
Trump and Kanye speak the language of emotion and sides; in American culture, that has become the dominant tongue. They communicate in the nebulous, hackneyed jargon of fortune cookies, astrologists and self-help gurus. It all brings to mind the grand conceit of a magic act: A magician can only trick an audience if it is willing to make itself complicit. If we want to be fooled, inanity and incoherence look like magic.
We have proved time and again that we want to be fooled. Some of us wanted to believe a lifelong criminal who couldn’t articulate any cogent political agenda or ideas would restore some long-lost dignity and greatness to our nation. Others of us wanted to believe a megalomaniacal celebrity who married into a vacuous reality-television family was a counterculture revolutionary capable of making a nouveau black power album.
What do any of those traits (you’re not even using delusional right) have to do with what I saidY’all gotta cut it out with your hopes and dreams.
“This all part of some big plan.” looking boys.
Kanye is a selfish narcissistic delusional clown and has been for YEARS.
The end
Kanye and Kim's twitter mentions are filled with Trump trolls and russian bots.So many Alt-Right Coli Cacs exposing themselves on that first page.. and cacs dapping up their support for Ye
The Coli is definitely no safe haven and safe space for black men to communicate
KKK Grand Dragon energy.Can someone explain to me what is dragon energy?
I read all those Root pieces yesterday, good stuff.
This is really a new front opening.....Rappers, and their fans will be able to traffic in racism and hatred, under the guise of free thought.....
There has to be serious push back from the heavy hitters in the culture. I doubt there will be.
Not when Post Malone and Riff Raff can infiltrate the game and have said essentially the same things as Kanye, to a degree.
neggedlook i'm a cac
He's creating a circus show to drum up interest in his brand again. He has long format interviews with Char and Ebro coming where he can humanize himself a bit and hopefully clear the airIm still trying to figure out if he is doing the pro trump stuff to get white supremacist to support his pro black music, or if his pro black music is him trying to pander to black folks while he is openly embracing white supremacists.
I just dont get it, because his music and his public persona are almost at complete odds