Kamala Releases Her Agenda For Black Men


Sep 11, 2015
Umar and Tariq are not the prominent black thinkers that's outrageous those dudes are entertainers and so is Ice Cube. I can't believe people would even bring out their names. Go down the list of academics, scholars and successful business men who are worth billions from companies not in the entertainment or sports industry.

What would you call Howard Stern?

If Tariq and Umar isn't a good fit, but Chamarlange is, nevermind, what about Dr. Claude Anderson?

Why not sit down with him and his team? He has books, lectures and he is well-known among black men.

Kanye West, CTG and others always speak on him and talk about his work.

Why hasn't she reached out to him and his staff for an interview to discuss the things she can do for black men??


Sep 11, 2015
She doesn’t need to “sit down” with anyone to know the challenges in the black community.

It’s her job to know. She has experts, numbers, statistics, and studies to tell her that.

As of right now the two biggest needs of black men is Education/job training, and Healthcare. Any plan purporting to help black men needs to start there

I don't need Education, I am a fully adult who can understand math, English and other things that can help me in my life, you don't even know how to equate what education is.
You can't even explain how Kamala can help black men over the age of 18 will help them?

Hispanics Men don't need help with education and healthcare, white men don't need help with that.

What is job training? How can Kamala help black men that are in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s, and 60s 70s, with job training and education?

I have health insurance; most black men have insurance. Folks who have health care state that health care is high in cost. This is not just a black man problem.


May 1, 2012
What's the consensus brehs?


Nov 12, 2014

They invested 1.3 billion in HBCUs just last month, so I am assuming Kamala will just keep investing in them as much as possible if she gets elected.

maybe :hubie:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I don't need Education, I am a fully adult who can understand math, English and other things that can help me in my life, you don't even know how to equate what education is.
You can't even explain how Kamala can help black men over the age of 18 will help them?

Hispanics Men don't need help with education and healthcare, white men don't need help with that.

What is job training? How can Kamala help black men that are in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s, and 60s 70s, with job training and education?

I have health insurance; most black men have insurance. Folks who have health care state that health care is high in cost. This is not just a black man problem.
You may not. Unfortunately you are in the minority. Any plan to help black men as a whole will address the issues that most face.

Hispanic men DO need Education and helathcare

The ACA has done a GREAT job closing the insurance Gap between black people and others.

Talk of preserving and expanding the ACA IS supporting a very successful program for black men. Without it we go back to 20%+ uninsured.

But beyond that, there’s plenty of other things outside of Helath insurance that leads to our worse health outcomes. And some of that is education. We don’t trust doctors, we don’t understand the importance of going to the doctor. Doctors don’t understand us. That is a thing that needs to be addressed through education and culture.

as far as job training goes. It’s money for training but also outreach programs to connect black men with opportunities and incentivize job makers to connect with talented black folks.

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana

Let's remove Umar and Tariq off the table, they are griters to you

Can she sit down with Ice Cube who actually has a plan written what about Dr. Claude Anderson ?

What you think about those 2 and if they are good, why hasn't her team reached out to them?

Her team reached out to howard stern who doesn't give a shyt about the black community.
The point is, it doesn’t matter what I think about any individual or what I think individually. I think Cube and Dr. Anderson have good ideas, but they do not represent me, and have not been asked by the general black community to represent them as a whole. And that’s where the problem lies.

We don’t invest in a group to lobby on our behalf. We don’t have available representatives that we can interact with to have conversations about viable strategies to advance our community. It’s too much individual thought that only represents what they think is important and not enough of a think tank so everyone’s ideas can be considered and expressed.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
An interview with someone like charlamagn or stephen jackson isn’t about those dudes ideas or expertise on the subject. It’s just about reach to get people to hear her voice and her plan. Their job is literally promotion. She’s on those shows for promotion.

Real policy meetings with real experts happen off camera. We should be concerned with who she appoints to her cabinet and who she chooses to lead and advise her on these issues and plans.


Apr 24, 2016
This is a really good start i’m not going to lie. I’m assuming that these are things she feels can realistically deliver even with Republican push back.

I wish she would have unveiled this plan before Obama went on his little “Black men are misogynist a$$holes who should just shut up and do what I say” tour.


Obviously this is more of a Hail Mary, "here nikkas damn" action from her, and I wish she put a bit more thought into this.

However, credit to her. Glad she's recognizing black men as a bloc worthy of courting votes from.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
You may not. Unfortunately you are in the minority. Any plan to help black men as a whole will address the issues that most face.

