I'm done.
Argue with stans breh.
I'm done.
Argue with stans breh.
Argue with stans breh.
That's a simple yes or no question.
If the answer is yes, then what are we even arguing about?
Nobody has said Kendrick doesn't care about Black people, the issue is what he is saying is misguided.
Does being misguided make you a c00n?
I tried to ask the other dude, but he bounced the convo a different direction.
It can.
Man look, I don't care who it is, if I see a dude who clearly cares about the black community is making a net positive impact, I'm going to question why we're calling him a c00n.
That label is fukking garbage. Aware black people just causing more division amongst themselves for no fukkin reason.
I call it how I see it, Kendrick being called a c00n isn't the end all be all. Ali calling Frazier a Gorilla was c00ning too, his legacy still stands. I was disappointed in Boyce Watkins forfor Rachel Dolezal, he got the same treatment too. All Kendrick can do is learn from this and do better next time.
I'm willing to call a black person who's misguided exactly that. Misguided.
You use the word more loosely than me, but ain't nothing wrong with that.
He's a grown man with a platform and an impressionable fanbase.
He's done more good than harm with said platform.
That isn't what we are discussing, stop stanning.
We're discussing Kendrick being a c00n, correct?
No. What are discussing is if what he has said is c00ning. I hope you're getting some sort of reward for all this c00nsplaining.