Exactly! Find me a doctor or lawyer married to a woman with no degree and working at a call center.
these are stupid examples that are the exception not the rule.
Most doctors are flat broke until their mid 30s. Under grad, med school, residency, in some cases a year or two in fellowship. In that time they've likely met a peer and married as they're mid 30s by this point.
Same with lawyers. Under grad to internships then a few years in law school.
These individuals meet their spouses while they're still broke.
Compare them to say a man in finance or tech who can make 6 figures straight out of undergrad. Theyre notweighted down with a strict school schedule that essentially puts them in a fishbowl of like minded individuals day after day like med school students. They can go to bars, parties, hang with friends, vacation, etc. They have money already. meanwhile the dude training to be a doctor or lawyer is caught up with studying and school and again is still broke.
I have these folks as clients. One surgeon is 38 now finishing his fellowship and his wife is a primary care physician. They met in med school.
I have another couple that's in their 5th year of residency. They're late 20s and married, both training to be doctors. They met their first year of residency program. They're not making bank either I've seen the finances.
Again doctors and lawyers are exceptions due to the extended education requirements and lack of considerable income for an extended period of time.