Kendrick Not Allowed To Talk About Politics Anymore In Interviews?


Jun 8, 2012
Says who?

Especially when he's much better at putting his thoughts in song format than he is at articulating them in interviews. This wasn't like Tetsuo and Youth where you need a decoder ring...everything was straight forward in regards to his perception of self and the events in front of him. And very little of it was political in nature if you really think about it.

When you consider the reactions from BOTH SIDES of the argument (black *insert social media*/fox news) when he's decided to stumble around political talking points, it makes perfect sense to stop feeding people who are going out of their way to misinterpret what you say and feel.

Look at this shyt.


Like I said....he gotta say what people want him to say, when they want, where they want, to who they want, in the format they want. fukk THAT. He expressed himself just fine with the album.

Again, you saying what he said came from the heart "BUT...."

That's where you have drifted off into your own projection of who Kendrick Lamar is. HE CLEARLY LIVES A CONFLICTED EXISTENCE, the album title says as much. You call it "new black" or trying to ride the fence, I call it honesty and easily more relevant to the average black man his age, especially from the hood.

When did he claim to be the bastion of pro-black-ness? That's what yall wanted to see him as. Soon as that vibe shyt hit, everybody was like "i thought he was the one!" :laugh:


He has never claimed to be wize intelligent or anything of the like, he simply tells his stories and perspectives. The fact that he's a black man in America means that race will be at the forefront of it. Him talking about it, even making it a central theme in the times we live in that are far more COMPLEX than black/white doesn't mean he is obligated to speak for black people en mass. That's why he's saying that the people who got what he meant got it because they're living it...he wasn't talking to yuppies, he was talking to the nikkas that grew up like him who are too busy dodging bullets from other black folk to say "hotep".

This a case of him dropping the album and immediately went silent. He has talked about it, clarified statements, offered rebuttals and ultimately felt disrespected that people who feel so entitled to forming HIS opinions for him started c00n calling because they didn't "get" where he was coming from. Next thing you know he's on fox news for inciting violence against police...

So you got an got interviews and statements, you got him clarifying statements when attacked for speaking his that wants to bypass the sensationalism and let the record do what he created it to do, you want more? Tell me what else does he need to explain that he hasn't in song or in interviews thus far?


Did you listen to this album at all breh?

I'm not even a fan of TPAB but from the title, from track one til the end of the album...the concept is PRETTY fukkING FLESHED OUT. It's the main reason why it's so highly acclaimed.

And while i'll agree that social justice is marketable right now but that doesn't mean he's not speaking his heart. I don't think him shying away from giving out free clickbait to bloggers and "journalists" means he's being disingenous. I just think you, and others have an image of Kendrick that has NEVER been a reality.

Sun, i'll stick by my stance on this. Why does Kdot get a pass?No other artist has ever gotten a pass when they make a racial/semi conscious album. Learn how to flesh out your ideas when speaking. no excuses.

i said new black. cause i meant it. hes' of that same age group. this is his era. i didnt say that new black stuff wasnt really him. it is him like its other young dudes/chicks out there right now.

do you know how many teens dont even want to talk about black issues. well i should they DIDNT want to talk about it. until it was thrown in their face like acid with trayvon, and then all the other folks getting shot just cause they were black.

So of course kendrick would be like his era. i was like mine to some degree as well.

and who cares if he's conflicted? all black people know black on black crime needs to stop. we all have to graduate from blaming each other for these ills, to realizing 99.9% of us wouldnt be in this situation if it wasnt for a thing called racism white supremacy. but it takes time and it takes for you to have a dialogue to get beyond that original point. he aint having that dialogue with the listeners if he's going to shy away from these types of interviews.

and lastly SUN. lets keep it 150 please. the only reason his handlers and him are ok with doing this. is because....This is the era of being PC. If you're not PC you will find yourself hung on the cross of social media with a hashtag next to your name. and your sponsors pulling away from you(even though they could care less, they dont want the backlash.) being PC is this ERA's #1 issue if you ask me. you will end up PCing yourself into a fake existence. No one tell the truth. so no one gets offended. So in essence we all lie to one another every single day. and thats supposed to be utopia some how.

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Jesus christ who gives a fukk? Why in the world would you look at a MC for your political views? Oh a MC is a hypocrite? How old are some of y'all? One of the sickest dopest mcs Ice Cube rhymed Amerikkkas most wanted but wasn't bout that at all. Why does this surprise yall especially with this terry cloth generation of MCs?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
They can't even see how they have created this thought-form of another grown ass man that has nothing to do with reality.

