012
No, that's white people not having kids in their teens and 20s. Black folks typically have their kids young. I don't believe those stats

Thats not true anymore like in the past. You just don't want to believe it no matter what so :yeshrug:. But one thing you are absolutely right about is the only 18% bullshyt. That is NOT true. I think 48% of black men within child baring years have kids.

BTW Im childless and much older.


Feb 16, 2017
Why are y'all brehs just resigning to this :patrice:

We don't have the same biological clock as women and there are so many women out there to be gotten. Even if you're not good with women or don't have immediate prospects you can still turn that around, and pretty quickly.
I'm about to keep it a stack here since no one else will do it.

I'll try to break up these posts.

I generally can not use a condom with a chick more than 3 different times. I want to use condoms but my dikk won't cocoperate. Chicks see that I lose my erection and they get pissed.

That's why I think it's a sperm count issue because although I don't be shooting up hoes clubs randomly when I ask and they agree they never get pregnant. So either just because you nut in a woman must be she CAN Get Pregnant but that doesn't mean she will get pregnant Or bytches be eating morning after pills like candy.

I've read studies of dudes having "blocker sperm" that prevents another dude's sperm from getting women pregnant


Sperm blocker. Hydrogen peroxide produced by Udx1 helps harden the egg membrane during fertilization, preventing multiple sperm from entering the egg.

Toxic Sperm Blocker
By David GrimmDec. 6, 2004 , 12:00 AM

For sperm, entering the egg is like being let into the world's most exclusive club: of the millions that try, only one will succeed. The mechanism that keeps other sperm out is still somewhat mysterious, but scientists have identified a new enzyme that appears to have a strong hand in guarding the gate.

After a sperm enters an egg, the egg undergoes a series of chemical reactions that harden its outer membrane and prevent any more access. Some of these reactions produce hydrogen peroxide, a toxic compound that can harm the sperm and egg. For over 20 years, scientists have been trying to solve the riddle of how this peroxide is produced and why it does not cause any damage.

Developmental biologist Gary Wessel and colleagues at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, found the answer by studying sea urchin eggs during fertilization. First, they figured out the rate of peroxide production and other characteristic aspects of the reactions. Then the researchers scanned the sea urchin genome for an enzyme that could catalyze such reactions. The leading candidate turned out to be an enzyme they dubbed Udx1 (for "urchin dual oxidase 1"). Additional experiments revealed that Udx1 is only present in the egg and that it resides on the membrane—the site of the peroxide activity. More proof came when the researchers inhibited Udx1 with antibodies or drugs: the egg's membrane did not harden after fertilization, and multiple sperm entered, the team reports in this month's issue of Developmental Cell.

So what keeps the peroxide from harming the egg? The answer lies in Udx1's dual activity. While one part of the enzyme converts oxygen into peroxide, the other part cleaves peroxide into harmless water molecules. "That way, any peroxide not used to harden the membrane won't damage the cell," Wessel says. He believes it's possible that a similar enzyme functions in mammalian eggs, but he says that further work will be necessary to confirm this.

The dual function of Udx1 is an "unexpected" and "novel" mechanism for minimizing toxicity, says developmental biologist David Epel of Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Victor Vacquier, a fertilization biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, adds that "the study gives us a very detailed knowledge of early fertilization events. It's excellent and elegant work."

Related Sites
Wessel lab homepage
Information on fertilization
maybe there's something that women do that helps select the best genes to get pregnant by?

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
This sounds like something he made up on the spot. Is this supported by anything?
OF COURSE no real serious research says “80% of Black babies are made by 18% of Black men” but it sounds controversial so he goes with it and people like OP actually wonder if this is true, and hoes then repeat this like it’s a fact to shyt on Black men

His approach: confidently state random things as facts and you can become

a) the Coli’s father figure
b) the dude who gets to troll single chicks

Simple shyt


Feb 12, 2015
60% of men in America have children:mjlol:

Census reveals percentage of US men who are fathers
80% of blk men in America have children:mjlol:
Census Bureau Releases First Ever Report on Men’s Fertility

24% of blk men have children from ages 20-29 (which is the second largest percentage by race behind Latino males and higher than whites and Asian males)
And the number JUMPS to 60% by the age of 30-39:mjlol:and 80% for older men.
Census Bureau Releases First Ever Report on Men’s Fertility
That’s because of a lotta reasons. 1.) Jobs and economy don’t allow younger men to get established as much earlier on to be able to take on a family so most men don’t want kids in their 20s.
2.) Men don’t like settling down in their 20s anyway. Quickest way to get a guy to go to the store for cigarettes is telling a 25 year old dude who barely got a job that he da pappi. :mjlol:3.) And older men tend to get with younger women.:mjlol:
Remember how ya’ll tell women that they gotta expiration date biologically while men can wait and chill. Of course this would play out reproductively with larger portions of women in young ages having babies with larger portions of older men.

