TPAB was iffy to me at first but that gradually did grow on me though and now i think its classic. I can get it not being considered classic in hardcore rap circles and see that more for GKMC but overall classic in terms of being "bigger than one genre"
But this album here?

I can tell its never gonna grow on me. It has no standout tracks unlike TPAB. You have posters in here THEMSELVES who admit there are no standout tracks on this album but still say its great or classic worthy. I mean that makes absolutely no sense
I mean "DNA" is real dope but there are no standout tracks. One guy said they loved "Fear" and then everyone ran with that when there are no quotables anybody can mention like with "Sing About Me...Dying of Thirst" "Mortal Man" or "Hiipower" .
Its not a good look on a rap album when the best song are the more mainstream songs like with "Humble" or "Loyalty" with Rihanna. That is a terrible look on a rap album.
On REAL CLASSIC albums you don't see "Mo Money Mo Problems" or "Hypnotize as the best song on LAD or "California Love" as the best song on AEOM. Even though the remix without Dre was on the album even if the original was on the album it wouldn't be the best song.
What kind of true classic rap album has mainstream songs as the best song on it? Coli please answer me
Kendrick needs to watch that Crank Lucas video put up the other day because it is a true characterization of him. I mean it was all in jokes and Crank even said he is a Kendrick fan but he is going over the top now. Just straight up rap It was cool with TPAB and i love that album now but its going overboard. There isn't even a theme to this record its all over the place. Just because every song feels dark doesn't mean that its a consistent theme if there is barely a message.
i hope dudes aint gonna keep saying the theme is death.