Dude dancing on cop cars at awards shows. I don't think its unreasonable to ask him his opinion on those types of issues:comeon:


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Dude dancing on cop cars at awards shows. I don't think its unreasonable to ask him his opinion on those types of issues:comeon:

It's almost as if he kinda expressed his opinion on those issues...on the song, on the album and the stage...and in interviews...already.


Asking him (to repeat himself) isn't unreasonable, but neither is him cutting the press short when they come looking for a headline with loaded questions like "is your album the soundtrack to the new civil rights movement"

They ask him why he's not lending support to the protests and movements and he tells them he's touching hands with the troubled kids rather than talking a bunch of shyt and making appearances.

Ain't shyt changed from the the last time he opened his mouth in an interview to ramble on about the same shyt which got him called all kinds of c00ns. If you don't understand him by now you're slow.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
The music speaks for itself.

One of the main reasons he's letting the music stand as his statement is threads like this filled with a bunch of people who want him to say what they want him to say, when they want him to say it and who they want him to say it too...fukk yall.

fukk rap fans in general tbh.

You lack empathy.

If I was Kendrick I would have told nikkas to braid my pubes after that first debacle. The album ain't enough...he gotta get on every stage post-TPAB and do his best Cornell West impression just for muthafukkas to take something they don't exactly agree with and declare to have suffered the disappointment of all disappointments. Your fault for standing around looking for another nikka to do what you could be doing your damn self.

But son that comes wit the territory. Especially when u speak on controversial topics..if u don't wanna speak on it. Stay away from those topics.. But u can't expect nikkas not to ask questions about the content of ur own album. He gotta man up and take the good wit the bad if he wanna speak on these things. Nobody agrees with everything anyone says. If anything the backlash he got before could teach him to elaborate on what he feels more and think before he speaks. But to avoid a topic u dedicated ur album to is coward shyt.


Oct 6, 2014
All i know is that kendrick low key got washed by taylor swift in his last song:heh:


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
i would agree with you if his album wasnt political. You cant make that type of album and hide during interviews. speak ya mind KL or dont rap about it.

You are just making criterias for no reason just because YOU feel that way.

His job is to speak on wax. Not to lead movements in Interviews or be a political voice. His voice is supposed to be against a beat. He can speak his mind but he's not required to do what YOU want or say what YOU want.

On top of that, he is just a rapper. You guys are adding extra to it because you are dying for some Tupac type rapper. That's not Kendrick. You need to find someone else to rally behind other than a rapper seriously.

if you cant say it out loud. dont rap about it

This is absurd as fukk. So Biggie is a lame because he didn't yell out that his homey would 'rape your kid' outloud, randomly in Brooklyn?

Biggie was so lame he had a song on his album about fukking a Knick players girlfriend but never told us who that Knick player was in interviews!!!!!

i would refuse to allow him on my show, or in my mag as an interview. i would give him a nice page for promo. and thats that. no reason to have a fake interview with a guy who has an album he clearly wants people talking about.

The interview is about the album so his manager wanted him to speak about the album.

That's great you wouldn't let him on your website or magazine. Since this one we are talking about is in fukking Sweden I am sure everyone is crushed.

this aint the interviewer asking Future what does he think about blacks and whites in the US of A. quiet as kept that aint even political. its racial/ethical discussion. is it not?

Nope. Kendrick is just a rapper, just like Future. His music may be more complex lyrically but he's still a rapper. Not a political figure. Not even a Tupac. Just a rapper. A rapper who has an opinion and point of view just like EVERYONE on this board....but still just a rapper. You are expecting him to be something special like Malcom X and then are upset when hes not?

Let me see. Did Public Enemy shy away from Political interviews when they knew they made political/conscious albums? NOPE

You are comparing two different times. Public Enemy BARELY did interviews. This is a different time. One Chuck D line can't be bent and twisted into 140 characters and spread crazy. There was no Fox News to spin their lines around 24 hours a day. No blogs to make crazy comments on with millions of eyes taking away from THE ALBUM just over one interview....that's what you are failing to realize.

Stop comparing situations just to do it. It's a waste of time. Kendrick has 3 albums now and many mixtapes. They skew heavy to the concious side but are not super political. This isn't Paris or Immortal Technique here.

how's about talib? NOpe
Mos def? nope

Find these interviews were they are getting crazy political please. If there are tons it should be easy to find. I'll wait.
I cant think of one rapper/rap group from back in the day that had a lot of political content in their album and they refused to talk about.............Politics.

NO passes for KL on this one.

