This American Gangsta classic talk seriously needs to stop.
Its getting out of hand.
Notice how people jump on the bandwagon and never actually say WHICH SONGS they feel are classics?
If something is a classic then you would hear people actually name specific tracks more often.
But it seems people are getting far too infatuated with the fact that it was a concept album that was a follow up and improvement from Kingdom Come.
But you really mean to tell me there are classic songs besides Roc Boys and Blue Magic? Really?
Yes..u dumbfck Nas stan there are.
Pray- Classic
No Hook
Roc Boys
I Know
Party Life
Ignorant Sht
Blue Magic
All those songs arent just average songs
They are dope songz, and thats most of the album
And Roc Boys is one of the smoothest, coolest mainstream singles during 07-08
The personification of drug addiction and the drug in use being personified as a human relationship along with that great beat is
Party life is soo smooth, makes me feel like Im in the 70's and that 3rd verse is just
Ignorant sht is jus too real "They're all actors/looking at themselves in the mirror backwards/cant even face themselves dont fear no rappers/they're all actors dineros in practice"
ALl in all the production was dope, the cohesiveness of the album was top notch, Jay Z brought it lyrically and portrayed excellent storytelling, and was such a fresh classic
Now get out of here you blasphemous bytch ass Nas stan