I stay on craigslist bruh. I can go as far to say that craigslist is a part time job for a nikka.
I make money weekly via craigslist. It indeed has been good to a nikka
Before the flood happened, I made a bunch of craigslist threads bragging about the deals I would get.
While other posters would complain how craigslist sucked in there neighborhood.
I distinctly remember K-mom complaining about it.. I'm pretty sure Tic Tac T.O. said the same about Toronto area being shytty for craigslist.
Then one day Mowgli said a comment about my threads/post not being special or somethin... and that was my motivation at the time

Of course, I no idea it would take off like it did. But the rest is history.
So when I see people years later post as if it happened yesterday, I used to be

But I learned that lame nikkaz aren't creative enough to not copy n paste jokes/concepts/angles/etc