Hispanic men DO need Education and helathcare

The ACA has done a GREAT job closing the insurance Gap between black people and others.

Talk of preserving and expanding the ACA IS supporting a very successful program for black men. Without it we go back to 20%+ uninsured.

But beyond that, there’s plenty of other things outside of Helath insurance that leads to our worse health outcomes. And some of that is education. We don’t trust doctors, we don’t understand the importance of going to the doctor. Doctors don’t understand us. That is a thing that needs to be addressed through education and culture.

as far as job training goes. It’s money for training but also outreach programs to connect black men with opportunities and incentivize job makers to connect with talented black folks.

So if we dont trust doctors or "understand the importance of going to the doctor", then that means black men dont care about Healthcare:mjlol:. So why is that on the agenda for black men? And what black men have enough crypto assets to care if they are protected. Most of us invested in crypto completely understanding we can lose it all. Crypto is a hail mary yolo play for most of us,not an "investment" /asset we are worried about being protected. Its mostly unregulated and mostly garbage just like the stock market lol.

Michelle Obamas agenda was far better than this one. Made it a point to get to the kids early,and even ban certain foods and regulate the ammounts they could have.

This is the disconnect i am talking about. These seem more like ideas she was given from corporations,healthcare industry and millionaires to enrich themselves.

How does a black woman who went to an hbcu not understand what the black people actually care about or want?

I said we needed knowledge of self added to the cirriculum and was laughed out of a thread. But yall trying to sell us that teaching black men about how good doctors are is a tangible:mjlol:


Sep 11, 2015
The point is, it doesn’t matter what I think about any individual or what I think individually. I think Cube and Dr. Anderson have good ideas, but they do not represent me, and have not been asked by the general black community to represent them as a whole. And that’s where the problem lies.

We don’t invest in a group to lobby on our behalf. We don’t have available representatives that we can interact with to have conversations about viable strategies to advance our community. It’s too much individual thought that only represents what they think is important and not enough of a think tank so everyone’s ideas can be considered and expressed.

On this board, you can say that the general black community has not asked them, but if 3 to 4 people that I listed in my previous post were polled and their names were on the poll to represent black men, you would see a large respond stating that they would like a Dr. Claude, Ice Cube, Umar, Tariq etc to present their ideas to Kamala.

Most black folks know what is needed, these men know what black men and women need, Dr.Claude has been talking about it for his entire life. We can start with his ideas that you say that are good. Kamala can start with those ideas that he has presented along with Cube's vision.

Those men met behind closed doors in fact, Cube got with the brightest and great minds to come up with his plan. I'm not trying to convince you, but I will say this, the dems needs to win this election bad, more than the Reps.

If they don't win this election, then they will have no other choice but to sit down with these folks that I mentioned because they have now become the pulse of black people, especially tariq, you can run but you can't hide from your Tariqs and Umars.
i get it, they are not like, but your wagon as a dem candidate soon will have to stop in front of their doorsteps if you wanna continue to win.

It feels like a shift has happened and the dems if they don't win this election and they blame black men, and black men accept the blame, the dems will realize, 'oh shyt' we need them, we actually have to give them something.


Sep 11, 2015
You may not. Unfortunately you are in the minority. Any plan to help black men as a whole will address the issues that most face.

Hispanic men DO need Education and helathcare

The ACA has done a GREAT job closing the insurance Gap between black people and others.

Talk of preserving and expanding the ACA IS supporting a very successful program for black men. Without it we go back to 20%+ uninsured.

But beyond that, there’s plenty of other things outside of Helath insurance that leads to our worse health outcomes. And some of that is education. We don’t trust doctors, we don’t understand the importance of going to the doctor. Doctors don’t understand us. That is a thing that needs to be addressed through education and culture.

as far as job training goes. It’s money for training but also outreach programs to connect black men with opportunities and incentivize job makers to connect with talented black folks.

All that is fine and dandy, but like I told the last poster, Tariq and Umar, and other grassroot cats like your Dwann B and other folks who are latching on to that energy will emerge as the so call voices and these candidates will have to see them to get their votes and the people who also carry that same energy that they carry.

Black folks are starting to hear their message and avoid supporting the dems. Some are just not participating and others are going Rep. You can see the shift happening, the noise is loud.

They are down right destroying Kamala, she's fighting against the very black people who once supported her party. That crowd is growing by the day.

It will get worse if she lose and the blame is cast on men, which we all know that it will and that would be even more bad because now the black men can say, and see, that you truly need us and now you have to come to the table with something or you will never win again.

