I think he wisely chooses roles that fits him as an actor,
Hell he worked well for the Matrix because he's perfect for that "wow, I don't know wtf is goin on" type of vibe he can give off. He didn't know wtf was going on in Point Break and it worked.
Which is one of the many reasons the sequels didn't work. He was supposed to step up his game but as an actor he just stayed the same.
His presence in that scene with the architect mirrored the audience'seven though he was supposed to understand it.
Which is one of the many reasons the sequels didn't work. He was supposed to step up his game but as an actor he just stayed the same.
His presence in that scene with the architect mirrored the audience'seven though he was supposed to understand it.
like liam neesonHis speciality is being a stoic, lone wolf badass who saves the day or saves his own lifedon’t gotta be Tom Hanks for that
Word? See I don’t blame the sequel failures on him. He’s still learning and questioning things throughout both of those movies. One of the reasons they aren’t as successful as the first (creatively) is because they took the philosophy and mythology waaaaaaaay deep. To the point the movies almost became parodies of the first movie. That’s got nothing to do with Keanu or any of the actors involved.
Definitely not blaming him for them, but I don't think he helped. Except for the action scenes he didn't do anything to make me believe Neo was becoming a different person.
Carrie Ann Moss and Larry Fishburn did, because they're significantly better actors than Baba Yaga.