By their 40s, 80% of blk men are fathers.:mjlol:

Just under a quarter of U.S. men between ages 40 and 50 were childless, and about 17% had never been married by the time they were in their 40s. Both figures were noticeably higher than for women who had reached middle age. Just under 16% of women between ages 40 and 50 were childless, and 14% had never been married, according to the report.
Almost 30% of Hispanics in their 20s were fathers. That was true for about a quarter of black men, more than a fifth of white men and an eighth of Asian men.

By the time men were in their 40s, those disparities had narrowed. More than 83% of Hispanics were fathers, around 80% of black and Asian men were dads and around three-quarters of white men were fathers.

If I REALLY reveal what that Coli poll actually means ya’ll would hate me.:mjlol:

There is an 80/20 dynamic at play, but it doesn’t say what you want it to say.:mjlol:At all. That 20% is the percentage of men online projecting their issues onto 80% of the population.

Also like 1/5 of moms in the U.S. actually have multiple baby daddies, so it’s dudes who are sharing chicks in a weird twist:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

You can have all the debates in the world. But 20% of men are NOT the fathers of 80% of kids in our community.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
I'm about to keep it a stack here since no one else will do it.

I'll try to break up these posts.

I generally can not use a condom with a chick more than 3 different times. I want to use condoms but my dikk won't cocoperate. Chicks see that I lose my erection and they get pissed.

That's why I think it's a sperm count issue because although I don't be shooting up hoes clubs randomly when I ask and they agree they never get pregnant. So either just because you nut in a woman must be she CAN Get Pregnant but that doesn't mean she will get pregnant Or bytches be eating morning after pills like candy.

I've read studies of dudes having "blocker sperm" that prevents another dude's sperm from getting women pregnant


Sperm blocker. Hydrogen peroxide produced by Udx1 helps harden the egg membrane during fertilization, preventing multiple sperm from entering the egg.

Toxic Sperm Blocker
By David GrimmDec. 6, 2004 , 12:00 AM

For sperm, entering the egg is like being let into the world's most exclusive club: of the millions that try, only one will succeed. The mechanism that keeps other sperm out is still somewhat mysterious, but scientists have identified a new enzyme that appears to have a strong hand in guarding the gate.

After a sperm enters an egg, the egg undergoes a series of chemical reactions that harden its outer membrane and prevent any more access. Some of these reactions produce hydrogen peroxide, a toxic compound that can harm the sperm and egg. For over 20 years, scientists have been trying to solve the riddle of how this peroxide is produced and why it does not cause any damage.

Developmental biologist Gary Wessel and colleagues at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, found the answer by studying sea urchin eggs during fertilization. First, they figured out the rate of peroxide production and other characteristic aspects of the reactions. Then the researchers scanned the sea urchin genome for an enzyme that could catalyze such reactions. The leading candidate turned out to be an enzyme they dubbed Udx1 (for "urchin dual oxidase 1"). Additional experiments revealed that Udx1 is only present in the egg and that it resides on the membrane—the site of the peroxide activity. More proof came when the researchers inhibited Udx1 with antibodies or drugs: the egg's membrane did not harden after fertilization, and multiple sperm entered, the team reports in this month's issue of Developmental Cell.

So what keeps the peroxide from harming the egg? The answer lies in Udx1's dual activity. While one part of the enzyme converts oxygen into peroxide, the other part cleaves peroxide into harmless water molecules. "That way, any peroxide not used to harden the membrane won't damage the cell," Wessel says. He believes it's possible that a similar enzyme functions in mammalian eggs, but he says that further work will be necessary to confirm this.

The dual function of Udx1 is an "unexpected" and "novel" mechanism for minimizing toxicity, says developmental biologist David Epel of Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Victor Vacquier, a fertilization biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, adds that "the study gives us a very detailed knowledge of early fertilization events. It's excellent and elegant work."

