I do everything for myself.
Guys who do everything for bytches.....usually get no bytches

Guys who do everything for bytches.....usually get no bytches

that's a bad way to live, doing things only to get women...i haven't met a successful person yet that's told me they do their job, follow their passion, take care of themselves, etc only to get women. that's gotta be the most stupid thing to do. women are the byproduct...
this is somewhat true
back when I had swag it was mainly because I was tryna get bytches
now that I'm swagless and play video games all day I have no desire to even holla at a bytch.
real nikka shyt.....
all bytches bring is unwanted babies and stress anyway
Porn makes bytches obsolete.
you think nikkaz would go to school for 7 + years in the hopes of a professional degree if they knew that shyt would get them NO HOES ?