Doesn't matter to me if he is or isn' thing is, stop denying YOURSELF Kerry. Like, dude, we ALL see it man. Them pics just a little off. First, who taking them? You seem REAL REAL REAL comfortable in those pics. I mean we COULD be misinterpreting them
come on man, this looks like a man in "COURTING" mode. Ya'll looking a lil too lovingly at each other. I got friends, hell basically brothers we so close, but we'd NEVER do what Kerry and "Hollywood" doing in them photos, by ourselves OR around cameras. That's just not what straight cats do, but brotha...DO YOU
he can make TONS of bread from this if he goes to the right situation and off the movement alone. He'd be like Jackie Rob in some respects, yeah it'd be hard (PAUSE) but he'd be the innovator of this and go down in history...

I see it from both sides