Who gives a fukk about your stupid ass, made up criteria for how he should conduct an interview anyways other than you tho?
Last edited:


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
I like how Kendrick fans in here acting like they talking us off a cliff,and were the ones who are disappointed:mjlol:....People been calling dude a phony and accusing him of only rapping the pro black shyt for money,and not coming across as authentic for a while now:pachaha:

Its been yall fellow stans telling nikkas they need to support and never talk bad about Kendricks music because of what he stands for as a black man for a while now:troll:...Yall been defending every c00n statement saying he was just misunderstood or misquoted...nikkas even defending who the fukk he decides to date "Bu bu but he met her before he became awoke yall:whoa:"

Now here you are today,sitting here smugly talkin bout "He's just a rapper its not that deep:sas1:"

Don't try to flip the script now,nikkas been tellin YALL "He's just a rapper,and possibly not a authentic one:sas2:" and yall been going wild and negging anybody who had the audacity to question his authenticity....the argument started because YALL though he was more,dont try to flip it like it was the other way around now:russ:

BTW shame on yall who believed,for losing hope after this one article,guess you got sick of fightin tooth and nail like you been doin:francis:
It's almost a thing of beauty :ohlawd:


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
You are just making criterias for no reason just because YOU feel that way.

His job is to speak on wax. Not to lead movements in Interviews or be a political voice. His voice is supposed to be against a beat. He can speak his mind but he's not required to do what YOU want or say what YOU want.

On top of that, he is just a rapper. You guys are adding extra to it because you are dying for some Tupac type rapper. That's not Kendrick. You need to find someone else to rally behind other than a rapper seriously.

This is absurd as fukk. So Biggie is a lame because he didn't yell out that his homey would 'rape your kid' outloud, randomly in Brooklyn?

Biggie was so lame he had a song on his album about fukking a Knick players girlfriend but never told us who that Knick player was in interviews!!!!!

The interview is about the album so his manager wanted him to speak about the album.

That's great you wouldn't let him on your website or magazine. Since this one we are talking about is in fukking Sweden I am sure everyone is crushed.

Nope. Kendrick is just a rapper, just like Future. His music may be more complex lyrically but he's still a rapper. Not a political figure. Not even a Tupac. Just a rapper. A rapper who has an opinion and point of view just like EVERYONE on this board....but still just a rapper. You are expecting him to be something special like Malcom X and then are upset when hes not?

You are comparing two different times. Public Enemy BARELY did interviews. This is a different time. One Chuck D line can't be bent and twisted into 140 characters and spread crazy. There was no Fox News to spin their lines around 24 hours a day. No blogs to make crazy comments on with millions of eyes taking away from THE ALBUM just over one interview....that's what you are failing to realize.

Stop comparing situations just to do it. It's a waste of time. Kendrick has 3 albums now and many mixtapes. They skew heavy to the concious side but are not super political. This isn't Paris or Immortal Technique here.

Find these interviews were they are getting crazy political please. If there are tons it should be easy to find. I'll wait.

Who gives a fukk about your stupid ass, made up criteria for how he should conduct an interview anyways other than you tho?
On February 28, 2014, Kendrick Lamar first revealed plans for releasing a follow-up to his second studio album, good kid, m.A.A.d city (2012), during an interview with Billboard.[4] In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, he was quoted as saying, "Just putting the word 'pimp' next to 'butterfly'… It's a trip. That's something that will be a phrase forever. It'll be taught in college courses — I truly believe that."[5] Lamar would later reveal that the album's original title was Tu Pimp a Caterpillar, which was an homage in its abbreviation to Tupac Shakur. In an interview with MTV, Lamar said: "Tu Pimp a Caterpillar was the original name and they [Dead End Hip Hop] caught it because the abbreviation was Tupac, Tu-P-A-C

Lmao you bytch ass fukk bwoi. How dare you try to make up shyt,when the truth is already out there. You're making a fool of yourself



I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
from the interview he clearly want to be bigger than rap(he want to be an icon like bob Dylan when comes to music). this album he wanted to be revolutionary change the way we(black) go about speaking to each other, community etc.

now his fans(in this thread) are saying he was never on that tip(black conscious/pro-black) ..... negus
Well, step one could b speaking up regardless what his "handlers" say.

Mind u, I love the sentiment. It just feels so fake, to me--the whole thing.

Look at the Reebok thing. My dudes selling gang unity sneakers???? :dahell:

I don't figure dude has some of the strongest hands in media on him (Dre & Iovine). He ain't no underdog.


Aug 29, 2013
:dahell: then, why r u aggy over my opinion on Kenny? I'm not one of those ppl I've mentioned.

@KP I haven't heard it, yet, I'm basing that on the reception and the way cats on here and Twitter talk about it.

@loyola llothta :hmm: I don't like when ppl respond to my post with articles and videos

Speak up, what am I supposed to get out of that?
I feel you. I feel like hyperbole has done Kendrick more damage than good. But to me the album is Section 80 on steroids. But more personal. Instead of rapping about prostitutes and shyt he rapping about himself. Basically putting out his demons. Even goes to far as talking about killing himself.

