@Rarely-Wrong Liggins is pretty much spot on
dems dont play politics very well. They have the numbers and people on their side to push forth progressive policies but continue not to
Dems should campaign on Packing the SC BECAUSE Kavanaugh is illegitimate, and a joke. They should do this from now until 2020, but they dont have the fukking guts.
The right can't rally around anything like the left did against Kavanaugh last week, or like the Wall Street Protests, or the TWO Women's Marches
If dems would just push for the Following policies:
Medicare for all
No Money in politics
Ending the War on Drugs
Cancelling Student Debt
Ending the Military and Prison Industrial Complexes
Raising the Minimum wage to a living wage
etc, they would win in landslides each time. But they keep trying the centrist route and we lost at all levels of Govt.
You tell me, what level of Govt are we in control of? We can't stop a goddamn thing Trump and the repubs are doing because we are beat.
And we have dumbass leaders like Pelosi and Schumer with no backbone, and DNC leaders like Tom Perez, who don't stand for anything.
And moreso, we have a corporate media machine (CNN, MSNBC) that try to muddy the waters on Progressive Policies like the ones we listed (ala "How do we pay for all this", even though its CHEAPER. it's like me paying $40 a month for a haircut, and a new barbershop opens up down the street that charges $10 an hour and I'm sitting at home wondering how I'm gonna afford to make the change to the new barbershop).
The point is, if we move in a hard left, populist way, we can easily win.
At this point, it should be obvious to anyone with a political IQ that it's too late for incrementalism. We don't have time to inch forward slowly. We need to move left and we need to move left a decade ago.