You're being simple. Sounds like you're a "free market" type and think it fixes everything and worse, falsely believe that the US and those that preach that ideology actually follow it consistently. The Trump administration just announced a 12 billion dollar bailout for farmers hurt by the tarrifs he implemented.I dont get the fake outrage, its a private business they have the right to hire whoever they choose. If Kenyans dont like they can stop using their services.
One, Huawei is a multinational corporation and it's not like a local business where if people in the community stop buying the product, they will go out of business. This only affects Kenyan workers, not consumers and consumers have no say in the issue.
Secondly, every country practices some sort of protection of their local economy to prevent foreigners from taking over at the expense of local workers. In the US, this is usually done indirectly through laws such as work visa laws and limitations placed from that direction in order to prevent say a Chinese corporation from firing all their American workers and hiring nothing but Chinese.