Ok let's play your game. I started with this one.
Show me the part of this article where they go into detail about rape charges being weaponized.
This is extremely problematic but doesn't point to people intentionally using false rape charges to take people down. False accusations do happen, but the idea I should fear targeted false rape accusations (as dems have been accused of doing to Kavanaugh) is completely moronic.
Ban bet that you googled a bunch of links and didn’t read them?
Id accept that bet too
Now you want to mince words with me lol
Your hypothesis was weaponizing false rape accusations doesnt work. But the long list of convictions say otherwise.
Your framing of weaponization of accusations at that point only speaks on the intent behind them being political. But the FACT that they DO work in general makes that shyt a moot point.
Its Weaponization no matter if its done to enforce racial prejudice (as evident from the proof I "didnt read'), to protect reputations at the cost of others (baylor incident) or to destory reputations. (included in the football player example I "didn't read"). Mind you the latter is exactly the way a false rape accusation would be used politically.
The accuser in the Brandon Banks story I "didnt read" admits to it being about money and harming his reputation, so feel free to tell me how your juelzed definition of weaponized accusations somehow falls outside these lines
Its like arguing a gun cant be used for crimes of passion only premeditated murder. SIT YOUR DUMB ASS DOWN CALEB