Kendrick Lamar is the Kevin Hart of hiphop


Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
No it wasn't breh. It's clear from your first post. You either got high or drunk and thought you had one with this really terrible analogy.

The thread was always about you and your crusade against Kendrick. That is why you thought your thread was a reason something was taken down, when it wasn't. The thread never was meant to spark thoughts or discuss Hip Hop because nothing in the thread is really about music or Hip Hop other than your target is an MC. These are all personal shots and opinions from you that you somehow think is being passed off as facts.

Your points aren't iron clad because they are just your opinion breh. You just said it yourself. It's a perspective. With every post you continue to show yourself :snoop:
I wasn't high or drunk. Just voicing what I believed. It was my perspective on 2 big stars in the entertainment business. A couple of things didn't match or make sense so I pointing them out.
Also (I don't think this is on the op) I discovered that tde was seemingly cooking the ratings on RATE YOUR MUSIC'S website. I discovered this not by how highly Kendrick's albums were rated, BUT HOW MANY people were actually spending time to rate his albums vs other big rappers of 2013. His albums were being rated by 2,3,4 x's as many people as drake, Nicki, Cole & I believe I referenced 1 more person (I have those screen shotted somewhere) .
After that I was totally convinced how much of a con was involved in creating kdot.
And yes not only did that ratings discrepancy change, but his bio became unavailable at the height of these discussions going on in the coli.
Understanding some of the trickery, can be beneficial to anyone with rapper dreams etc.

My iron clad points comment was more in reference to my postings in the recent thread about kendrick having much to say in these m current times. Have a good day.