First of all,dont you dare press us about black specefic policy/ legislation when youve never pressed the Democrats. But Im glad you finally asked.
The Home Depreciation act- Homes will begin to depreciate,which will allow people an opportunity to buy old homes at a fraction of the price. More people will become home owners and be able to save more income. This will close the racial wealth gap in the country. Houses depreciating will help promote more building of apartments. Currently zoning is an issue,as home owners dont want apartments near them, it hurts the property values and price gouging.
Riches for snitches policy- just like we have with the state lotterys. We will have a fund that offers cash for tips for crimes. Nobody knows the ammount that will be offered. You may get a text alert offering 10K for info on a purse snatching. You may get 50K for information on smash and grab suspects. People would be too afraid to do crimes with money on their heads.
Lean on Me Act- This is a law that holds the teachers/politicans accountable for failing schools. We also will invest money to add wings to schools,or build other schools. We will do our best to teach the children. But for those who dont wanns act right? We have a wing of the school thats militarized. Harsher discipline,light verbal abuse,physical punishments just like the military. Parents may not like it,but its this or you can teach them at home. If they want out,they will have to self correct. This will also help strengthen the U.S military by offering pre-training.
Criminal deportation act- You want to be a habitual criminal and terrorize black people? You wanna represent gang gang? You are subject to be deported to another state like Idaho where we think it would be difficult for you to continue gang banging. And for the more heinous criminals,you are subject to be deported to a underfunded prison in Guatamala or Congo. Cant promise you wont be killed on arrival. In exchange for our prisoners+cash,we will take one of their brightest black and brown people who want to come to America.
The Cut The Check Initiative-Reperations in the trillions are put into a Black Central Bank. Not every black person will recieve the money. But the money will specefically be for black people. Black people who are willing to live and build up infrsstructure,trucking businesses in concentrated areas. There will be a special council of righteous black men/women to oversee the funds.
The We Were Already Here Doctrine(Indigenious Rights)- There were some black natives who were already here in the Americas. We were mixed in with the Africans during the trans atlantic slave trade. Therefore black people should also be given some land rights like the Indians. We dont need much,maybe just a mere 500 acres set aside. This will be for the few black people who dont want to leave the country,but would still like to live one with nature. Living like indegionus black people did before colonization.
Reperations in the form of grants to leave the country-This will benefit us,as well as the whites who want their country back.
How will I get it passed? I think enough cacs would be on board with most of this. Most of these sound like punishments on the surface,but would actually benefit the black community,and would benefit other races. Ill let the democrats figure all that out. Really we just want something comprehensive that tells us Democrats have been thinking about it. We are sick of them bringing us ideas they clearly just put together,right before they stepped into that black church to cut a promo. Now,go take this to your leaders and maybe it will help them brainstorm
