kneeegrooo pleaseThe work required to become a supreme court justice requires so much work that they are don't have time to read about other people's opinions or current events that are not related to their jobs.
They are so busy yet alito and thomas always have time to attend partisan political events and stay up to date with right wing politics
Antonin Scalia Got So Upset Reading the Washington Post That He Canceled His Subscription
Antonin Scalia Got So Upset Reading the Washington Post That He Canceled His Subscription
Don't you want your Supreme Court justices to be a bit more unflappable than that?
These are not the rhetoric of someone that doesn't keep up to date with right wing maga media
Justice Samuel Alito Delivers Series of Highly Alarming Partisan Remarks; Racism Impairs Brain Performance, and More - Fair360
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito makes irksome and controversial speech before the conservative Federalist Society.
Not only is this the laziest and most partisan court in history, they also have clerks who do most of the work for them
you must think it's the top lawyers at prestigious law firms doing all the back breaking work as well and not their poor,highly ambitious paralegals and
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