Kavanaugh SCOTUS Thread! Senate Confirms by 50-48 Vote Margin; Kavanaugh Sworn-In

JJ Evans

All Star
Feb 17, 2017
Not sure if this is good. Let’s look at some bad possibilities.

He may be forced to give the republicans this Supreme Court pick in order to save his job, considering it’s been on the chopping block for a while now.

He may be told to either give up the Mueller investigation or to put up a sham Kavanaugh investigation.


Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
there's never any solutions posted in here, just whining and bytching. as evidenced by your post :mjlol:

All they know how to do is make passive aggressive retorts and call people rapists, racists and trolls. Oh, and bush people. This place is a laughingstock full of partisans, slaves to the party, like theDonald and with the intelligence of TLR but HL isn't in on the joke yet. They cling to that Napoleon curated thread as evidence they have some form of intellectual superiority. If Nap didn't make that thread and post all manner of news in it, big or small, these guys would be just as uninformed as everyone else. That's why they can't decide whether they love or hate him.

NY's #1 Draft Pick

Apr 30, 2012
All they know how to do is make passive aggressive retorts and call people rapists, racists and trolls. Oh, and bush people. This place is a laughingstock full of partisans, slaves to the party, like theDonald and with the intelligence of TLR but HL isn't in on the joke yet. They cling to that Napoleon curated thread as evidence they have some form of intellectual superiority. If Nap didn't make that thread and post all manner of news in it, big or small, these guys would be just as uninformed as everyone else. That's why they can't decide whether they love or hate him.
But you come in here acting like you’re mightier than everyone else. Why don’t you post some solutions genius? Why don’t you save us from big bad trump? Half the time you’re in here talking shyt to other poster and giving your opinion on how shytty the dem party is. If a candidate is a sexual predator, pedophile or racist we are going to call it out. Wtf do you think we want these people running high levels of our government?:what:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
But you come in here acting like you’re mightier than everyone else. Why don’t you post some solutions genius? Why don’t you save us from big bad trump? Half the time you’re in here talking shyt to other poster and giving your opinion on how shytty the dem party is. If a candidate is a sexual predator, pedophile or racist we are going to call it out. Wtf do you think we want these people running high levels of our government?:what:

I actually have posted solutions. But I'm not an elected official nor a highly paid political strategists so I shouldn't have to post simple solutions on how the Dems can do something besides wait until the Republicans destroy the country enough to inspire their base.

As for calling out candidates there's no proof that Kavanaugh was a rapist, no allegations of him being a pedophile and hasn't been highlighted as any more racist than a typical establishment conservative.

Still, the fact in THIS ERA they weren't able to bounce this guy on #metoo allegations says something about how weak the party is. I know I know I know, "the Republicans cheated. It was rigged." Perhaps it was but it's the job of the OPPOSITION party to do something about it. What is the purpose of voting blue if they can't deliver anything but hand wringing and virtue signaling? This is why the base is so uninspired. There's no victory to point towards that says, "Hey more of them means more benefits and victories for us." They are still relying on the GOP finally being intolerable enough to where the blue base is FORCED to come to the polls and vote them out. The American public seems to have a high appetite for corrupt and incompetent administrations so the Dems might want to look at going on the offensive.

You all are slaves to the "party of lesser evil," and that's only going to get you so far. The Dems are relying on the fact that the GOP is so bad there is a majority of the country that will vote for them no matter what just to keep the GOP from having an insurmountable majority. That's what keeps the party from totally collapsing but the Dems will never be able to take advantage of their mass of hearts and minds if they can't get them to the polls. I don't know why this is such a sore point for you all.

NY's #1 Draft Pick

Apr 30, 2012
I actually have posted solutions. But I'm not an elected official nor a highly paid political strategists so I shouldn't have to post simple solutions on how the Dems can do something besides wait until the Republicans destroy the country enough to inspire their base.

As for calling out candidates there's no proof that Kavanaugh was a rapist, no allegations of him being a pedophile and hasn't been highlighted as any more racist than a typical establishment conservative.

