When was the last time you heard this curry eating, faking the funk asshalf-breed bedwench said ANYTHING supportive to the black community?
prolly assumes she's gonna get it easily.
When was the last time you heard this curry eating, faking the funk asshalf-breed bedwench said ANYTHING supportive to the black community?
Kamala Harris tweets fundraiser for Stacey Abrams, but Harris may keep half"Stacey Abrams could still win or force a runoff, despite her Republican opponent's rampant voter suppression," she wrote, linking to the fundraiser. "Donate here to make sure every vote is counted in Georgia."
But some were critical when they noted that by default, 50 percent of donations go to Harris herself, unless donors opt to adjust the ratio.
"NOTE: Your contribution will be divided evenly between Stacey Abrams and Kamala Harris," the text above the donation buttons reads. "Click here to allocate amounts differently."
Some said the ratio was clearly marked and easy to adjust.
"It says right where you donate," wrote Jessamyn Harris of the disclaimer and note about adjusting the ratio. "And then you can easily do so."
But others saw it as a cash grab in poor taste.
General Kamala Harris on Wednesday vaguely acknowledged The Intercept’s report about her declining to prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank for foreclosure violations in 2013, but offered no explanation.
“It’s a decision my office made,” she said, in response to questions from The Hill shortly after being sworn in as California’s newest U.S. senator.
“We went and we followed the facts and the evidence, and it’s a decision my office made,” Harris said. “We pursued it just like any other case. We go and we take a case wherever the facts lead us.”
Mnuchin is Donald Trump’s nominee to run the Treasury Department, and served as CEO of OneWest from 2009 to 2015. In an internal memopublished on Tuesday by The Intercept, prosecutors at the California attorney general’s office said they had found over a thousand violations of foreclosure laws by his bank during that time, and predicted that further investigation would uncover many thousands more.
But the investigation into what the memo called “widespread misconduct” was closed after Harris’s office declined to file a civil enforcement action against the bank.
it's time to put you on ignore breh
there's a difference between ignorance and stupidity. ignorance is lack of knowledge, stupidity is insisting on being a fukking idiot in spite of having knowledge
you're a sellout of the highest order and if you are indeed black, you're the epitome of everything that's wrong with black political thought these days
and this is why we lose, and lose, and lose, ad infinitum
thankfully people are waking up to the bullshyt you and your ilk are selling![]()
the nail in the coffin ladies and gentlemen
This line of thinking is why the Democrats don’t respect the black vote.
California Prosecutor Falsifies Transcript of ConfessionBut here’s another doozy: The People (of California) v. Efrain Velasco-Palacios. In this unpublished opinion from the Fifth Appellate District, the California Court of Appeal reveals that state prosecutors and California Attorney General Kamala Harris continue to be part of the problem. Kern County prosecutor Robert Murray committed “outrageous government misconduct.” Ms. Harris and her staff defended the indefensible—California State prosecutor Murray flat out falsified a transcript of a defendant’s confession.
We are not going to let her get that farLol ppl acting like Kamala has secured the nomination.
How about demanding more from your candidate other than the tired old mantra “well, the democrats are the lesser of the two evils.”so vote for Trump?
What the fukc are you getting at?
There are other democratic nominees in the mix. Kamala and Trump aren't the only options.so vote for Trump?
What the fukc are you getting at?
How about demanding more from your candidate other than the tired old mantra “well, the democrats are the lesser of the two evils.”
There are other democratic nominees in the mix. Kamala and Trump aren't the only options.
@Ghost Utmost I was going to write a long reply reply but I’ll just leave it. Anyone can see this whole “let’s get our foot in the door first and worry about policy later” has screwed us over for decades.
At least with Obama, before he was elected, he didn’t have a chequered history like Kamala. If she somehow wins the primaries, Trump is going to effortlessly mop the floor with her.
But hey, let’s worry about that after 2021 eh?