Related Sites
Wessel lab homepage
Information on fertilization
maybe there's something that women do that helps select the best genes to get pregnant by?
Have “wise” in your username and nut in multiple women you barely know without a condom and risk getting sick, spreading std’s and even possibly losing your life brehs

Get the help you need (psychological or a pill) because if you can get hard the first 3x.. it’s likely in your head because of pressure you out on yourself worrying that someone will get pissed if you can’t perform that’s causing the issues.

But more than that: please use a condom unless your girlfriend who is monogamous with you has been tested, and also get tested. I know this can all be stressful but you are playing Russian Roulette over there...


Feb 16, 2017
Do you mean that in regard to your lifestyle and you'd rather not have kids at that age, or potential birth defects or something? Because brehs have kids well into their older years.
I legit don't know. Again I've been overseas and I've shot up more clubs than I care to admit. my girl is in Kenya managing my Airbnb's she defenitely wanted to get pregnant.

I straight up asked a chick that I used to date in DC why she let me shoot up the club and she told me Because I trust you she said a lot more things but what she meant was sex without a condom is risky but just like with men it feels better psychologically speaking to not use one.

Why some Men have a church of kids and others have none I not sure, but male fertility is falling all over the west. They blame non BPA free plastics, too many hormones in meat and pollution. I used to live near a power plant for years when I was a kid:

Male Fertility in Crisis: Western Men’s Sperm Count Falls by 52%
August 21, 2017 9:11 am
Many fertility tests and treatments focus on the female partner, but a recent study has shown that male fertility in the west is in a state of crisis. A meta-analysis of sperm counts in men across a number of western countries, including North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe showed a decline of over 50% over the last 40 years.

A study in Human Reproduction Update shows not only that the decline is substantial, but that it is showing no signs of levelling off. While numerous studies have shown a drop in sperm count across general populations this is a significant meta-analysis of the subject, which included 7,500 other studies. It is more respected because it addressed two of the potential weaknesses in this type of meta-analysis; by excluding studies from populations of men attending fertility clinics, and also studies where the measurement techniques were below a certain standard. It also allowed for factors such as time from last ejaculation and age, all of which suggests that there are environmental factors at play rather than purely lifestyle changes.

The lack of rigorous control from other countries means that it is difficult to say exactly what has caused the drop – whilst the effect is not seen in countries such as Pakistan, there are fewer sperm counts conducted in developing nations so it is difficult to come to a firm conclusion about whether this is isolated to western/developed nations or is a world-wide trend.

Also, it is not the first meta-analysis on the subject. One 25 years ago suggested that sperm counts had halved around the world over the preceding 60 years. And there have been others since, all of which result in the same type of news headlines. There is reason to be sceptical and some experts have advised caution. As well as the two potential weaknesses mentioned above there can be numerous other factors; for example, over the decades methodology for evaluating sperm has improved. If we are better at spotting faulty sperm nowadays it is no wonder that a meta-analysis would reflect this as a decline in quality where none actually exists.

A common solution where there is a male-factor cause of infertility is to use IVF with ICSI. Here at Concept, we find that, over the last two years, the percentage of IVF cycles requiring ICSI has been 31%. Whilst this does not prove anything in itself, it does not indicate that there is currently a major problem. Nevertheless, this most recent meta-analysis does tell us that either there is a long trend problem with male fertility or that we need better information.

Consensus in the scientific community is that if there is a problem, environmental factors must be a root cause, as genetics would not cause such a rapid decline. Further research is required and expected.

What is clear is that it’s important to stop the under-investment in male fertility research and treatment to get to the cause of this and create solutions that will at least prevent sperm counts from dropping further, whether that is the development of treatments to increase sperm count more reliably, or government intervention to curtail the use of harmful chemicals within the environment.


Feb 12, 2015
I'm about to go Nutso in this thread, all I ask is that you keep it real in your responses. You don't have to agree but I do want you to tell women's true feelings.
True feelings about the lies idiots are spreading online?! 80% of black men will be dads by the time they hit their 40s. F A C T.

The other 20% are the ones who listen to p*ssy-envying fairies dressed like dandies online to nurse their hatred of women because Amerie didn’t fall into their laps when they were in their awkward teens or still struggling living at home with mom in their 20s.
You getting heated over bad math for absolutely nothing.