I don't get how he's trying to pro black or a militant on the album


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Sun, i'll stick by my stance on this. Why does Kdot get a pass?No other artist has ever gotten a pass when they make a racial/semi conscious album. Learn how to flesh out your ideas when speaking. no excuses.

Well my stance is I don't have a pass to give. That man is grown, he's not responsible to express anything he doesn't want to express at any time for my sake, but that's just me.

and who cares if he's conflicted? all black people know black on black crime needs to stop. we all have to graduate from blaming each other for these ills, to realizing 99.9% of us wouldnt be in this situation if it wasnt for a thing called racism white supremacy. but it takes time and it takes for you to have a dialogue to get beyond that original point. he aint having that dialogue with the listeners if he's going to shy away from these types of interviews.

16 year old Arnesha Bowers was raped and murdered for a gang initiation...let's graduate from calling that what it is and trace it back to "the man"...even if you wanna make it a technical exercise, the man ain't rape and murder that little girl, gang members did. Same type of kids Kendrick is going out to touch hands with, same type of cats he's putting in his videos in a neutral, unified setting, same kids he was addressing, and been addressing with his stories. Seems like people would rather have lip service.

and lastly SUN. lets keep it 150 please. the only reason his handlers and him are ok with doing this. is because....This is the era of being PC. If you're not PC you will find yourself hung on the cross of social media with a hashtag next to your name. and your sponsors pulling away from you(even though they could care less, they dont want the backlash.) being PC is this ERA's #1 issue if you ask me. you will end up PCing yourself into a fake existence. No one tell the truth. so no one gets offended. So in essence we all lie to one another every single day. and thats supposed to be utopia some how.

I think he his handlers are OK with it because the next cop to get his wig split will have his picture being shown next to a clip of Kendrick. For all the white supremacy talk you would think people would be up on game as to where this is headed.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
It's almost as if he kinda expressed his opinion on those issues...on the song, on the album and the stage...and in interviews...already.


Asking him (to repeat himself) isn't unreasonable, but neither is him cutting the press short when they come looking for a headline with loaded questions like "is your album the soundtrack to the new civil rights movement"

They ask him why he's not lending support to the protests and movements and he tells them he's touching hands with the troubled kids rather than talking a bunch of shyt and making appearances.

Ain't shyt changed from the the last time he opened his mouth in an interview to ramble on about the same shyt which got him called all kinds of c00ns. If you don't understand him by now you're slow.

People get asked the same questions in interviews every day B.

You are just going out of your way to defend this guy at every turn.

They marketed him as a social justice warrior. He doesn't have the knowledge/understanding to play that roll. He tried to give anwers that flirted with the truth but didnt make white people too uncomfortable. People smelled his bullshyt, so his handlers shut him down.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I like how Kendrick fans in here acting like they talking us off a cliff,and were the ones who are disappointed:mjlol:....People been calling dude a phony and accusing him of only rapping the pro black shyt for money,and not coming across as authentic for a while now:pachaha:

Its been yall fellow stans telling nikkas they need to support and never talk bad about Kendricks music because of what he stands for as a black man for a while now:troll:...Yall been defending every c00n statement saying he was just misunderstood or misquoted...nikkas even defending who the fukk he decides to date "Bu bu but he met her before he became awoke yall:whoa:"

Now here you are today,sitting here smugly talkin bout "He's just a rapper its not that deep:sas1:"

Don't try to flip the script now,nikkas been tellin YALL "He's just a rapper,and possibly not a authentic one:sas2:" and yall been going wild and negging anybody who had the audacity to question his authenticity....the argument started because YALL though he was more,dont try to flip it like it was the other way around now:russ:

BTW shame on yall who believed,for losing hope after this one article,guess you got sick of fightin tooth and nail like you been doin:francis:

So much truth here:wow:


Jun 17, 2012
It's more that most conscious rappers are actually passionate about what they're rapping about, so they actually want to be involved in inciting change. I'm not sure political is 100% accurate to describe TPaB, but he's rapping about something meaningful and an issue in American culture, so it would be natural for anyone to expect him to be willing to answer questions regarding the topics he discusses on his album. Whether you like it or not, artists like Lupe and Pac and Tech and Lowkey have set the bar for conscious rap by participating in interviews, rallies and other things. Should he have to? No. But it's the precedent with rappers that actually rap about issues to do so.

Asking him questions about lyrics and themes on the album is one thing. Asking him what he thinks about what he thinks about the removal of the Confederate flag is another (not saying he was asked this, but it's a political question that's not really related to the album).