Ezekiel 25:17
That's not about divorce laws, it's about women's access to the work force. In the 50s and 60s of course doctors were marrying nurses and receptionists, because those were the jobs women had. Since the 80s, when women flooded the corporate/legal/medical work force, that has shifted on a yearly basis.
Doctors aren't marrying doctors because "divorce laws." Your pockets are gonna get run regardless. They're marrying doctors because people tend to date/marry the people in their socioeconomic circle, who have similar interests/goals, etc. Successful people date and marry successful people.
You keep repeating "dudes who make money don't care about a woman's money" and never back it up. I'm stating FACTS.
High-income people in the US keep marrying each other, and it’s exacerbating inequality
If you're a lawyer you're about lawyers/attorneys...that's who you tend to marry. How many female lawyers who work 80+ hours a week are submissive housewives who cook 7 days a week? How many female doctors are getting home in the late evening and cooking dinner every night? Stop it fam.
If I was a doctor I wouldn't care about a woman's salary. As long as she was cute, feminine, and had the qualities of a wife I'm good.