Why not? What more is there to lose? The supreme courts seats are filled for years and white supremacy has now be fully endorsed by the courts, the least i could do is make sure piece of shyt bernie bots who refused to vote dont get the satisfaction of seeing their sycophant narcissistic cult leader be president or any idiot associated with our revolution.
I dont know shyt i knew some sanders supporters were bernie or bust and allowed trump to appoint the white supremacists to the court.
Why did bernie sanders not win the south and beat hillary on pledged delegates? He was a one trick pony and a sad excuse of a presidential candidate. but but he marched with mlk right?
Bernie sanders without his free college or wall street bullshyt speeches is no one, people love him because they want students debt gone.
How the hell do you lost to the candidate that lost to a black man on his first campaign?
How do you get destroyed in the south by black voters and then get mad and call the south the confederacy because blacks rejected you?
I will not move past the campaign until you folks acknowledge your bullshyt, no more pandering. im done with it.
Congrats. You have now taken the same exact position as people you claim to detest.
You need to get over your anger the same way the super majority of Bernie voters did in the last election.
....Or will can all just say fukk it and act like petulant children.