I'll address it.
Here's why that is a trash argument: it completely ignores the fact that a lot of us support Democrats because they've delivered on issues that matter to us. We're talking about civil rights, healthcare, criminal justice reform, labor protections, and so on. The idea that we're just blindly loyal or being conned? It is a bullshyt insulting claim that robs us of our agency. That view ignores how Republicans actively block policies that would directly benefit Black folks, like student loan forgiveness for Pell Grant recipients, which would make a massive difference for Black borrowers. Or take farm relief, where republicans fought against a specific bill aimed at Black farmers getting their fair share, despite Trump giving 99% of aid to white farmers. And don't forget how they destroyed affirmative action and are going after other policies that address historic wrongs. They are also banning the teaching of comprehensive Black history in red states. Why no smoke for this when they have strong trifecta governments?
The idea of "letting them crash and burn" by not voting is just dumb, dangerous and reckless. It's just handing power to people who are actively making things worse for us. You are just giving a gift to the very people who are blocking progress. Sitting out is just ceding everything to those who want to strip away every right and protection that's been fought for. Y'all always bring up the disastrous crime bill, but want to ignore who's attacking its legacy, and who's trying to bring it back. I wonder why.
Further, let's not pretend Trump isn't trying to pander to Black voters in the most outright racist ways. He straight up said he would be more relatable to us now that he has a criminal record, and his surrogates have been talking about how his 'baby mamas,' and other ridiculously insulting bullshyt will make him more relatable to us. And don't forget, he openly celebrated low Black voter turnout in 2016. And his bullshyt 'Platinum Plan.' For whatever reason, y'all want to ignore or gloss over this.
Now, just because reparations haven't happened doesn't mean we aren't seeing any benefits from other policies. Broad policies like healthcare expansion and student loan forgiveness may not be reparations, but they still help Black communities in huge ways, especially where the Medicaid expansion is concerned. It disproportionately benefited Black people. It helped close the racial insurance gap, and helped millions of poor and working-class Black people gain crucial access to healthcare, including preventive care.
It's still being blocked in most red states despite the incentives the federal government is providing to them, and even though its been proven to be a benefit, especially for things like cancer screenings, diabetes management, and hypertension treatment, which are critical for improving health outcomes and life expectancy. Before Medicaid expansion, a lot of people couldn't afford basic medical care, which contributed to higher rates of preventable diseases in Black communities. It has also been linked to reductions in racial disparities in health outcomes, like infant mortality rates and maternal health, both areas where Black people have historically faced significant challenges. It didn't just provide insurance, it provided the means to improve the overall quality of life and longevity for many Black Americans. How can you downplay that? How can you not blame republicans for blocking this in the states that house the largest collection of Black people?
It is stupid to blame Democrats entirely while pretending Trump has nothing to do with the problems we face. You're just ignoring reality. If anything, Trump's policies, like his tariffs that hurt workers in Michigan (Detroit especially), did direct damage. You're not holding anyone accountable by letting the system "crash and burn." You're just showing how lazy you are. The real way to hold anyone accountable is to actually stay engaged, organize, and to vote strategically, not to sit on your hands. But again, a lot of you don't really care. You secretly support Trump, but are too afraid to say it out loud, so you push this nonsensical position.