Hold up..
So the Saiyan race send BABY Kakkrot... emphasis on BABY…to a planet where they deem pretty low power level to destroy it. Being able to sense power levels on earth is useless since people on earth can hide power levels. So they sent Kakrot on a dummy mission from the rip.

So they sent a baby here to do a job, which btw, violates every child labor laws known. Which is fukked up by the way for a few reasons.
1. Even if Goku did the mission, how was he suppose to get back to Planet Vegeta. He was supposed to as a baby hop back in the space ship and fly back. How would he know how to work a space ship.He a BABY!

How was he supposed to eat after he killed everyone?He a BABY! They set this nikka up to fail. Sooooo
2. They left him there. This nikka was a baby when he arrived. Raditz knew where the little nikka was. Raditz never checked on his so called little brother til Goku had his own baby. If I was an orphan and I find out that my older brother knew where I was this whole time and ain’t come get me. Man fukk him!
The man that finds him, Gohan, feeds him, takes care of him, and actually does him a favor by removing his tail. You admire that man so much, cause Gohan aint have to do that. Goku admired that man so much that he named his son after him. Goku becomes the man on this planet. Get his own wife and his own crew. But the brother that left me alone by MYSELF for decades, pops back up and says “Hey homie we thugs on this side…. Time to roll up and destroy this place.”
And Goku was just supposed to be like

…. You right let’s kill the only people and place I ever known. fukk Gohan and him taking care of me when my brother left me for decades. The nikka Raditz didn’t even tell Goku hey after we destroy this place, we really ain’t got nowhere to go bc….ummm we got evicted.
Nah Goku was right to fukk Raditz up.