Still, the fact in THIS ERA they weren't able to bounce this guy on #metoo allegations says something about how weak the party is. I know I know I know, "the Republicans cheated. It was rigged." Perhaps it was but it's the job of the OPPOSITION party to do something about it. What is the purpose of voting blue if they can't deliver anything but hand wringing and virtue signaling? This is why the base is so uninspired. There's no victory to point towards that says, "Hey more of them means more benefits and victories for us." They are still relying on the GOP finally being intolerable enough to where the blue base is FORCED to come to the polls and vote them out. The American public seems to have a high appetite for corrupt and incompetent administrations so the Dems might want to look at going on the offensive.

You all are slaves to the "party of lesser evil," and that's only going to get you so far. The Dems are relying on the fact that the GOP is so bad there is a majority of the country that will vote for them no matter what just to keep the GOP from having an insurmountable majority. That's what keeps the party from totally collapsing but the Dems will never be able to take advantage of their mass of hearts and minds if they can't get them to the polls. I don't know why this is such a sore point for you all.
He has had multiple sexual assault allegations. If you were interviewing someone for a job interview and they had not one but multiple allegations wouldn’t you want to look into that? Especially when they’re about to be a judge on the highest court of the land. You mean to tell me this guys is going to JUDGE on cases when he has a terrible record as a human being? I said pedophile because of Roy Moore and racist because we have countless amount of examples coming from Republicans saying racist shyt.

Other than that I agree on most of your points and believe that most of the brehs on HL think the Dems should be a little stronger and fight back. Half of us want pelosi and Schumer out as leadership. I agree also if the Dems do get power they should go full throttle on laws, judges, fix voter suppression, gerrymandering. Destroy gop in commercials and make me look stupid for what they’ve done to this country.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
He has had multiple sexual assault allegations. If you were interviewing someone for a job interview and they had not one but multiple allegations wouldn’t you want to look into that?

They did........barely. But you called him a rapist when he hasn't been charged, let alone convicted of a crime. That's a serious label to apply to someone based upon decades old and flimsy (let's just be honest here) allegations. You don't think that might turn people off? You don't think people might tune out? It's all good when you're preaching to the choir but when you're trying to draw in Independents and Dems who just aren't voting for whatever reason calling people rapists or rape apologists is not going to work. That's not going to move the needle. Believe it or not it actually makes Kavanaugh look sympathetic because everyone can recall a time they were accused of something they were adamant they did not do or have been slandered in some way. I mostly blame the media for that though, there weren't too many Dems alright calling him a rapist or sexual predator, if any. You have to understand though even with multiple accusations most of his denunciations came after this testimony where he cracked like a weak egg on the stand. It wasn't so much the allegations that were troubling to many; it was his temperament, how partisan he seemed, possibly lying under oath about his drinking. Two of those things could have been seized upon by the Dems and one could have been investigated by the FBI but at this point the Dems went all in on the sexual assault allegations. It is what it is. In hindsight they should have dropped that bomb as quickly as possible but who would have imagined he'd get confirmed in this era with that dark cloud hanging over him so using Ford as the trump card was understandable from a politics standpoint.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I agree also if the Dems do get power they should go full throttle on laws, judges, fix voter suppression, gerrymandering.

Sadly that's a radical agenda for some Dems. It seems they don't mind the current political process they just want to be in charge of it and keep the GOP from implementing their worst policies (which is a fine start) but there seems to be no consensus on what they want to do beyond that.


Nov 19, 2016
Sadly that's a radical agenda for some Dems. It seems they don't mind the current political process they just want to be in charge of it and keep the GOP from implementing their worst policies (which is a fine start) but there seems to be no consensus on what they want to do beyond that.


Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Yes, we know more people would vote for the Dems, the issue is getting them there. Is the YouGov poll measuring the amount of voters that planned on not participating initially but have decided to based upon the Kavanaugh nomination?