Like I said, you all can say they don't need to sit down with these folks, call them griters etc, but those griters are making black folks turn on the Dems and they will continue to do that until the Dems produce something, they will make it their mission to destroy the party

All that is needed is a crack and that crack has happened, if the Dems/Kamala lose, close, the crack gets big, but if she gets washed, the crack gets even bigger and the dems will have no other choice but to produce something.

Scaring folks into voting, cosplaying, shaming, and other little tricks that worked in 1996, 2000, 2004 etc won't work anymore on black folks, they will have to 1. sit down with a Tariq, Umar or folks who have their energy and get asked the tough questions and be held accountable, and 2. they will have to produce something if they are elected.

These is how things are shaping up. The next election if the Dems lose this one will be harder for that Dem candidate if they are running the same play. Each year going forward will be much harder.

Kamala needs to win to by some time. The party will collapse.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
So if we dont trust doctors or "understand the importance of going to the doctor", then that means black men dont care about Healthcare:mjlol:. So why is that on the agenda for black men?
Because black men NEED to start caring about healthcare so we quit dying from preventable shyt.

You don’t care about the fact that we die from shyt that’s totally preventable and treatable? Do you even care about black men :usure:

And what black men have enough crypto assets to care if they are protected. Most of us invested in crypto completely understanding we can lose it all. Crypto is a hail mary yolo play for most of us,not an "investment" /asset we are worried about being protected. It’s mostly unregulated and mostly garbage just like the stock market lol.
I said nothing about Crypto. I don’t think that’s a thing that really matters, but it’s funny you take this stance here cause if you go online black men do “care” about crypto and investments

So according to your previous stance she should talk about this….no? :lupe:
Michelle Obamas agenda was far better than this one. Made it a point to get to the kids early,and even ban certain foods and regulate the ammounts they could have.
Yes nutrition is important. The things Michelle implemented are still being used, what would you like to Kamala to do with regard to nutrition?

If anything it comes back to Education. Teaching young black men the importance of health and nutrition.
This is the disconnect i am talking about. These seem more like ideas she was given from corporations,healthcare industry and millionaires to enrich themselves.
No, you are reaching for a disconnect, cause that’s what you sought out from the jump.
How does a black woman who went to an hbcu not understand what the black people actually care about or want?
You have not even said what you think black people care about.

Just complaining and contrarian bullshyt.
I said we needed knowledge of self added to the cirriculum and was laughed out of a thread.
Education :ohhh:

But yall trying to sell us that teaching black men about how good doctors are is a tangible:mjlol:
So you don’t think black men dying early is an issue that should be addressed?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
All that is fine and dandy, but like I told the last poster, Tariq and Umar, and other grassroot cats like your Dwann B and other folks who are latching on to that energy will emerge as the so call voices and these candidates will have to see them to get their votes and the people who also carry that same energy that they carry.

Black folks are starting to hear their message and avoid supporting the dems. Some are just not participating and others are going Rep. You can see the shift happening, the noise is loud.

They are down right destroying Kamala, she's fighting against the very black people who once supported her party. That crowd is growing by the day.

It will get worse if she lose and the blame is cast on men, which we all know that it will and that would be even more bad because now the black men can say, and see, that you truly need us and now you have to come to the table with something or you will never win again.

Like I said, you all can say they don't need to sit down with these folks, call them griters etc, but those griters are making black folks turn on the Dems and they will continue to do that until the Dems produce something, they will make it their mission to destroy the party

All that is needed is a crack and that crack has happened, if the Dems/Kamala lose, close, the crack gets big, but if she gets washed, the crack gets even bigger and the dems will have no other choice but to produce something.

Scaring folks into voting, cosplaying, shaming, and other little tricks that worked in 1996, 2000, 2004 etc won't work anymore on black folks, they will have to 1. sit down with a Tariq, Umar or folks who have their energy and get asked the tough questions and be held accountable, and 2. they will have to produce something if they are elected.

These is how things are shaping up. The next election if the Dems lose this one will be harder for that Dem candidate if they are running the same play. Each year going forward will be much harder.

Kamala needs to win to by some time. The party will collapse.
Not entertaining any talk of tariq or umar being leaders of anything but their own grift.

Them dudes are not leaders. Anytime one of them does some dumb shyt, that’s the first defense yall run “tariq never said he was a leader/expert he just talks about issue”

Now you goofballs are calling for that nikka to be an adviser to the POTUS.

Get the fukk outa here with that shyt :mjlol: