So then what do you say is the truth![]()
truth is the earth is only 6,000 yrs old and god put the fossil of dinosaurs in the ground to test our faith

So then what do you say is the truth![]()
Names where changed, colors where switched upnah, we originated from two white people named adam and eve; and we're all the biproduct of their incestuous relations![]()
truth is the earth is only 6,000 yrs old and god put the fossil of dinosaurs in the ground to test our faith![]()
Names where changed, colors where switched up
But are the stories true?
If there was proof that the stories are made up, ok.
But there is proof the stories are True in terms of geographical landmarks n stuff
The key is to you learn about it, and experience it for yourself
If you don't believe, you'll never receive
Why does that test our faith?
there's massive proof that he "stories" were written and rewritten hundreds of times over. i believe the first scripture was written hundreds of years after jesus' supposed resurrection.
but what kind of proof do you need to know biblical stories are fake? is common sense not good enough? talking snakes, evil fruits, people that live for hundreds of years. noah and ark, collecting two of every animal on a massive boat![]()
there's actual science behind the theory evolution, but blacks insist on coat tailing the fables of those who hated blacks. i get why our ancestors bonded in slavery were christian, it was either believe in their god or be killed. however, it's 2012, when are y'all going to wake up from the religious bondage?
Is that your angle? Look, I know stories were altered.
But the message is the same. Common sense helps you see the truth
The truth is once you said "blacks insist on" is where your whole perspective comes into light
To you, most black people.. or as you like to call them, ******s like to
I really can't continue this conversation with a bigot. Of course you don't like Jesus
You embrace the dark side. Hail Hitler![]()
You originated from a monkey?![]()
this was wack...he lost it, he should have never started smoking rocks. He looked like he was rocked up on stage
And that religious preaching gets thrown in the bushes![]()
Aint noone trying to hear that shyt...its why I can't fukking stand them retarded ass Tyler Dragqueen Perry movies![]()
truth is the earth is only 6,000 yrs old and god put the fossil of dinosaurs in the ground to test our faith![]()
nah, we originated from two white people named adam and eve; and we're all the biproduct of their incestuous relations![]()