Unfortunately this type of vetting isn't done for federal and state judges. He should have never been allowed on any bench.
Lol you must not know Mitch. He'll do it in the lame duck session if he has to.Rushing the process before November mid terms. A new candidate wouldn’t be heard until after the new senate in January is sat
I don’t think Flake and them would do it once they have lost their seat. They have no power over them.Lol you must not know Mitch. He'll do it in the lame duck session if he has to.
He released the flutesI thought Avenatti was a loudmouth attention whore, but this seems like he put the dagger in the whole process. Surely he cant survive this allegation?
Don't mean to come off as the cyncial wet blanket here, but none of this matters IMO simply because the rethugs hold all the power in this situation. Only reason Roy Moore isn't raping teenagers in DC right now (assuming he isn't vacationing in DC today) is because voters held the power in that decision.
A Kavanaugh admission at this point wouldn't even prevent a confirmation vote from them.
These additional allegations are definitely important though because they strengthen the potential blowback after he's confirmed, but I'm convinced the only thing stopping Kavanaugh from getting a seat on the SC is literally death.
Donald TrumpWhat is stopping the GOP from just withdrawing dude and putting up another conservative judge with a good background?
Gorsuch breezed through. I'm sure there's plenty others out there that fit the bill.
I don't trust one single Republican soul. Not one.You think that Murkowski & Collins will vote against him?
What about Flake?