This shyt is sad at this point.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
60% of men in America have children:mjlol:

Census reveals percentage of US men who are fathers
80% of blk men in America have children:mjlol:
Census Bureau Releases First Ever Report on Men’s Fertility

24% of blk men have children from ages 20-29 (which is the second largest percentage by race behind Latino males and higher than whites and Asian males)
And the number JUMPS to 60% by the age of 30-39:mjlol:and 80% for older men.
Census Bureau Releases First Ever Report on Men’s Fertility
That’s because of a lotta reasons. 1.) Jobs and economy don’t allow younger men to get established as much earlier on to be able to take on a family so most men don’t want kids in their 20s.
2.) Men don’t like settling down in their 20s anyway. Quickest way to get a guy to go to the store for cigarettes is telling a 25 year old dude who barely got a job that he da pappi. :mjlol:3.) And older men tend to get with younger women.:mjlol:
Remember how ya’ll tell women that they gotta expiration date biologically while men can wait and chill. Of course this would play out reproductively with larger portions of women in young ages having babies with larger portions of older men.

By their 40s, 80% of blk men are fathers.:mjlol:

Just under a quarter of U.S. men between ages 40 and 50 were childless, and about 17% had never been married by the time they were in their 40s. Both figures were noticeably higher than for women who had reached middle age. Just under 16% of women between ages 40 and 50 were childless, and 14% had never been married, according to the report.
Almost 30% of Hispanics in their 20s were fathers. That was true for about a quarter of black men, more than a fifth of white men and an eighth of Asian men.

By the time men were in their 40s, those disparities had narrowed. More than 83% of Hispanics were fathers, around 80% of black and Asian men were dads and around three-quarters of white men were fathers.

If I REALLY reveal what that Coli poll actually means ya’ll would hate me.:mjlol:

There is an 80/20 dynamic at play, but it doesn’t say what you want it to say.:mjlol:At all. That 20% is the percentage of men online projecting their issues onto 80% of the population.

Also like 1/5 of moms in the U.S. actually have multiple baby daddies, so it’s dudes who are sharing chicks in a weird twist:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

You can have all the debates in the world. But 20% of men are NOT the fathers of 80% of kids in our community.
Breh this is way too factual for The Coli lol. They don’t like facts.

You know these dudes on here are emotional. How else you think KS blew up??

Dude just be saying random things and Coli brehs are like “Is this true? Do 80% of kids really come from 20% of Black men?? 80/20 is a thing!”

No offense to OP but the KS’s of the world are hustlers. Anything that pays.. they’ll say.

That nobody sees he shyts on Black men to get an audience and nobody has a problem with him painting a false picture says more than anything.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
True feelings about the lies idiots are spreading online?! 80% of black men will be dads by the time they hit their 40s. F A C T.

The other 20% are the ones who listen to p*ssy-envying fairies dressed like dandies online to nurse their hatred of women because Amerie didn’t fall into their laps when they were in their awkward teens or still struggling living at home with mom in their 20s.
You getting heated over bad math for absolutely nothing.
This shyt is sad at this point.


Feb 16, 2017
Have “wise” in your username and nut in multiple women you barely know without a condom and risk getting sick, spreading std’s and even possibly losing your life brehs

Get the help you need (psychological or a pill) because if you can get hard the first 3x.. it’s likely in your head because of pressure you out on yourself worrying that someone will get pissed if you can’t perform that’s causing the issues.

But more than that: please use a condom unless your girlfriend who is monogamous with you has been tested, and also get tested. I know this can all be stressful but you are playing Russian Roulette over there...

I agree with you and I said that because it's not an inceldom issue and yes If I'm shooting up clubs than women are letting a lot more dudes fukk raw than what they're saying. The problem is nobody's ever really honest in these threads.

Obviously there's a psychological/ biological imperative that makes me not want to wear a condom even though intellectually I understand the risks.


Feb 12, 2015
Breh this is way too factual for The Coli lol. They don’t like facts.

You know these dudes on here are emotional. How else you think KS blew up??

Dude just be saying random things and Coli brehs are like “Is this true? Do 80% of kids really come from 20% of Black men?? 80/20 is a thing!”

No offense to OP but the KS’s of the world are hustlers. Anything that pays.. they’ll say.

That nobody sees he shyts on Black men to get an audience and nobody has a problem with him painting a false picture says more than anything.

Repped breh, straight FACTS
I’m still shocked that there are people who believe this shyt.


They gotta be trolling. GOTTA BE!

It literally takes mere SECONDS SECONDS to google census information.
How can we be this misinformed when information is at our fingertips.